Obama creates faith-based office with wide mission

I think you ought to read it. It says that the government shall not establish any religion. In other words, there cannot be a church sponsored by the state such as the Church of England. That is all that it states, and that is all that it means. It really is quite clear, and it has nothing to do with govenment funding of charitable organizations run by varying religious organizations. But you are obviously too stupid to figure that one out.

No, what you want is to have religion removed from every facet of society possible. Try your schtick in Saudi Arabia. Maybe they'll listen to your stupid drivel.

Here, lets BOTH read it, motherfucker.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion
, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

no law respecting an establishment of religion.. repeat that a few times. No law respecting an establishment of religion. Get it, yet? Yes, it has everything to do with making federal policy that RESPECTS AN ESTABLISHMENT OF RELIGION by doling out publically collected taxes for your gay hating benefit. I've posted two examples of each against Catholic Charities and the Salvation Army.. Where is your fucking evidence, dogma junkie? Hell, were not talking about gravity of heliocentrism so you shouldnt have a problem defending gay hating, publicly funded organizations like this, eh?

and we both know goddamn well that Saudi Arabia has more in common with your dogma junkie ass than it does me. Why would you pwn yourself by bringing that shit up, nutter? I don't care who you pray to under your rock. Go have fun on YOUR OWN dime. When you insist that the Government support your fucking charity then you open the door for public scrutiny. If you can't handle then then, again, go enjoy your fucking place under a log and take your goofy jewish zombie myth with you.

You're so stupid you can't even comprehend what the first amendment says. Giving federal money to help fund, not soley fund, various charities run by various religious organizations in no way an establishment of government religion. Only a babbling idiot would think it was. Now, you might have an argument if the money was only supporting the charitable organizations of one given religious group but that is not the case.

Discussing anything with you is pointless because your narcissism is your guiding light.

HELPING IS RESPECTING AN ESTABLISHMENT OF RELIGION. I don't care WHAT percentage of your budget you think doesn't count, motherfucker. Yes, when tax paying fags can't adopt or get hired by these very organizations that claim tax money then we ARE allowing a first amendment travesty to happen.

Indeed, the rest of us "babbling idiots" snatched the proverbial fucking pebble from your Salvation Army hand, didn't we, bitch?

Shall I QUOTE THEM AGAIN or did you want to ignore the evidence because your pussy is bleeding on the carpet?
bring it, puss.
First you have a lot of mental issues we have to address, therapy is the only subject you should be tackling at this time.:cuckoo:

blah blah blah.. another dimestore psychologist to save the day!

Save your prognosis for your co waterworkers down at the christian crybaby club, dude.

Denial, Own it Medusa.
I don't know any christian crybaby's , Maybe when you finish teaching the KKK how to really hate, you can find some Christian's and show then how a real pro crybaby does it.
You and your information highway road rage is really sad to watch, but since it's you....:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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