Obama Corruption

Campaign contributions from Goldman Sachs employees to President Obama are nearly seven times as much as President Bush received from Enron workers, according to numbers on OpenSecrets.org.

President Bush's connections to Enron were well-hyped during the company's accounting debacle that rippled through the economy. Time magazine even had an article called, "Bush's Enron Problem." The Associated Press ran with the headline, "Bush-backing Enron makes big money off crisis." David Callaway wrote that Enron for Bush was worse than Whitewater for Clinton.

Is Goldman Obama's Enron? No, it's worse | Washington Examiner

Wow... libs are either taking their daily 4 hour nap instead of working or they just don't like this thread very much.
Is Goldman Obama's Enron? No, it's worse
By: J.P. Freire
Associate Commentary Editor
04/20/10 1:41 PM EDT

Financial professional work in the Goldman Sachs booth on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange in New York City. (Photo by Chris Hondros/Getty Images)

Campaign contributions from Goldman Sachs employees to President Obama are nearly seven times as much as President Bush received from Enron workers, according to numbers on OpenSecrets.org.

President Bush's connections to Enron were well-hyped during the company's accounting debacle that rippled through the economy. Time magazine even had an article called, "Bush's Enron Problem." The Associated Press ran with the headline, "Bush-backing Enron makes big money off crisis." David Callaway wrote that Enron for Bush was worse than Whitewater for Clinton.

But the mere $151,722.42 (inflation adjusted) in contributions from Enron-affiliated executives, employees, and PACs to Bush hardly add up to Obama's $1,007,370.85 (inflation adjusted) from Goldman-affiliated executives and employees. That's also not taking into account how much Goldman contributed to Obama cabinet member Hillary Clinton ($415,595.63 inflation adjusted), which was itself almost three times as much as Bush received as well.

It would be fair to say that the total amount the Obama administration has received from those affiliated with Goldman Sachs is ten times that of what Bush received from Enron.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Is Goldman Obama's Enron? No, it's worse | Washington Examiner

I thought there would be a hundred threads from liberazls screaming for Obama head over this. Cannot love big business any more than this. But I thought liberals hated big business? Esp the FAT CATS ON WALL ST?

Hypocrite lately libs?

Oh I forgot. When will Obama be returning the million he got from the FAT CATS he claims to hate?

Dont you just love liars and hypocrites? Their lies and double standards always come back to bite them in the ass. LOL
hey goldmans profits were way up.....not to mention two of their compettitors went poof......and last but not least....who did timmy and hank used to work for .....
Is Goldman Obama's Enron? No, it's worse
By: J.P. Freire
Associate Commentary Editor
04/20/10 1:41 PM EDT

Financial professional work in the Goldman Sachs booth on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange in New York City. (Photo by Chris Hondros/Getty Images)

Campaign contributions from Goldman Sachs employees to President Obama are nearly seven times as much as President Bush received from Enron workers, according to numbers on OpenSecrets.org.

President Bush's connections to Enron were well-hyped during the company's accounting debacle that rippled through the economy. Time magazine even had an article called, "Bush's Enron Problem." The Associated Press ran with the headline, "Bush-backing Enron makes big money off crisis." David Callaway wrote that Enron for Bush was worse than Whitewater for Clinton.

But the mere $151,722.42 (inflation adjusted) in contributions from Enron-affiliated executives, employees, and PACs to Bush hardly add up to Obama's $1,007,370.85 (inflation adjusted) from Goldman-affiliated executives and employees. That's also not taking into account how much Goldman contributed to Obama cabinet member Hillary Clinton ($415,595.63 inflation adjusted), which was itself almost three times as much as Bush received as well.

It would be fair to say that the total amount the Obama administration has received from those affiliated with Goldman Sachs is ten times that of what Bush received from Enron.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Is Goldman Obama's Enron? No, it's worse | Washington Examiner

I thought there would be a hundred threads from liberazls screaming for Obama head over this. Cannot love big business any more than this. But I thought liberals hated big business? Esp the FAT CATS ON WALL ST?

Hypocrite lately libs?


Oh come on, you know that if anybody calls out Obama on anything they are instantly labeled a racist.
Obama raised enormous amounts of cash during his presidential campaign. By far the three most significant contributions came from the following:

In 2007 and 2008, Goldman Sachs employees and family members gave him $994,795, Citigroup Inc. $701,290, and JPMorgan Chase & Co. $695,132.

So we have a current president who has played almost twice as many rounds of golf in his first year as the previous president played in eight. A president who has taken millions of dollars of campaign contributions from the very institutions he now attempts to attack and demonize for political gain. (With nary a word against Fannie or Freddie mind you...:doubt:)

A president who has overseen Iran's quickening pace toward nuclear power during his first year, with reports indicating Iranian nuclear missile capability that could reach the United States by 2015 to be a very real possibility - this same president who walked out on the Israeli Prime Minister during that leader's recent visit to the White House, who gave the Queen of England a collection of his own speeches as a gift, and most recently ,mocked the millions of Americans participating in the Tea Party protests, reminding us all once again of his snide "clinging to their guns and religion" remark during his presidential campaign.

