Obama gets 4 Pinocchios... PLUS totally ignoring environmental impact


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Obama’s claim that Keystone XL oil ‘bypasses the U.S.’ earns Four Pinocchios
Obama s claim that Keystone XL oil bypasses the U.S. earns Four Pinocchios - The Washington Post

Not only was Obama so wrong the Post gave him 4 Pinocchios, but he also left out the biggest impact i.e.
saving the west coast during "winter hurricane" season.

The number ONE reason environmentalists SHOULD support Keystone are two words: "Exxon Valdez"!
Why are environmentalists so stupid as to contest a pipeline that in one mile holds 700 barrels while if NOT built Canada will ship the 1 million barrels in a tanker that travels one mile while carrying 1 million barrels through Unimak Pass is about 800 miles southwest of Anchorage.
David Mosley, public affairs specialist for the U.S. Coast Guard in Alaska, says that the thousands of ships that already navigate its waters each year face "winter hurricanes" with 40-foot seas and 100-knot winds that appear with little advanced notice.
Large ships must ride out the storms in sheltered coves in the Aleutians.
In a typical year, at least one ship gets into trouble. "A vessel will have some sort of mechanical or physical issue that then puts them at the mercy of the weather and the waves."
The Environmental Dangers of Not Building Keystone XL
So now environmentalists want to add equivalent of 365 tankers carrying 365 million barrels into the waters known for "winter hurricanes"??
So where was Obama's environmental concern about 365 million barrels traveling each year through these "winter hurricanes"? Totally missed this one!
The lies told about the XL are beyond the pale.

Right from the get go Obama misses the obvious. The Keystone pipeline is already built to the Gulf. This construction happened while everyone was protesting the XL. Cracks me up.


The XL is just a northern extension. Someone should let the freaking idiot in the White House and the morons protesting the building of this extension know that the Keystone has been pumping since January 2014 bringing crude from Alberta to the Gulf.
They should just tattoo LIAR on his forehead. the man NEVER tells the truth.

he's one sick human being. and I'm ashamed to call him my President. so I don't or wont
They should just tattoo LIAR on his forehead. the man NEVER tells the truth.

he's one sick human being. and I'm ashamed to call him my President. so I don't or wont

Steph what is absolutely looney tune crazy about this is that the bloody pipeline is built to the Gulf so what the hell is Obama blocking other than an added extension?

What the hell are all the protestors on about? It's beyond a bad joke. The XL is just a secondary extension.
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Well for me I can't comprehend the "environmentalists" protest when the alternative is 365 million barrels shipped each year on the open ocean...i.e. remember
"Exxon Valdez"!
They should just tattoo LIAR on his forehead. the man NEVER tells the truth.

he's one sick human being. and I'm ashamed to call him my President. so I don't or wont

Steph what is absolutely looney tune crazy about this is that the bloody pipeline is built to the Gulf so what the hell is Obama blocking other than an added extension?

What the hell are all the protestors on about? It's beyond a bad joke. The XL is just a secondary extension.


he's getting huge donations from the radical Environmentalist. He and they don't care if it could HELP us and also create jobs. It's their way and Screw the rest of us. which we tried to warn people about him and his radicals he stuck on us in this government. it's been the worst seven years in my life. I hate a liar and I can't stand this man who does nothing but run around the country and Lies right in our face every week
The mega lie that always gets me is the one about the creation of minimal "permanent jobs".

The looney tune left trots this out with their Fool in Chief all the time. For crying out loud, construction jobs by their very nature are temporary.

Check out the man hours that workers got paid for during the construction of the southern leg of the Keystone alone.

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for many construction workers and suppliers.

"Construction of the 487-mile crude oil pipeline involved more than 11 million hours of labor completed by 4,844 workers in the United States of America, more than 50 contracts with manufacturers and companies building the pipeline and equipment from across the U.S. It also includes the addition of 2.25 million barrels of new oil storage capacity at Cushing, Oklahoma.

"The workers who helped build this project are in addition to 8,969 men and women who constructed the initial Keystone Pipeline system, and we are waiting for approval of Keystone XL so we can employ more than 9,000 more Americans who are waiting to put their skills and experience to work," added Girling."

Gulf Coast Project Begins Delivering Crude Oil to Nederland Texas
The mega lie that always gets me is the one about the creation of minimal "permanent jobs".

The looney tune left trots this out with their Fool in Chief all the time. For crying out loud, construction jobs by their very nature are temporary.

Check out the man hours that workers got paid for during the construction of the southern leg of the Keystone alone.

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for many construction workers and suppliers.

"Construction of the 487-mile crude oil pipeline involved more than 11 million hours of labor completed by 4,844 workers in the United States of America, more than 50 contracts with manufacturers and companies building the pipeline and equipment from across the U.S. It also includes the addition of 2.25 million barrels of new oil storage capacity at Cushing, Oklahoma.

"The workers who helped build this project are in addition to 8,969 men and women who constructed the initial Keystone Pipeline system, and we are waiting for approval of Keystone XL so we can employ more than 9,000 more Americans who are waiting to put their skills and experience to work," added Girling."

