Obama Has Been An Electoral Disaster for Democrats

Most of the damage done to the Dems was in 2014 mid terms, yea i agree, i guess Obama has been to Conservative for his base, and pissed off folks don't vote, dosen't matter Obama will never have his name on a ballot again..

But the Dems had very big years in 2006-2008-2012, so i really can't be worried 2016 is looking promising, and besides will all those 2014 victories the Repugs, Baggers still don't have enough votes to over-ride a Presidental veto:rofl:

Repugs have done well in state legislature, and Governor, Senate elections lately, BUT at the same time the Democrats are winning the War, the country has moved left, Gay Marriage is legal, the ACA, medicaid expansion is still here, The Iran deal was a win, A woman STILL has a right to choose, Marijuana is a booming business in some states with more to come, and the Defense bill was just Vetoed, and too many more to mention..:clap:

The Repukes and Tea Maggots can keep the South who cares, they have been voting for the same assholes for 40 years that keep them in poverty and without Health Insurance, and highest obesity rates, and least educated, shortest lifespans, you can't fix stupid.

Yes, conservatives made the mistake of blieving that their Congressional leadership would deliver on their promises.

But now they dont trust the RNC and the GOP establishment any more and are working to remedy that issue, with several scalps on their belts in the process.

And they will likely add more this coming election.

The problem the GOP has had is that they cannot get the base to go out and vote when the top of the Presidential ticket are RINO liars like Romney and McCain.
Bet that'a popular with Stormfront.
Dont know about Storm Front, but liberals often agree with quotes from Hitler as long as you dont tell them it was Hitler. Stalin is OK, but not Hitler.

Thats why you fags love Castro so damned much, I guess; a murdering dictator lefty.
read it and weep

Meet The Press Breaks Down Democratic Party’s Losses Under Obama: The ‘Obama Political Machine’ Is ‘A Lie’

BY: David Rutz
November 8, 2015 12:16 pm

Meet The Press host Chuck Todd and his Sunday panelists outlined the Democratic Party’s heavy losses under the Obama administration, with guest Marc Caputo saying the idea of the “Obama political machine” was a “lie” that couldn’t win without him on a ballot.

all of the cheery article here:
Meet The Press Breaks Down Democratic Party’s Losses Under Obama: The ‘Obama Political Machine’ Is ‘A Lie’

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