Obama Intelligence Czar Turns On Comey & FBI: “They Spied On Trump.”


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Obama Intelligence Czar Turns On Comey & FBI:
“They Spied On Trump.”

Obama Intelligence Czar Turns On Comey & FBI: "They Spied On Trump." - DCWhispers.com
May 8, 2019
Hmm…it appears it’s no longer a question of IF the Obama administration spied on Donald Trump and the Trump campaign but rather WHO, WHY, and if it was an illegal act.
Don’t confuse James Clappers’ sudden willingness to turn on Comey and others at the FBI as a sign he’s siding with the Trump administration. No, this is more likely a ploy to help insulate figures like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton (who will no doubt plead ignorance that anything so wrong as spying was going on) by dangling a sacrificial scrap of spy meat in the form of Comey and others at the FBI/DOJ at the time.
Ignore the congressional sideshow earlier today that was the AG Barr contempt vote. The tide has turned and the waters of truth are rising. It’s now just a matter of a little more time for us to watch and wait to see who can swim… “Well, yeah I guess it meets the dictionary definition of spying—surveillance or spying, a term I don’t particularly like,” Clapper said. “It’s not a term used by intelligence people. It has a negative connotation, a rogue operation, out of control, not in compliance of the law, and that’s not the case at all.”

Clapper's is clearly quite nervous about all this and singing even before he's been indicted. He must REALLY be in it up to his ears. So is Brennan and Comey, I just can't figure out who will point the finger to the Obama oval office first.
Remember, Obama knows nothing, nothing. He told them to do things “by the book”. With any luck, we will have to contend ourselves with all these senior stooges in the slammer, and Obama’s sworn testimony that he had no idea what his staff was doing or what kind of people they were, he’s just learning about it in the news like everyone else. There should be no doubt in anyone's mind that Bath House was the head of his administration including the FBI, CIA, and DOJ.
It's defined as 'Plausible Deniability' even though it's blatantly obvious that Obama orchestrated everything while he was in office and probably still does today with the Leftist Congress Members/Judges, the DNC, the MSM, academia, etc. His servants were trained so well and were so loyal that they did his bidding without him even having to verbally tell them too. Will they fall on their swords for him now?
This stupid shit will never go anywhere because we rightfully spy on Russian spies talking to Americans. Don't like it? Don't talk to Russian spies.

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