The destruction of the traditional family, the DNC's biggest accomplishment

It’s a shame that some people are more concerned about a family being made up of a male and female than they are about the love, trust and respect the family is built on. A child raised in a loving same sex family is better off than one who has multiple step parents and has never been shown what a committed relationship is.
Wrong. What you are seeing are the results of the complete destruction of the middleclass, due to 40 years of Reaganomics of the redistribution of $60 trillion to the morbidly rich, and corporations, and the repeal of anti trust laws that allowed companies to end pensions and other benefits for their employees.

This destroyed the ability for a working father to be the main bread winner, pay for a home, save for the kids college, and retire with dignity with a pension, and Social Security benefits.

How do you think the nuclear family was formed, and existed dumbass?

Thanks to the outright criminal acts of that administration, the Bush administration, and Trump adminstration. Both parents, that is households that still have two parents, are both forced to work now, with no supervision over the kids, those households that even have kids. With no hope of any real benefits, pensions, and having to work into their late 60's and even 70's.

You tax cuts for the rich dipshits voted for this, and you own it. Lock, Stock, and Barrel.

As usual another failed conservative that won't or is incapable of accepting responsibility for their actions.
You take no responsibility even though you truly want communism as a government.
Pretty much.

I've posted this numerous times already but enough people notice it.

The wef declared America's dominance is over. Notice it is an "agenda" of theirs. They didn't predict it or guess, they declared it. And what's the best way to destroy America? By weakening it's society, we make America strong, families with American morals, values, standards and pride. If you errode away at those things you ruin us as a nation.

It also doesn't help we have organizations like planned parenthood. Here is an agenda list of theirs from a memo.

All this border stuff is going to backfire big time on the leftards.

Latinos are all about family, and leftards won't be able to destroy that.

Latina moms walk WITH their kids to school every morning. They care.
The Left is at war with Christianity, just look at how Biden has gone after the Catholic church with the FBI, or concerned parents at school board meetings about drag queens twerking their ass in the face of their toddler at school to see that.

And the IRS targeted groups under Obama with words in their name that suggested they were Christian,, assuming they opposed the DNC because they are so rabidly pro abortion etc.

The GOP is a nonentity as far as I'm concerned. They virtually do nothing other than take the blame from the Left for any ill that happens within society.
LOL Biden has gone after the Catholic Church, really? The guy who proudly trots out his Catholic heritage, that guy? :auiqs.jpg: You retards sure do wear your tin-foil hat proudly.

But hey, go ahead, provide proof that Biden goes after the Catholic Church. Show us what you got. Go.
LOL Biden has gone after the Catholic Church, really? The guy who proudly trots out his Catholic heritage, that guy? :auiqs.jpg: You retards sure do wear your tin-foil hat proudly.

But hey, go ahead, provide proof that Biden goes after the Catholic Church. Show us what you got. Go.

Celery Stalk is no practicing Catholic

Mush Brain gave the sign of the cross at a Planned Parenthood event. Seriously?
All this border stuff is going to backfire big time on the leftards.

Latinos are all about family, and leftards won't be able to destroy that.

Latina moms walk WITH their kids to school every morning. They care.

Yes, decent, moral and average Latinos are about family.

But that who isn't flooding the border. The ones crossing the border and criminals, dopeheads, and crazy people that care nothing about america. They just want to come here to squat and get free shit.

Sure there might be a few good ones coming over but there are few of them.

The border isn't backfiring because it's doing exactly what it's intended to do. Cause problems, chaos, financially ruining cities, pissing off Americans, a rise in crime, and it's also watering down white Christian men and women which is the back bone of America.
You know what is going to make this better?

Outlawing abortion.
LOL Biden has gone after the Catholic Church, really? The guy who proudly trots out his Catholic heritage, that guy? :auiqs.jpg: You retards sure do wear your tin-foil hat proudly.

But hey, go ahead, provide proof that Biden goes after the Catholic Church. Show us what you got. Go.

