Obama: Destroyed America From Within


Gold Member
Aug 5, 2016
  1. Obama has increased our national debt, almost doubling the amount, since he assumed office from the previous administration.
  2. He has weakened our military and he has placed Muslim’s in key positions, including, but, not limited to the Department of Homeland Security and even the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency is rumored to be a convert.

  3. Obama is a Muslim -- True! That is why he never condemns Islam, and he does condemn Christians. He was raised being taught Islam for many years. (His Christian church attendance is a sham and phony and Obama is just being a wolf in sheep's clothes.)

    Obama hates America -- True! And now, the biggest monkey we have in the WH has done nothing to make this country safer. After this terrorist shooting in Orlando, he has not even called the governor!

    Obama is a Traitor -- True! flooding our country with Muslim terrorists and for attacking our Constitutional right to defend ourselves .Obama is misusing his authority to aid and comfort the enemies of the United States, in explicit violation of both his oath and the Constitution's prohibition on subversion and treason.

    Obama destroyed America -- True! This is Obama's legacy, destroying our economy, destroying our health care system, destroying our victory in Iraq, destroying the Middle East, destroying the military, destroying our relationship with Israel, and destroying our prestige in the world!

    Obama is guilty of multiple counts of treason
Settle down... America ain't destroyed.
Settle down... America ain't destroyed.

I don't place the blame on the destruction of America on the Barrypuppet but let's just say that he definitely played his part and the massive role for the ending of it. Once the Club of Rome was formed in the late 1960's, the plan for the demise of the middle class for all countries started and the plan using their massive amounts of wealth to put in the "Sustainable Growth" agenda was finalized with the numerous countries signing on at the Rio Conference at the "Earth Summit" in 1992. The collapse of the middle class is no accident but a well coordinated plan by those that run the central banks, the Bank For International Settlements, International Monetary Fund and the Global Bank. It's not an accident that every country with a Rothschild central bank is up to their eyeballs in debt while the resources of every country has been put up as collateral against their debt.
Settle down... America ain't destroyed.
Um yeah it will be the end of this country for sure unless drastic measures are taken to try to stop all Obama put in place. I really don't believe that traitor took the presidency to help the U.S. at all but to do the exact opposite. I also believe he may not have been born in the U.S. as was previously alleged since there was some discrepancy regarding the validity of the birth certificate he introduced. Therefore since all of his actions seemed to benefit the Middle East predominately the Muslim Brotherhood, I would guess his alliance has been with them all along and not the U.S.

Also factor in that Obama admitted to being a Muslim and he bowed to the king of Saudi Arabia which is the main land of the Muslim Brotherhood.

What I allege is very possible to those like me who've been paying serious attention.
Portrait of an a white american housewife abused by the man:

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