Obama has only 20 Minutes for BP... Gulf or Golf?... Which is his Priority?

Uh Mr. President,this is kind of a big f*cking deal. 20 Minute photo-ops just aren't gonna cut it. My God,they should be holding round the clock meetings on this horrifying calamity. 20 Minutes?? Yikes!
Even the most brain-dead Hopey Changey sycophant would have to call Bull Chit on this 20 Minute photo-op. This monumental catastrophe surely deserves more than a 20 Minute photo-op no? Pretty sad stuff.
Something's definitely not right with this thing. Why did he wait so long to do anything? The fact he waited so long to do anything has a lot of people wondering if that was done intentionally. Many people think he waited so long to do anything so he could later push his Global Warming agenda. He really has botched this thing so badly. It does make you wonder.
Obama got 20 BILLION in escrow WITH NO CAP.

He got an extra 100 million for unemployed oil rig workers.

He got an apology from the CEO of BP.

Obama was the editor of the Harvard Law Review. He graduated near the top of his class in what many consider possibly the greatest law school in the world. He taught Constitutional Law for 10 years at the University Level. He was one of the most prolific senators in both federal and state government in decades.

BP wasn't playing with the "Bush" league, but with the "big" league.

If it had been Bush, we would be PAYING for the damaged oil rig equipment, believe it.

And that whiny white wing. Shame on them. They were willing to filibuster any help for those in the gulf. Republicans hate this country. What other possible explanation could it be?
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That money wont mean anything in the end. Just ask the people out in Alaska. This money will be wasted and likely given to this President's cronies. Money will not fix the terrible suffering. The suffering will go on for many many years. This President will always be remembered for doing nothing for so long. Why did he wait so long to do anything? That will be a nagging question for this guy for the rest of his life. Some now believe he did nothing for so long intentionally. Many now believe he did that so he could later push his Global Warming legislation. Either way it's a terrible calamity. This guy really has botched it. It's all just very sad.
As I said in another thread, 20 minutes is time enough for Obama to figure out if he can kick his ass or not.
Why is it that the Obamabots pretend that BP paying for this has been a problem. The red tape has slowed down processing for some claims, But BP hasn't denied any claims. This is all an act tough act. BP was always willing to pay. Obama's threats did nothing.
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Why is it that the Obamabots pretend that BP paying for this has been a problem. The red tape has slowed down processing for some claims, But BP hasn't denied any claims. This is all an act tough act. BP was always willing to pay. Obama's threats did nothing.



Obama got 20 BILLION in escrow WITH NO CAP.

He got an extra 100 million for unemployed oil rig workers.

He got an apology from the CEO of BP.

Obama was the editor of the Harvard Law Review. He graduated near the top of his class in what many consider possibly the greatest law school in the world. He taught Constitutional Law for 10 years at the University Level. He was one of the most prolific senators in both federal and state government in decades.

BP wasn't playing with the "Bush" league, but with the "big" league.

If it had been Bush, we would be PAYING for the damaged oil rig equipment, believe it.

And that whiny white wing. Shame on them. They were willing to filibuster any help for those in the gulf. Republicans hate this country. What other possible explanation could it be?

Seems to me I heard that BP already told us they would cover the cost of clean up no matter what, they have also apoligized. I thought the government was going to seize all BP's assets. So instead of seizing all their assets, they are going to give out of work drillers 100,000 million instead.

Looks like Obama didn't get to kick anyone's ass. Looks like the status quo.
Hey...........after that spectacular speech on Tuesday night, the answer is pretty damn clear.................


Geez........even the New York Times was agreeing yesterday!!!:eek:
Obama has only 20 Minutes for BP... Gulf or Golf?... Which is his Priority?

Tomorrow at the WH: Obama's schedule shows him spending just 20 minutes in the meeting with BP executives at 1015am.

Twitter / Mark Knoller: Tomorrow at the WH: Obama' ...

The AP hints at the above:

The president expects to be able to announce a deal quickly to an impatient nation. He planned a Rose Garden statement after the meeting. He was to attend a portion of the BP session while his aides handle the rest.

Huron Daily Tribune > AP HEADLINES

Talk about a hands-off President... At least when it comes to doing his Job!

Again, how much time for golf has he had recently?...

Gateway Pundit

Hope he doesn't plan on golfing after this 20 minutes with BP...

In the end... ALL of this from Obama is about this:

"The tragedy unfolding on our coast is the most painful and powerful reminder yet that the time to embrace a clean energy future is now," he said. "I say we can't afford not to change how we produce and use energy - because the long-term costs to our economy, our national security, and our environment are far greater." - AP

Never let a good Tragedy go to waste.

Why not line the pockets of your pals in Big Green Energy who Campaigned for you for President and who you continue to Campaign for as President?...

YouTube - President Obama Visits Wind Turbine Blade Plant

^Yep... The President more than a week AFTER the Incident in the Gulf pimping a foreign mega-corporation... Siemens.

The same company and others like it that the left will attack down the road for having permanently raped land with those turbines and solar farms.

If this wasn't so concerning, it's predictability would be humorous.



He probably had a tee time...
As I said in another thread, 20 minutes is time enough for Obama to figure out if he can kick his ass or not.

Hey jollie ollie, in a Twenty (20) Minute Meeting, Our Elected President of the United States got Twenty Billion Dollars ($20,0000,000,000.00) from BP for clean-up, add the additional One Hundred Million ($100,000,000,000.00) for idle rig workers and the apology.

Mr. Obama seems to have gotten a lot done in Twenty (20) Minutes. All our former deserter in chief did cow tow to Oil Companies. I would rather have the $20,000,000,000.00 than bushie telling the press to, "Watch this drive."

Oh, wasn't another one the shrub's lies that he would "Not Play Golf In Honor of Our Troops In Iraq." HE LIED ABOUT THAT TO!!!
Doesn't surprise me at all, This is the administrations "MO", I guess he, Mr. Obama, feels 20 min was more than enough, hell, he waited how many days after the oil spill to..............well, no need to explain that.

We need a re-write on the Charles Dickens novel 'GREAT EXPECTATIONS', in this case it would be about a young man elected to the presidency of the USA and his quest for maturity, at the expense of his 'subjects'. :D
Obama got 20 BILLION in escrow WITH NO CAP.

He got an extra 100 million for unemployed oil rig workers.

He got an apology from the CEO of BP.

Obama was the editor of the Harvard Law Review. He graduated near the top of his class in what many consider possibly the greatest law school in the world. He taught Constitutional Law for 10 years at the University Level. He was one of the most prolific senators in both federal and state government in decades.

BP wasn't playing with the "Bush" league, but with the "big" league.

If it had been Bush, we would be PAYING for the damaged oil rig equipment, believe it.

And that whiny white wing. Shame on them. They were willing to filibuster any help for those in the gulf. Republicans hate this country. What other possible explanation could it be?

Seems to me I heard that BP already told us they would cover the cost of clean up no matter what, they have also apoligized. I thought the government was going to seize all BP's assets. So instead of seizing all their assets, they are going to give out of work drillers 100,000 million instead.

Looks like Obama didn't get to kick anyone's ass. Looks like the status quo.

Obama's probably never punched anyone in his Life...

He Reminds of Carmelo Anthony... IF he was ever Gutsy enough to throw a punch.



what would he accomplish if he hung around longer?

his staff and BP met for four hours. obama clearly brings no expertise to ANY enterprise that doesn't involve deluding people who want to be deluded; much the same as george bush.

welcome to the third term.
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