Obama gets a major endorsement

I can't take this election seriously.
I agree that elections are seeming more and more like prize fights, but some of us are tired of the current rulers lining up the armored cars outside the US. Treasury and emptying it on things the American people are not served by. It is taxation without representation of the people who put the greedy congresscritters who become so fond of using money, they use it all up without saving any back for an emergency such as war or devastating hurricane, earthquake, or protecting nonviolent Americans when they are abroad.
This is just for the hell of it but RCP now shows Romney with a slightly higher favorable rating than Obama.

She's not old enough to vote. So only an idiot would call it an 'endorsement'. Leave it to the Weekly Standard and the Fox News sheep.

Seems like they're poking fun of white trash. That's a big part of the conservative base don't forget.

dont forget the guy in jail who ran as a democrat and almost beat Obama...white trash love democrats...they can rape and abuse women....and liberal will let them off with a warning!

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