Let's Talk About Handouts Folks

How is this for nuance. If a burger flipper gets paid $50/hr as proposed by one of your Democratic lunatic politicians in CA, do you think the guy doing skilled labor making $55/hr will also get a boost? It doesn’t work that way. Everyone’s wages don’t get a boost just because the min. wage goes up. That means the guys still making $55/hr will have a net loss when they have to pay $20 for a McDonalds value meal.

You guys are just plain and simple stupid.
Nobody working at McDonalds is going to get paid $55/hr you dumb motherfucker.
LOL like I'm going to divulge my personal financial information on a message board. Evidently you think you've made it in life, which is great. But I get it you think nothing can improve in the future because in your delusional mind you dont want anyone to gain any advantage you didnt have. By your own admission you're an old person who is nearing the end of their life. It's people like you that make this country suck. Fortunately, you dont have much more time on this Earth and the sooner you're out of here, the better for everyone else.

PS Just a wild guess here but I'm guessing you're doing more than writing covered calls. At age 72, you actually think that is wise taking on that type of risk?
Are you kidding? This guy wants to remove the social safety nets that we’re there for him when he was coming up.

Its like climbing a ladder and then doing away with the ladder and wonder why the next generation is struggling.

When I went to college eastern Michigan university was $5k a year and Michigan state was $6k. So my brother and I were able to work our way through college and graduate debt free, with a little help from dad.

Now, I will say this. I‘ve seen a lot of stupid 20 something year olds rack up the student debt rather than have a part time job. That’s their choice.
it was 10% annually of annual starting pay you would get when graduate. About the same nowdays.
I don’t feel sorry for people with student debt. Could have went to community college. Didn’t have to finish in 4 years.

I strongly recommend getting at least an associates degree. Then get a job. That employer might pay for college.
Hahahaha….Leftists actually brag about this retarded Twilight Zone bullshit.
The purple hair people IM2 and sealybobo continue to bitch about low wages while they brag about this illiterate “robust labor force” from the thirdworld.
The loony koooks don’t even know…the larger the labor pool the lower the wages.
The poor bastards can’t get out of their own way…hahahaha
“About 50 percent of the labor market’s extraordinary recent growth came from foreign-born workers between January 2023 and January 2024, according to an Economic Policy Institute analysis of federal data. And even before that, by the middle of 2022, the foreign-born labor force had grown so fast that it closed the labor force gap created by the pandemic, according to research from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.”
What I do know since I have actually run a business, is that nothing you say has to be. Business owners do not have to pay themselves 100 times what their workers make. So instead of the CEO making 50,000 a day and the workes making 100, Everybody can make 500 dolars a day and live comfortably without prices having to rise.
LOL like I'm going to divulge my personal financial information on a message board. Evidently you think you've made it in life, which is great. But I get it you think nothing can improve in the future because in your delusional mind you dont want anyone to gain any advantage you didnt have. By your own admission you're an old person who is nearing the end of their life. It's people like you that make this country suck. Fortunately, you dont have much more time on this Earth and the sooner you're out of here, the better for everyone else.

PS Just a wild guess here but I'm guessing you're doing more than writing covered calls. At age 72, you actually think that is wise taking on that type of risk?
/——-/ What advantage did I have besides living in the greatest country in the history of the world with the guarantee of equal opportunity?
Secondly, if you understood how covered calls work, you’d realize there is no risk at all.
And, what advantage do I want anyone else to not gain? What’s in it for me to keep others down? Conservatives want everyone to succeed. Live and let live.
/——-/ What advantage did I have besides living in the greatest country in the history of the world with the guarantee of equal opportunity?
Secondly, if you understood how covered calls work, you’d realize there is no risk at all.
And, what advantage do I want anyone else to not gain? What’s in it for me to keep others down? Conservatives want everyone to succeed. Live and let live.
How fucking stupid are you? I said I hope you arent doing MORE than covered calls (although obviously you are), you dumb fuck.
What I do know since I have actually run a business, is that nothing you say has to be. Business owners do not have to pay themselves 100 times what their workers make. So instead of the CEO making 50,000 a day and the workes making 100, Everybody can make 500 dolars a day and live comfortably without prices having to rise.
Companies/ CEO’s pay exactly what they have to pay and nothing more. They are in business to make as much money as they can and for no other reason. They don’t care about you.
The larger the labor pool the less they have to pay you and the more they pay themselves.
Companies/ CEO’s pay exactly what they have to pay and nothing more. They are in business to make as much money as they can and for no other reason. They don’t care about you.
The larger the labor pool the less they have to pay you and the more they pay themselves.
Again, having run a businsess, I don't believe what you say is the best model. It has prioven to have been a failure due to several recessions and near depressions. It also has shown to be a failure due to how wealth is concentrated in this country. So like I said, a CEO is really nothing without production workers. Therefore both should be paid equally.
How fucking stupid are you? I said I hope you arent doing MORE than covered calls (although obviously you are), you dumb fuck.
/——/ Cash secured puts, and some stocks ran up and I took money off the table when they began selling off like SOUN, SMCI, DJT and DWAC.
Again, having run a businsess, I don't believe what you say is the best model. It has prioven to have been a failure due to several recessions and near depressions. It also has shown to be a failure due to how wealth is concentrated in this country. So like I said, a CEO is really nothing without production workers. Therefore both should be paid equally.
I wouldn’t call your lemonade stand a business.
I don’t feel sorry for people with student debt. Could have went to community college. Didn’t have to finish in 4 years.