The Department of Justice released a report to Congress on Thursday that concluded that the analysts who created an internal memo linking traditionalist Catholics to violent extremists “failed to adhere to FBI standards” but showed no evidence of “malicious intent.”

Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s 10-page report found no evidence that anyone ordered either of the unidentified analysts who authored the memo to find a link between racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists (RMVEs) and members of any religion or political affiliation. The report concluded there was no “underlying policy direction” indicating a link.

“We also found no evidence that Analyst 1 or 2 took investigative steps beyond searching FBI and other databases to obtain information for the [memo],” the report said.

The since-retracted leaked memo, dated Jan. 23, 2023, originated from the bureau’s Richmond, Virginia, office. It claimed that racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists will likely become more interested in “radical-traditionalist Catholic ideology” within the next 12 to 24 months “in the run-up to the next general election cycle.”

The U.S. bishops, along with many Catholic leaders, condemned the memo after it was leaked to the press. Additionally, lawmakers, some of whom have accused the FBI of targeting traditionalist Catholics, have demanded answers from the Department of Justice as to how, why and through whom the document came to be.

The report, which Horowitz said included only a “limited review” due to time constraints given by Congress, focused on the work of two unnamed analysts who were the main authors behind the memo titled: “Interest of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists in Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology Almost Certainly Presents New Mitigation Opportunities.”

Both analysts denied targeting anyone for practicing their faith, with one of them saying suggestions that his motivations included anti-Catholic bias are “patently false.”
It’s a shame that some people are more concerned about a family being made up of a male and female than they are about the love, trust and respect the family is built on. A child raised in a loving same sex family is better off than one who has multiple step parents and has never been shown what a committed relationship is.

Why the Left Hates Patriarchy — and Why It Must beRestoredLuis MiguelPatriarchy. Among the Left, the word has —along with other “triggering” terms such as“fascism” and “homophobia” — become anencapsulation of everything hateful.Go to any feminist event, be it a march infavor of legalizing abortion or a rally for theEqual Rights Amendment, and you’re likelyto see several hand-made signs with somevariation of “Down With the Patriarchy.”So what exactly is it about patriarchy thatmakes leftist snowflakes’ blood boil over?Feminists’ loose definition of “patriarchy”refers to a system in which men are incharge, and — in their mind — this impliesthe exclusion of women.This straw man the Left has created certainly sounds terrifying. Often, conversations or depictions ofpatriarchy summon images out of The Handmaid’s Tale: women with leashes being led around aschattel slaves.But again, as with most of the Left’s boogeymen, the specifics of the term’s meaning are few. Talibanrule of Afghanistan is a patriarchy. But a man holding a door open for a woman is apparentlypatriarchy, too, as is a man explaining to a woman how to fix a household appliance or a wife cookingdinner for her husband.It’s the same as with the notorious and oft-repeated “fascist.” It simply describes anything the word’susers — in this case, disgruntled feminists — don’t like. But is patriarchy something society should flee from, or embrace?It’s a useful heuristic that if the Left is rabidly, obsessively against something, then it’s at least worthlooking into to see if it has value.In fact, restoring patriarchy as a major component of the right-wing movement specifically and ofAmerican and western society in general is crucial to restoring our culture.Patriarchy is about the leadership of men, certainly. But, unlike the characterization feminists havecreated, it has nothing to do with subjecting or objectifying women, much less eroding theirconstitutionally protected natural rights.On the contrary, exercised properly, patriarchy creates a stable and mutually beneficial relationshipbetween men and women that leads to happy marriages, strong families, and prosperous societies.In reality, patriarchy is the natural order of the family and society. And we know what happens when wedisrupt the natural order of things — disorder, conflict, and misery are inevitable. And isn’t thatprecisely what so much of society has devolved into?
You know what is going to make this better?

Outlawing abortion.
If society is run by murderers then you can't outlaw murder, or they will just ignore the law.

The key is, how can we make society value human life again?
If society is run by murderers then you can't outlaw murder, or they will just ignore the law.

The key is, how can we make society value human life again?
Our society values money more than human life.

