Warren says the Supreme Court is “actively undermining” democracy

175? Up until 72 the SC had never ruled on abortion… dumbass. Hard to have precedent with no ruling

Winner winner chicken dinner.....it was a state issue. The SCOTUS never touched it. Kinda tells you they didn't think it was their business.
And “fatties”??

You have a really fucked up opinion of women

All you have to do is look at the pictures of the marches. The pavement is cracking under them. My guess is that you were one of them.
The Supreme Court has sold out the country for RW ideology

They care nothing about the Constitution, legal precedent or just doing the right thing

They are above the law and their own personal ethics can’t be challenged
actually, the Supreme Court is doing their job
they are protecting the citizens from a dangerous rogue political party called the democrats
the democrats are angry because the Supreme Court is stopping them from establishing their neo-marxist totalitarian government

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said Sunday that the Supreme Court is “actively undermining” democracy in the U.S.

Warren said on CNN’s “State of the Union” that she and her colleagues are working to put together reform measures for the Supreme Court, including looking at term limits and adding more justices to the bench. She echoed President Biden’s comments calling for reforms to the Supreme Court in his last six months of office.

The Supreme Court is doing its job.
It doesn't need to be packed with anti-constitution Democrat judges.
They are protecting the American Citizens from the Democrat Party's crimes.
The Democrat Party is constantly pushing our country towards being a one party banana republic totalitarian police state where they can censor and arrest their opposition.
Warren is a liar.
The Supreme Court is not "undermining democracy" they are protecting our republic from the lawless far-left extremist Democrats.
The Supreme Court is defending 'democracy' by returning it to the people. That's so antithesis to a Marxist totalitarian government desired by far too many Democrats that of course they want to be able to control the high Court along with everything else. Once they achieve totalitarian government they can do away with the dual chambers of Congress AND the Court and their soft coup of our government will be complete. All that is standing in their way now is the Supreme Court and Mike Johnson and enough Republicans who will deny them that ability in this presidential term.
The Supreme Court is defending 'democracy' by returning it to the people. That's so antithesis to a Marxist totalitarian government desired by far too many Democrats that of course they want to be able to control the high Court along with everything else. Once they achieve totalitarian government they can do away with the dual chambers of Congress AND the Court and their soft coup of our government will be complete. All that is standing in their way now is the Supreme Court and Mike Johnson and enough Republicans who will deny them that ability in this presidential term.

They keep talking about the "end of democracy" or they have to "save democracy". It's all eyewash because all the left knows is what their clever masters tell them.

IT IS THE LEFT THAT IS THE TRUE THREAT. Any time you have much money concentrated in one place as D.C. does, you have a real problem. And we do have a huge problem.

Decentralizing all the but the most essential functions is allowing We The People to have a say in their respective states so they can maintain their identities and tailor their states to their likings.

A concept lost on the left who only knows one thing....the federal government and is married to the silly idea that you can pass a law that will fit for 330,000,000 people.

Then you add to it a court that pulls things like the "right to privacy" for their hinies and you've got the mess we have today.
The Supreme Court has sold out the country for RW ideology

They care nothing about the Constitution, legal precedent or just doing the right thing

They are above the law and their own personal ethics can’t be challenged

They only care about the Constitution.

Legal precedent has never been with the court as they have reversed themselves over 200 times in their histories.

Your blathering is what is putting the country on the edge of dissolution.

If Warren were to get her way, the Republic would be over.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said Sunday that the Supreme Court is “actively undermining” democracy in the U.S.

Warren said on CNN’s “State of the Union” that she and her colleagues are working to put together reform measures for the Supreme Court, including looking at term limits and adding more justices to the bench. She echoed President Biden’s comments calling for reforms to the Supreme Court in his last six months of office.

The Supreme Court is doing its job.
It doesn't need to be packed with anti-constitution Democrat judges.
They are protecting the American Citizens from the Democrat Party's crimes.
The Democrat Party is constantly pushing our country towards being a one party banana republic totalitarian police state where they can censor and arrest their opposition.
Warren is a liar.
The Supreme Court is not "undermining democracy" they are protecting our republic from the lawless far-left extremist Democrats.
Who accepts anything said by Pocahontas?

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said Sunday that the Supreme Court is “actively undermining” democracy in the U.S.

Warren said on CNN’s “State of the Union” that she and her colleagues are working to put together reform measures for the Supreme Court, including looking at term limits and adding more justices to the bench. She echoed President Biden’s comments calling for reforms to the Supreme Court in his last six months of office.

The Supreme Court is doing its job.
It doesn't need to be packed with anti-constitution Democrat judges.
They are protecting the American Citizens from the Democrat Party's crimes.
The Democrat Party is constantly pushing our country towards being a one party banana republic totalitarian police state where they can censor and arrest their opposition.
Warren is a liar.
The Supreme Court is not "undermining democracy" they are protecting our republic from the lawless far-left extremist Democrats.
It should concern everyone the democrats hate the constitution so bad they need the court under their control to stop these rulings from happening. They never have an argument what they proposed is constitutional, they always just get pissed off the court ruled it isn’t. And then demand we change the court. The fastest way to end our Constitutional Republic is voting for democrats.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said Sunday that the Supreme Court is “actively undermining” democracy in the U.S.

Warren said on CNN’s “State of the Union” that she and her colleagues are working to put together reform measures for the Supreme Court, including looking at term limits and adding more justices to the bench. She echoed President Biden’s comments calling for reforms to the Supreme Court in his last six months of office.

The Supreme Court is doing its job.
It doesn't need to be packed with anti-constitution Democrat judges.
They are protecting the American Citizens from the Democrat Party's crimes.
The Democrat Party is constantly pushing our country towards being a one party banana republic totalitarian police state where they can censor and arrest their opposition.
Warren is a liar.
The Supreme Court is not "undermining democracy" they are protecting our republic from the lawless far-left extremist Democrats.
The left refer to mob rule as being democracy.

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