Obama declares an intifada against Menendez....


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez indicted on corruption charges - Yahoo News

As if the name Rezko never existed the Obama administration's phony outrage over Senator Bob Menendez's behavior with a millionaire buddy has taken shape as the thinly veiled if not hypocritical revenge from the evil Lesbian-Iranian dwarf that sits on Obama's right shoulder.

" Talking points straight out of Tehran" Pffffft!

Hussein has once again tipped his turban at the Latino Senator in a move that is sure to create an even greater rift between the radical left that has rallied behind Obama and at the same time attacked longstanding pillars in the party such as Hillary Clinton and Bob Menendez. In what would appear to be a nearly suicidal bent for this particular group of non tolerators they seem determined to alienate a very large segment of the left wing base.

What the Master Plan is here is hard to see exactly though I am sure there is one. Even with his enormous cult like popularity on the left this kind of vituperation is certain to cost this administration and any of its extended political family members an enormous price in political capital.

It may well be that Menendez misbehaved and needs to be corrected however his transgressions are nothing more than business as usual with the DC crowd. Making an issue of them in particular smacks of targeting for other reasons that are unrelated to that behavior else half of the house and Senate would be up on the very same charges.

Menendez is a scrapper though and I expect he will come out of this with no real consequences save the smear to his reputation. The other thing I expect is that Obama has now made a powerful and life long enemy on the left who will not forget this moment.

This is how they do it in all Banana Republics and totalitarian societies.

21 months to go before Barack Obama and Eric Holder pass into an unenviable place in American history.
IMO Menendez is a lying corrupt criminal, like nearly all pols, and deserving of a prison cell in a supermax.

However, it is most interesting what Obama/Holder's "justice' department finds worthy of prosecution. They have done nothing about all of BO's many scandals, particularly the IRS's, NSA's, and Mrs. Clinton's corrupt activities.
Holder is a radicalized puppet who refuses to prosecute a real criminal like Lois Lerner and only goes after Menendez because he called out Obozo on the Iran deal charade and Cuba fiasco. If Nixon had an AG like Holder, he'd have finished his second term.
Holder is a radicalized puppet who refuses to prosecute a real criminal like Lois Lerner and only goes after Menendez because he called out Obozo on the Iran deal charade and Cuba fiasco. If Nixon had an AG like Holder, he'd have finished his second term.
Good point about Nixon and it reflects how our political class has descended deeper and deeper into the sewer. Nixon was forced to leave office over a cover up of a worthless burglary.

IMO the last three POTUS' should have all been impeached (well one was), but also removed from office for their failure to abide by the Constitution....but that is just one man's opinion.
IMO the last three POTUS' should have all been impeached (well one was), but also removed from office for their failure to abide by the Constitution....but that is just one man's opinion.

While Bush43 listened to Rumsfeld and went into Iraq without the 4th ID coming down through the Sunni-Triangle (thanks to Turkey's treachery), it wasn't impeachment-worthy. Certainly nothing like the Clinton regime which in many ways was more treasonous than even Obozo. That said, I'd never vote for another Bush.

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