Obama Has Been An Electoral Disaster for Democrats


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
"Todd said, “It is no secret that Democratic candidates across the country have struggled at the polls since President Obama took office. Just how badly have Democrats been performing? Since 2009 Democrats have lost a net of 13 senate seats and 69 house seats. Let’s put this in context. You have to go back to Eisenhower to match this many losses for a party that controls the White House with senate seats, 13 of them. In the house it’s been 100 years since a two-term president’s party suffered worse losses. That was Woodrow Wilson and the Democrats. Ninety-nine house seats.”

"He continued, “Let’s go to the state level with President Obama under him Democrats have lost control of 12 governorship. Plus given up 30 state legislative chambers and over 900 state legislative seats. No administration since Nixon/Ford saw more governor and state legislative chamber losses in the president’s own party. "
Chuck Todd Highlights Democratic Historic Electoral Losses Under Obama - Breitbart

And the stupid morons still think that they are winning solely because of activist judges and Obamy's two stolen elections.
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Chuck T doesn't seem to agree with you there, PaintItYourself

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Most of the damage done to the Dems was in 2014 mid terms, yea i agree, i guess Obama has been to Conservative for his base, and pissed off folks don't vote, dosen't matter Obama will never have his name on a ballot again..

But the Dems had very big years in 2006-2008-2012, so i really can't be worried 2016 is looking promising, and besides will all those 2014 victories the Repugs, Baggers still don't have enough votes to over-ride a Presidental veto:rofl:

Repugs have done well in state legislature, and Governor, Senate elections lately, BUT at the same time the Democrats are winning the War, the country has moved left, Gay Marriage is legal, the ACA, medicaid expansion is still here, The Iran deal was a win, A woman STILL has a right to choose, Marijuana is a booming business in some states with more to come, and the Defense bill was just Vetoed, and too many more to mention..:clap:

The Repukes and Tea Maggots can keep the South who cares, they have been voting for the same assholes for 40 years that keep them in poverty and without Health Insurance, and highest obesity rates, and least educated, shortest lifespans, you can't fix stupid.
yep, and it's funny how his base refuses to accept it and continue acting like they are THE ONES everyone in the country wants. I think this Presidential election coming up are going to burst a few bubbles
Two things are present when democrats lose elections since Obama has taken office...Hillary are you listening........we are putting up lowsy candidates, with the current crop for president included and that is just fact. Our messages aren't embracing all the GOOD Obama has done and we continue to allow the GOP-igs to define Obama's legacy...THAT IS WHY WE LOSE....but good news in on the horizon...Conservatives always suck once in office and you morons always come running feet first back to Democrats to clean up the shit you ingrates leave behind.....s
yep, and it's funny how his base refuses to accept it and continue acting like they are THE ONES everyone in the country wants. I think this Presidential election coming up are going to burst a few bubbles

yes we get it , no one in your trailer park will be voting for the winner in 2016 just like 2008 and 2012
Most of the damage done to the Dems was in 2014 mid terms, yea i agree, i guess Obama has been to Conservative for his base, and pissed off folks don't vote, dosen't matter Obama will never have his name on a ballot again..

But the Dems had very big years in 2006-2008-2012, so i really can't be worried 2016 is looking promising, and besides will all those 2014 victories the Repugs, Baggers still don't have enough votes to over-ride a Presidental veto:rofl:

Repugs have done well in state legislature, and Governor, Senate elections lately, BUT at the same time the Democrats are winning the War, the country has moved left, Gay Marriage is legal, the ACA, medicaid expansion is still here, The Iran deal was a win, A woman STILL has a right to choose, Marijuana is a booming business in some states with more to come, and the Defense bill was just Vetoed, and too many more to mention..:clap:

The Repukes and Tea Maggots can keep the South who cares, they have been voting for the same assholes for 40 years that keep them in poverty and without Health Insurance, and highest obesity rates, and least educated, shortest lifespans, you can't fix stupid.

thankfully the slack jawed cross groveling cletus's and sally joes have been marginalized and are just a regional party

GOP Evangelicals are Fifth-Column of Insanity

"Todd said, “It is no secret that Democratic candidates across the country have struggled at the polls since President Obama took office. Just how badly have Democrats been performing? Since 2009 Democrats have lost a net of 13 senate seats and 69 house seats. Let’s put this in context. You have to go back to Eisenhower to match this many losses for a party that controls the White House with senate seats, 13 of them. In the house it’s been 100 years since a two-term president’s party suffered worse losses. That was Woodrow Wilson and the Democrats. Ninety-nine house seats.”

"He continued, “Let’s go to the state level with President Obama under him Democrats have lost control of 12 governorship. Plus given up 30 state legislative chambers and over 900 state legislative seats. No administration since Nixon/Ford saw more governor and state legislative chamber losses in the president’s own party. "
Chuck Todd Highlights Democratic Historic Electoral Losses Under Obama - Breitbart

And the stupid morons still think that they are winning solely because of activist judges and Obamy's two stolen elections.

given that he has won two general elections, and would probably beat you again, i'd think that the problem is less the president than the fact that the fewer voters that show up, the better the teatards do.

bevins was elected by 30% of the electorate in Kentucky.

when people show up, you guys get your butts kicked.
yes we get it , no one in your trailer park will be voting for the winner in 2016 just like 2008 and 2012

thankfully the slack jawed cross groveling cletus's and sally joes have been marginalized and are just a regional party

Lol, I love it when racist PC Nazis like Guano melt into their true racist selves.

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