Obama Has Made the World a More Dangerous Place


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
and they are(Obama and comrades in arms) turning us into sitting ducks as we speak gutting our military..awful administration..
links in article at site

Written on Saturday, March 22, 2014 by Sean Aland

Once again President Obama has proven who the world leader is and who is the pansy in mom jeans. Obama loves all the tough talk and rhetoric but he is really upset with Vladimir Putin for running Russia the way Obama would like to run the United States: as a dictator with a spine. Comparing Obama and Putin you get Pee Wee Herman on a bike (Obama) versus a strong, tough leader on a horse (Putin). What happened to this president saying he was going to restore respect for the United States in the International community? Instead we see another example of how the Obama apology tour failed to impress world leaders and was perceived as a sign of weakness and lack of leadership. The ineptness of this president has caused the stature of the United States to slip further into the outhouse. If Obama really wanted to get Putin’s attention he would threaten to leave Joe Biden and John Kerry in Moscow and sign Putin up for Obamacare.

For all the religious quoting of this administration and its talking heads they missed the Golden rule which states “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” This is sound advice to live by. Instead they want to treat others their way and remain exempt from retribution. Watching the Obama administration respond to receiving the same treatment that they have been giving the American people is entertaining. The administration was upset with Putin forcing his will on the country of Ukraine, calling it “,,,unfair and not listening to the people.” That’s rich. The very issues they are complaining about were just fine with them until the shoe was on the other foot. Bullying, intimidation, spying, reckless spending, forcing their will on people instead of listening to them; these are all actions the administration has complained about recently but had no problem inflicting on the American people. The only time they seem to take issue with bullying is when someone is doing it to them.

Senator Diane Feinstein is right to complain about the CIA spying on the Senate but she had no problem with the US o live by. shoe was on the other f government’s warrantless spying on the American people. Lois Lerner had no problem stomping on the US Constitution as she used the IRS to go after the Obama administration’s perceived enemies, but was quick to hide behind her constitutional rights when going before Congress. The administration is decrying Putin’s intimidation of opponents but had no problem with the IRS intimidating Americans. The State Department is complaining about the ballot used in the election to see if Crimea should succeed from the Ukraine having no option for a No vote, but the administration saw no problem forcing Obamacare on the American people and sees no problem with the president using his “pen and phone” to force new rules and regulations on the American people without no vote. The unilateral decision making regarding which laws to enforce and what new rules to impose has brought us closer to the national legalization of pot, the destruction of the traditional family, and the moral decay of our military as well as the destruction of morale among our troops.

all of it here
Obama Has Made the World a More Dangerous Place - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update
Pootin' did not force his will on Ukraine, he forced his will on Crimea...Dumb shitz, gotta love the stupid....
Baby bush took us into two unnecessary wars and destabilized the middle east.

THAT is what made the world more dangerous.

well, at least in actual reality
Denying a 501c by the IRS is same as a Pootin' usurping Ukraines region of Crimea with military force? Wow that's like comparing a fart to a whirlwind...
Pootin' has no spine, he is the same Russian menacing dictator that picks on small nations with Russian superiority of military arms that Stalin was.
If he had a spine he would take on a nation of equal strength...
But what do you expect from Pootin' ass smoochers like Steph and Katzndogz.
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Baby bush took us into two unnecessary wars and destabilized the middle east.

THAT is what made the world more dangerous.

well, at least in actual reality

maybe you can comment on Obama SOME day...but I doubt it
The world was and is a dangerous place before Obama was born....

shhhhhhh…. it's not like there were two world wars, a holocaust, the korean war, vietnam, the cold war…. afghanistan, iraq, gulf I, gulf II… ……

it's amazing how deep the obama derangement runs….

but the good news is that's why they're the only ones listening to each other….
Another collection of worn out talking points from the rightwing propaganda machine.

I'm still waiting to hear ONE conservative on this board offer a specific set of different actions that Obama should be taking regarding the Ukraine,

other than the painfully comical suggestion that reviving the missile defense plan would cause Putin to change course.

lol, pathetic how they still cover his skinny little hiney

And how yours ass is exposed for a good booting.....but then again, you clean and sober conservatives sure are deranged with your level headed outlook on life.. Do you go to church and pray for Obama's demise also???
lol, pathetic how they still cover his skinny little hiney

And how yours ass is exposed for a good booting.....but then again, you clean and sober conservatives sure are deranged with your level headed outlook on life.. Do you go to church and pray for Obama's demise also???

Please, I implore you, no further mentions of Stephanie and exposed ass in the same post.
lol, pathetic how they still cover his skinny little hiney

And how yours ass is exposed for a good booting.....but then again, you clean and sober conservatives sure are deranged with your level headed outlook on life.. Do you go to church and pray for Obama's demise also???

Please, I implore you, no further mentions of Stephanie and exposed ass in the same post.

She may have an ass like a 40 dollar mule, you never know......
And how yours ass is exposed for a good booting.....but then again, you clean and sober conservatives sure are deranged with your level headed outlook on life.. Do you go to church and pray for Obama's demise also???

Please, I implore you, no further mentions of Stephanie and exposed ass in the same post.

She may have an ass like a 40 dollar mule, you never know......

I don't get the point of starting a thread that doesn't have a single point in it that hasn't been the subject of at least a couple dozen threads on this board,

and it's not even in the OP's own words.

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