Obama Hid “Jesus” at Catholic University – But Allows “Allah” to Be Widely Displayed During Islamic


Feb 7, 2016
O admitted he was raised muslim in Indonesia - no doubt about that. Once muslim always a muslim. He stated he went to Jeremiah Wright pseuodo-radical Christian church to pull in Christian voters. Nobody would have voted for him had he said he is a practicing muslim. If muslim leave the faith, they would be targeted for an assassination - per the koran. All infidels and those who leave muslim faith will be killed. He is never seen going to any Christian church. He orders the removal of all symbols of Christianity when he enters any public building or university. We have seen him bow down to a Saudi Arabian king. No Christian bows down to any leader, least of all a muslim leader (a simple hand shake is respectful and should suffice). O is also pro muslim, from other actions, very poor vetting of muslim refugees and permitting very few Christian refugees in the US - he is biased in that respect. Had he been a Christian he would have permitted equal amounts, especially when Christians all over the world are getting killed at muslim radical hands for their beliefs. Also, he released many suspicious and criminal detainees from Gitmo. O is on the course to islamize america. He is making the US a borderless nation, open to any refugee or illegal immigrant.

Obama Hid "Jesus" at Catholic University - But Allows "Allah" to Be Widely Displayed During Islamic Center Speech - The Gateway Pundit

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