Obama has only 20 Minutes for BP... Gulf or Golf?... Which is his Priority?


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
Obama has only 20 Minutes for BP... Gulf or Golf?... Which is his Priority?

Tomorrow at the WH: Obama's schedule shows him spending just 20 minutes in the meeting with BP executives at 1015am.

Twitter / Mark Knoller: Tomorrow at the WH: Obama' ...

The AP hints at the above:

The president expects to be able to announce a deal quickly to an impatient nation. He planned a Rose Garden statement after the meeting. He was to attend a portion of the BP session while his aides handle the rest.

Huron Daily Tribune > AP HEADLINES

Talk about a hands-off President... At least when it comes to doing his Job!

Again, how much time for golf has he had recently?...

Gateway Pundit

Hope he doesn't plan on golfing after this 20 minutes with BP...

In the end... ALL of this from Obama is about this:

"The tragedy unfolding on our coast is the most painful and powerful reminder yet that the time to embrace a clean energy future is now," he said. "I say we can't afford not to change how we produce and use energy - because the long-term costs to our economy, our national security, and our environment are far greater." - AP

Never let a good Tragedy go to waste.

Why not line the pockets of your pals in Big Green Energy who Campaigned for you for President and who you continue to Campaign for as President?...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFKrw-pyuZg]YouTube - President Obama Visits Wind Turbine Blade Plant[/ame]

^Yep... The President more than a week AFTER the Incident in the Gulf pimping a foreign mega-corporation... Siemens.

The same company and others like it that the left will attack down the road for having permanently raped land with those turbines and solar farms.

If this wasn't so concerning, it's predictability would be humorous.


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Good for you mal, you got through an entire post without mentioning that Obama is black.

Good for you mal, you got through an entire post without mentioning that Obama is black.


Ah... If only you were an Honest person... Instead you are a Dishonest, Race-Fixated Internet Troll...

Good for you!


Good for you mal, you got through an entire post without mentioning that Obama is black.


My Most Recent Threads about the CiC:


^Nothing about his Race...


^Barry Using his Race as an Excuse for Drug Use...


^Nothing about his Race...


^Nothing about his Race...


^Nothing about his Race...


^Nothing about his Race...


^Nothing about his Race...

And so on, and so on...

Does being Dishonest EVER get Old for you, Ravi?... :lol:


Obama spends 21 minutes with BP and right wing kooks claim he is "attempting to socialize business".
Apparently...................the perception is.........................


This mornings poll numbers say, ................."Four!!!!!!!"

Well, given the veracity level of the BP folks so far, 20 minutes of dealing with self serving lying trolls followed by four hours of golf would be about the way I would work it too.

0bama likes this kind of stuff. He likes bringing people in and pulling this kind of stuff.

Remember what he did the the Israeli PM too.

Were I BP, I would have said, sorry, 20 minutes isn't enough. Call me when you have time.

In reality, they are probably on the phone back and forth constantly. BP bought and paid for him. He still dances to their tune. The cap and trade deal? That is all BP's idea, and what they are counting on to make them the most money.

I would not be surprised if 0bama and BP weren't manipulating this crisis as a way of pushing cap and trade. It will make BP more money than that oil well ever would have anyway.
Up until recently the answer was obviously Golf. This guy has been an awful disaster in handling this awful disaster. Meanwhile,the spill goes on.
Who are these people that constantly bring up race? I could care less, and millions of other Americans could care less what color, shape or size a POTUS is. All we want is a damn LEADER, get it?

Good grief charlie brown leave the damn race card out of this presidents performance, there are lots of other races that could "F"UP just as well as he is doing, so CAN IT!

That is all.....................:tongue:
Good for you mal, you got through an entire post without mentioning that Obama is black.


odd...YOU can't get through a thread without bringing up obama's race

Which clearly illustrates that they have nothing.....

The stimulus is bad policy... RACIST!
I don't like the ban on drilling... RACIST!
I think Obama's stance on Iran is naive.... RACIST!
I don't think spending the bulk of your time partying and golfing when unemployment is around 17%.... RACIST!
Stop with the bailouts.... RACIST!
Stop lending money to people with $0 income and $0 assets... RACIST!

yep, very convincing.
20 Minutes?? What a joke. He had to make his tee time i guess. Seriously,20 Minutes? Are these people serious? What a nightmare.
The only way for Gen Stanley McCrystal to get Obama's attention is to tell him he's in a hurray and wants to play through

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