A president whose primary spiritual mentor in Chicago was a radical minister who railed against the evils of America and claimed the United States got what it deserved on September 11th, 2001. A president who appointed devoted Marxist Van Jones to head the national green jobs program from within the White House. A president whose "Diversity Czar" openly admires the Hugo Chavez regime. A president whose communications director praised Chinese communist dictator Mao. A president whose most frequent visitor to the White House is SEIU union leader Andy Stern, a former member of the Saul Alinsky-inspired radical Midwest Academy.

So it is this president, this administration, and this version of the Democrat Party that now moves forward in attempting to initiate sweeping control of our nation's financial system.

Health Care.

Wall Street.

What is next...
The SEC should release its docs and communications with the White House regarding GS.
The SEC should release its docs and communications with the White House regarding GS.

Very much agree!!!


Obama's Wall Street $$$$$


Obama raised enormous amounts of cash during his presidential campaign. By far the three most significant contributions came from the following:

In 2007 and 2008, Goldman Sachs employees and family members gave him $994,795, Citigroup Inc. $701,290, and JPMorgan Chase & Co. $695,132.

So we have a current president who has played almost twice as many rounds of golf in his first year as the previous president played in eight. A president who has taken millions of dollars of campaign contributions from the very institutions he now attempts to attack and demonize for political gain. (With nary a word against Fannie or Freddie mind you...)

A president who has overseen Iran's quickening pace toward nuclear power during his first year, with reports indicating Iranian nuclear missile capability that could reach the United States by 2015 to be a very real possibility - this same president who walked out on the Israeli Prime Minister during that leader's recent visit to the White House, who gave the Queen of England a collection of his own speeches as a gift, and most recently ,mocked the millions of Americans participating in the Tea Party protests, reminding us all once again of his snide "clinging to their guns and religion" remark during his presidential campaign.

A president whose primary spiritual mentor in Chicago was a radical minister who railed against the evils of America and claimed the United States got what it deserved on September 11th, 2001. A president who appointed devoted Marxist Van Jones to head the national green jobs program from within the White House. A president whose "Diversity Czar" openly admires the Hugo Chavez regime. A president whose communications director praised Chinese communist dictator Mao. A president whose most frequent visitor to the White House is SEIU union leader Andy Stern, a former member of the Saul Alinsky-inspired radical Midwest Academy.

So it is this president, this administration, and this version of the Democrat Party that now moves forward in attempting to initiate sweeping control of our nation's financial system.

Health Care.

Wall Street.

What is next...
You know, I wish we'd stop playing these gotcha games. There is no point to it. It doesnt help further debate. It doesn't fix problems that we are actually facing. It doesn't somehow make us superior than someone else.

Why do we waste time with such pointless pursuits? And I say we because I know I'm guilty of it too. I think it's a sign of our own corruption. Something we need to work out of ourselves before we start worrying about others.
You know, I wish we'd stop playing these gotcha games. There is no point to it. It doesnt help further debate. It doesn't fix problems that we are actually facing. It doesn't somehow make us superior than someone else.

Why do we waste time with such pointless pursuits? And I say we because I know I'm guilty of it too. I think it's a sign of our own corruption. Something we need to work out of ourselves before we start worrying about others.

Not sure what you mean, but what is far more clear is Obama's considerable benefit of receiving lots of $$$ from Wall Street...


Obama raised enormous amounts of cash during his presidential campaign. By far the three most significant contributions came from the following:

In 2007 and 2008, Goldman Sachs employees and family members gave him $994,795, Citigroup Inc. $701,290, and JPMorgan Chase & Co. $695,132.

So we have a current president who has played almost twice as many rounds of golf in his first year as the previous president played in eight. A president who has taken millions of dollars of campaign contributions from the very institutions he now attempts to attack and demonize for political gain. (With nary a word against Fannie or Freddie mind you...)

A president who has overseen Iran's quickening pace toward nuclear power during his first year, with reports indicating Iranian nuclear missile capability that could reach the United States by 2015 to be a very real possibility - this same president who walked out on the Israeli Prime Minister during that leader's recent visit to the White House, who gave the Queen of England a collection of his own speeches as a gift, and most recently ,mocked the millions of Americans participating in the Tea Party protests, reminding us all once again of his snide "clinging to their guns and religion" remark during his presidential campaign.

A president whose primary spiritual mentor in Chicago was a radical minister who railed against the evils of America and claimed the United States got what it deserved on September 11th, 2001. A president who appointed devoted Marxist Van Jones to head the national green jobs program from within the White House. A president whose "Diversity Czar" openly admires the Hugo Chavez regime. A president whose communications director praised Chinese communist dictator Mao. A president whose most frequent visitor to the White House is SEIU union leader Andy Stern, a former member of the Saul Alinsky-inspired radical Midwest Academy.

So it is this president, this administration, and this version of the Democrat Party that now moves forward in attempting to initiate sweeping control of our nation's financial system.

Health Care.

Wall Street.

What is next...

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