It's made us rich but also callous.

It's not going to change.
Its incumbent on the OP to show that this is a blue thing. This assertion has not been supported, only made.
I remember looking at the web site of BLM. Originally, they put on there they were against the Patriarchal family, which they later took down after people critiqued them for it because Black society is in shambles due to single parent homes.

But the Left has always been traditionally against Patriarchial families, as you will find this at any Left wing university around the country where they chant gas the Jews.

Speaking of Jews, there is no group more persecuted than the Jews. There is no one chanting gas the blacks, yet Jews prosper as where the Black culture does not despite the persecution of the Jews vs. Blacks. Why? They believe in traditional families and value education, instead of saying things like, math is racist.
Our society values money more than human life.

It's made us rich but also callous.

It's not going to change.

The abortion industry is a billion dollar industry that sells baby parts.

And people would rather kill their child than have to pay for them and raise them.

In fact, the majority of abortions are done because of money.

The love of money rules!!

The abortion industry is a billion dollar industry that sells baby parts.

And people would rather kill their child than have to pay for them and raise them.

In fact, the majority of abortions are done because of money.

The love of money rules!!
Paid maternity leave? Bad for shareholders.
SNAP benefits for kids? Too much money from taxpayers.

Oh and COVID? No, we won't wear a mask. Only old people die from COVID and they're useless to society.
Democrats are working with the WEF to collapse America and usher in a WEF globalist takeover.

When you realize democrats are working with America's enemies to collapse America, suddenly everything they support will make perfect sense.

Democrats and rinos are beyond corrupt. They are treasonous.

Democrats and Rinos need to be held accountable in a Nuremberg 2.0.

Democrats = WEF
Nothing you say ever comes to fruition.
^^^ supports pedophile assistance laws like the one in Washington.

How many times a day do you think about pedophilia?
The Left is at war with Christianity, just look at how Biden has gone after the Catholic church with the FBI, or concerned parents at school board meetings about drag queens twerking their ass in the face of their toddler at school to see that.

And the IRS targeted groups under Obama with words in their name that suggested they were Christian,, assuming they opposed the DNC because they are so rabidly pro abortion etc.

The GOP is a nonentity as far as I'm concerned. They virtually do nothing other than take the blame from the Left for any ill that happens within society.
You sound like a frustrated crazy person that would do something crazy.

The Department of Justice released a report to Congress on Thursday that concluded that the analysts who created an internal memo linking traditionalist Catholics to violent extremists “failed to adhere to FBI standards” but showed no evidence of “malicious intent.”

Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s 10-page report found no evidence that anyone ordered either of the unidentified analysts who authored the memo to find a link between racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists (RMVEs) and members of any religion or political affiliation. The report concluded there was no “underlying policy direction” indicating a link.

“We also found no evidence that Analyst 1 or 2 took investigative steps beyond searching FBI and other databases to obtain information for the [memo],” the report said.

The since-retracted leaked memo, dated Jan. 23, 2023, originated from the bureau’s Richmond, Virginia, office. It claimed that racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists will likely become more interested in “radical-traditionalist Catholic ideology” within the next 12 to 24 months “in the run-up to the next general election cycle.”

The U.S. bishops, along with many Catholic leaders, condemned the memo after it was leaked to the press. Additionally, lawmakers, some of whom have accused the FBI of targeting traditionalist Catholics, have demanded answers from the Department of Justice as to how, why and through whom the document came to be.

The report, which Horowitz said included only a “limited review” due to time constraints given by Congress, focused on the work of two unnamed analysts who were the main authors behind the memo titled: “Interest of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists in Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology Almost Certainly Presents New Mitigation Opportunities.”

Both analysts denied targeting anyone for practicing their faith, with one of them saying suggestions that his motivations included anti-Catholic bias are “patently false.”
Two idiots in the Richmond VA office wrote up a report? That's it? That is your smoking-gun evidence that Biden is going after Catholics? :auiqs.jpg:

Careful. Your tin-foil hat is screwed on too tight.

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