Gulf Coast Project Begins Delivering Crude Oil to Nederland Texas

as if all construction jobs are permanent. sure a lot will end and they will move onto the next construction job. THATS how it's always worked. what's sad is people actually buy that crap from.
Well for me I can't comprehend the "environmentalists" protest when the alternative is 365 million barrels shipped each year on the open ocean...i.e. remember
"Exxon Valdez"!

What's really crazy is because of the actions of so few against the pipeline extensions healthmyths is now you have the dangers of shipping by barges after rail.

Think Exxon Valdez on inland waterways. Aye carumba! What a nightmare of epic proportions if there was a barge disaster on the Mississippi.
Well for me I can't comprehend the "environmentalists" protest when the alternative is 365 million barrels shipped each year on the open ocean...i.e. remember
"Exxon Valdez"!
Not to mention the fact that we're shipping some by rail, and there have been several accidents there.
For those that don't know the latest on the movement of crude, what doesn't get shipped by pipeline is now being shipped by rail and then transferred to barges on inland waterways such as the Mississippi.

What this comes down to in my mind is picking one's poison to transport the crude. The crude is coming no matter what the protestors want, do or say.

It's a matter of choosing the safest method and having been a water conservationist for decades, I picked pipeline.

Check this out and think of the damage any spill from barges could do.

With production on the rise, oil-by-barge traffic sets off greater safety concerns

Athabasca on the Mississippi


Up to five times a week, a train 100 cars long and brimming with heavy oil slows to a halt in the yard of Gateway Terminals, a rail-to-barge transfer station located on the edge of the Mississippi River in St. Louis, Missouri.

Each train can carry up to 60,000 barrels of the viscous product, which needs to be heated before it is piped into one of four 98,000-barrel storage tanks located on site.

From there the oil is loaded into the shallow hauls of river barges, each destined for heavy oil refineries in Texas and Louisiana. In a good week, the terminal can transfer 350,000 barrels of oil into the slow-moving, flat-bottomed vessels.

With production on the rise oil-by-barge traffic sets off greater safety concerns - Alberta Oil Magazine Canada s leading source for oil and gas newsAlberta Oil Magazine Canada s leading source for oil and gas news
Well for me I can't comprehend the "environmentalists" protest when the alternative is 365 million barrels shipped each year on the open ocean...i.e. remember
"Exxon Valdez"!
Not to mention the fact that we're shipping some by rail, and there have been several accidents there.

Yes... there have been "several accidents"... BUT let's not deal with hyperbole OK?
Question: How many railroad accidents by oil rail cars?

More than 141 “unintentional releases” were reported from railroad tankers in 2014, an all-time high and a nearly six-fold increase over the average of 25 spills per year during the period from 1975 to 2012, according to records of the federal Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration.
The year 2013 had fewer accidents but a much larger volume of spilled crude: 1.4 million gallons, an amount that exceeded the total for all spills since record-keeping began in 1975.
Trains are carrying and spilling a record amount of oil - The Washington Post
So the FACTS are 1.4 million gallons or 33,333 barrels Just in 2013... or over 38 years (2013-1975) average of 877 barrels per year.

Exxon Valdez spilled:
Three hours later, just after midnight on March 24th,1989 the Exxon Valdez ran into Bligh Reef, spilling 10.8 million gallons of oil or 257,142 barrels more then
293 times the amount spilled from 1975 to 2013!

For those that don't know the latest on the movement of crude, what doesn't get shipped by pipeline is now being shipped by rail and then transferred to barges on inland waterways such as the Mississippi.

What this comes down to in my mind is picking one's poison to transport the crude. The crude is coming no matter what the protestors want, do or say.

It's a matter of choosing the safest method and having been a water conservationist for decades, I picked pipeline.

Check this out and think of the damage any spill from barges could do.

With production on the rise, oil-by-barge traffic sets off greater safety concerns

Athabasca on the Mississippi


Up to five times a week, a train 100 cars long and brimming with heavy oil slows to a halt in the yard of Gateway Terminals, a rail-to-barge transfer station located on the edge of the Mississippi River in St. Louis, Missouri.

Each train can carry up to 60,000 barrels of the viscous product, which needs to be heated before it is piped into one of four 98,000-barrel storage tanks located on site.

From there the oil is loaded into the shallow hauls of river barges, each destined for heavy oil refineries in Texas and Louisiana. In a good week, the terminal can transfer 350,000 barrels of oil into the slow-moving, flat-bottomed vessels.

With production on the rise oil-by-barge traffic sets off greater safety concerns - Alberta Oil Magazine Canada s leading source for oil and gas newsAlberta Oil Magazine Canada s leading source for oil and gas news

In a "good week" 7 oil tankers carry 7 million barrels on the open ocean where "winter hurricanes" occur with once a year accident history.
Unimak Pass is about 800 miles southwest of Anchorage.
David Mosley, public affairs specialist for the U.S. Coast Guard in Alaska, says that the thousands of ships that already navigate its waters each year
face "winter hurricanes" with 40-foot seas and 100-knot winds that appear with little advanced notice.
Large ships must ride out the storms in sheltered coves in the Aleutians.
In a typical year, at least one ship gets into trouble.
"A vessel will have some sort of mechanical or physical issue that then puts them at the mercy of the weather and the waves."
The Environmental Dangers of Not Building Keystone XL

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