I strongly recommend getting at least an associates degree. Then get a job. That employer might pay for college.

An accidental smart post from your ilk. I recommend Vocational Trade schools, also. Learn something useful.
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Meanwhile they get billions in Government subsidies annually. I'm gong to list the top 25. But the link will be to the top 100.

The dough corporations are kicking back to our politicians is a part of the huge cost of crime paid by our country's honest citizens.
I dont think that you dumb fucker. It's impossible to have any type of nuanced conversation with you know nothings...it's always extremes ie I supposedly think a janitor and ceo should have equal pay. You're stupid. It is a fact the US has the greatest pay disparity in the world.

Maybe that's why we are the most successful.
The dough corporations are kicking back to our politicians is a part of the huge cost of crime paid by our country's honest citizens.

Right. During the intentional FLU launch, they left open all big donor stores but shutdown regular Joe.

You could buy a mattress at Costco or Walmart but not at Mattress world.
What I do know since I have actually run a business, is that nothing you say has to be. Business owners do not have to pay themselves 100 times what their workers make. So instead of the CEO making 50,000 a day and the workes making 100, Everybody can make 500 dolars a day and live comfortably without prices having to rise.

Such stupidity.
What is now MAGA started with Reagan. Reagan was good at one thing, race pimping low to moderate-income whites. He used welfare as a racial issue whereby he created the lie that “working-class whites” were paying their hard-earned money to support lazy, shiftless blacks who wanted nothing more than a free handout. That was race hustle 101.

“Corporate welfare often subsidizes failing and mismanaged businesses and induces firms to spend more time on lobbying rather than on making better products. Instead of correcting market failures, federal subsidies misallocate resources and introduce government failures into the marketplace.”

The problem with making welfare about nonwhites and poor white people is that wealthy whites get most of the government handouts and always have. People yell and scream about welfare to the poor because they have been race-baited to envision a black woman with many little kids looking different following her around like baby ducks. But the major recipients of welfare are white men wearing black and blue suits who get up every morning and drive to work in their Mercedes or Range Rovers.

“The American government spends more on corporate welfare than it does on food stamps and financial assistance for needy families with children.”

The extent of the bait and pimp strategy to divert the attention of working-class whites away from who was taking from them is legendary. Welfare has been used to race-hustle low to moderate-income whites into voting against their best interest. For most of the last 30 years, Americans from one party have put people into public office at nearly every level of government with a philosophy of “government is worthless” and “we must cut taxes for the rich.” These politicians souped up the white working class with claims of how everybody else is getting benefits on the white man’s dime.

Meanwhile they get billions in Government subsidies annually. I'm gong to list the top 25. But the link will be to the top 100.

Subsidy Tracker Top 100 Parent Companies​

(Covers federal, state and local awards combined.)

3Ford Motor$7,742,056,086703
4General Motors$7,550,136,090786
5Micron Technology$6,856,681,91519
8Cheniere Energy$5,617,152,52343
9Foxconn Technology Group (Hon Hai Precision Industry Company)$4,820,110,11274
10Texas Instruments$4,286,328,86969
12Sempra Energy$3,878,692,26451
13NRG Energy$3,405,383,876264
14Venture Global LNG$3,285,883,5666
15NextEra Energy$3,008,691,129116
17Tesla Inc.$2,829,855,494114
20Walt Disney$2,483,328,762255
22Hyundai Motor$2,349,743,47018
24Shell PLC$2,211,676,001132

These are government handouts.

What about the handout of gifting property with personhood?
Probably the biggest mistake of all time.
Say a CEO mkes $1million annual salary.

If he has 10,000 employees making $50K that is ~$1B total employment cost at (2X pay total employee cost).

If the CEO put $900K of his pay back into labor, they would get a $90.00/year increase. Find another way to compete Globally you dumb OXYEN. shareholders-Board members approve CEO pay packages in some cases.

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