Obama is inheriting a worse economy from himself...,

But, but, but....Obama said if we didn't pass the stimulous that the Unemployment would go above 8%! It had to pass to keep it below that!!!!

Huh, that one didn't work so well, did it?
Obama 2014: My predecessor found this car in a ditch and then he got behind the wheel and spun the tires until it sank out of sight beneath the mud. Oh, wait...that was me... Well, at least I took the powerful motor out of it and replaced it with batteries!

These are the numbers that the libs try to convince us that the economy is better under Obama.

GDP under Bush 3.3
GDP under Obama 1.3.

And they lie and tell us the economy is better.
Big difference that you're overlooking. Which way our economy was headed then compared to which direction it's headed now. Looking at the numbers in a silo don't tell the full story about the path that we are and were headed on.
The economy is better than it was when Obama took office.
It could be better. His shovel ready thingy was a bust, he should have helped the small business sector. The Banks still aren't breaking down the doors of small businesses to help that group.
And it would be nice to be at least a couple of trillion less in debt.
Then he claims to have inherited from Bush.

Bush unemployment 7.3
Obama unemployment 8.1

This is a miserable fail. When Obama took office, we were losing 750,000 jobs per month. While the staggering job losses continued a few months longer, the turnaround soon began and we started seeing positive job growth under Obama.
Big difference that you're overlooking. Which way our economy was headed then compared to which direction it's headed now. Looking at the numbers in a silo don't tell the full story about the path that we are and were headed on.

You can't spin your way out of this. This is what Obama ran on, the economy.

He has not helped it. He made it worse.
Big difference that you're overlooking. Which way our economy was headed then compared to which direction it's headed now. Looking at the numbers in a silo don't tell the full story about the path that we are and were headed on.

You can't spin your way out of this. This is what Obama ran on, the economy.

He has not helped it. He made it worse.

I'll take the fact that you didn't bother to address what I actually said as you having no actual rebuttal for it.

That means we agree that things are trending upwards now where as before things were getting worse when he took over. Thanks for agreeing with me.
Then he claims to have inherited from Bush.

Bush unemployment 7.3
Obama unemployment 8.1

It's crazy when you think that W almost doubled unemployment while in office. What a shitty president.

It's crazy that Obama has no budget plan and has not helped the economy no matter how much taxpayer money he threw at it.

All he did was enable black people to expect free stuff. Not to better themselves or their station in life.
Then he claims to have inherited from Bush.

Bush unemployment 7.3
Obama unemployment 8.1

It's crazy when you think that W almost doubled unemployment while in office. What a shitty president.

It's crazy that Obama has no budget plan and has not helped the economy no matter how much taxpayer money he threw at it.

All he did was enable black people to expect free stuff. Not to better themselves or their station in life.

Crazier still, W had budgets and shit still went down the toilet. Go figure.
Then he claims to have inherited from Bush.

Bush unemployment 7.3
Obama unemployment 8.1

It's crazy when you think that W almost doubled unemployment while in office. What a shitty president.

If you recall, dumb ass, that 9 months after bush took office, our economy took a huge hit when Islamist extremists crashed into our two major financial buildings in new York, and our pentagon.

That is what fucked our economy.
Then he claims to have inherited from Bush.

Bush unemployment 7.3
Obama unemployment 8.1

It's crazy when you think that W almost doubled unemployment while in office. What a shitty president.

If you recall, dumb ass, that 9 months after bush took office, our economy took a huge hit when Islamist extremists crashed into our two major financial buildings in new York, and our pentagon.

That is what fucked our economy.


Of course, it certainly wasn't the administrations fault.

It's crazy when you think that W almost doubled unemployment while in office. What a shitty president.

It's crazy that Obama has no budget plan and has not helped the economy no matter how much taxpayer money he threw at it.

All he did was enable black people to expect free stuff. Not to better themselves or their station in life.

Crazier still, W had budgets and shit still went down the toilet. Go figure.

And what has Obama done differently? Nothing. He kept the tax cuts. He did another stimulus. And still the economy continued to spiral downward peaking at 9.6. And the only reason the numbers came down is because people gave up looking for work so they were able to fudge the numbers.
23 states have unemployment over 8% with California rhode island and neveda all over 10%

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