Obama/Geithner taking orders fron the puppet masters.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Just watch the video....Jesus Christ.
Can you say "Plutocracy"?

Unf*cking believable....the White House is essentially telling the European government "to just give the banks the money"...just flat out give them $billions no questions asked.
Just incredible.

Truthmatters must be happy now....

Gasparino: Geithner Pushing for Euro TARP Plan
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The Banks have been in charge of this country since 1913.

Saddle any country with debt, raise interest rates on that debt, crash the economy and then the Bankers can move in and buy up everything for cheap.

It's difficult to convince anyone, even though it's happened before, that this is what's happening. That is why the Fed keeps rates low for other Banks and does money printing or "QE".

Iceland fought off the Bankers, the Greeks may be eventually save themselves from Banker enslavement.

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