Obama is LYING about the US Gold reserves!!


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
7 tears to come up with a a measly 300 tons of gold to give back to germany!! Obozo has been lying - the gold insn't there.

It Will Take The Fed Seven Years To Deliver 300 Tons Of German Gold | Zero Hedge

01/16/2013 17:16 -0500
But the biggest news of the day comes from the official Buba announcement that, in its official capacity as a prudent central bank, it - as first of many - is looking to repatriate some 300 tons of gold from the New York Fed. That, however, is not today's news - that was Monday's news.

What is news is that courtesy of the supplied calendar of events in the Buba statement, it will take the Fed some seven years to procure Germany's 300 tons of gold. This is the same Fed that, in its own words, holds some "216 million troy ounces of gold" or some 6720 tons, in its vault 80 feet below ground level.
this isnt an Obama thing or a political thing at all.

Question is, why would it take 7 years to deliver 300 tons of gold?
this isnt an Obama thing or a political thing at all.

Question is, why would it take 7 years to deliver 300 tons of gold?

Think about it logistically.

How exactly would you go about moving 300 tons of gold bars from downtown Manhattan to France? Do you think you'd be able to do it all at once, securely?

Aside from the ridiculous blog post in the OP, I've found no sources that say that the 7 year figure came from the Fed, only that it was the agreement made between Bundesbank and the New York Fed, to deliver the gold over 7 years.

I'm also curious as to what the fuck this has to do with Obama. (Not directed at you, Jarhead)
How exactly would you go about moving 300 tons of gold bars from downtown Manhattan to France? Do you think you'd be able to do it all at once, securely?

All at once?? HAHAHA. Again you make stuff up. Nobody said it has to be done all at once. But certainly it could be done over a few months. A cube of gold only 8 feet on edge would weigh around 300 tons.
How exactly would you go about moving 300 tons of gold bars from downtown Manhattan to France? Do you think you'd be able to do it all at once, securely?

All at once?? HAHAHA. Again you make stuff up. Nobody said it has to be done all at once. But certainly it could be done over a few months. A cube of gold only 8 feet on edge would weigh around 300 tons.

How is it any of your business how the Fed and Bundesbank decide to transfer the gold? They agreed both decided on the "7 years".
Proof once again that there is NOTHING, good, bad or indifferent, going on around the world that can't be blamed on Obama. It's all Obamas fault all the time. Weird and amazing all at the same time.
Proof once again that there is NOTHING, good, bad or indifferent, going on around the world that can't be blamed on Obama. It's all Obamas fault all the time. Weird and amazing all at the same time.

words of a man who, during a debate about the housing bubble, claimed he was an expert becuase he was in the industry for 18 years.....and when asked about the loans fannie mae wrote, answered by saying they wrote tens of thousands.....

In other words, a man who lies about his experience when he debates.

He has no credibility on this board.


Becuase all in the mortgage industry know that Fannie Mae does not write loans.
this isnt an Obama thing or a political thing at all.

Question is, why would it take 7 years to deliver 300 tons of gold?

Think about it logistically.

How exactly would you go about moving 300 tons of gold bars from downtown Manhattan to France? Do you think you'd be able to do it all at once, securely?

Aside from the ridiculous blog post in the OP, I've found no sources that say that the 7 year figure came from the Fed, only that it was the agreement made between Bundesbank and the New York Fed, to deliver the gold over 7 years.

I'm also curious as to what the fuck this has to do with Obama. (Not directed at you, Jarhead)

I certainly dont see it taking a day or two.....I agree...

300 tons is a lot of gold.

But 7 years?

I bet a hell of a lot more than 300 tons of construction concrete are moved in and out of NYC in a week....

7 years?

I am curious why the agreement calls for it to take 7 years.
this isnt an Obama thing or a political thing at all.

Question is, why would it take 7 years to deliver 300 tons of gold?

Think about it logistically.

How exactly would you go about moving 300 tons of gold bars from downtown Manhattan to France? Do you think you'd be able to do it all at once, securely?

Aside from the ridiculous blog post in the OP, I've found no sources that say that the 7 year figure came from the Fed, only that it was the agreement made between Bundesbank and the New York Fed, to deliver the gold over 7 years.

I'm also curious as to what the fuck this has to do with Obama. (Not directed at you, Jarhead)

i sure hope they don't move the gold to france. :evil:
How exactly would you go about moving 300 tons of gold bars from downtown Manhattan to France? Do you think you'd be able to do it all at once, securely?

All at once?? HAHAHA. Again you make stuff up. Nobody said it has to be done all at once. But certainly it could be done over a few months. A cube of gold only 8 feet on edge would weigh around 300 tons.

How is it any of your business how the Fed and Bundesbank decide to transfer the gold? They agreed both decided on the "7 years".

Well, it certainly wont change my life one iota if it takes 1 year, 10 years or 100 years..

But when I hear something that sounds so outrageous, I am curious as to why.

For example...I recall that the expected bill to close GITMO was 80 Million dollars. It was the number released by the WH.

Now...I dont care if it is 80 million.......but exactly what would cost 80 million to transfer 200 prisoners, turn off the water, shut the doors, lock the locks, and take the cabs to the port?
this isnt an Obama thing or a political thing at all.

Question is, why would it take 7 years to deliver 300 tons of gold?

Think about it logistically.

How exactly would you go about moving 300 tons of gold bars from downtown Manhattan to France? Do you think you'd be able to do it all at once, securely?

Aside from the ridiculous blog post in the OP, I've found no sources that say that the 7 year figure came from the Fed, only that it was the agreement made between Bundesbank and the New York Fed, to deliver the gold over 7 years.

I'm also curious as to what the fuck this has to do with Obama. (Not directed at you, Jarhead)

i sure hope they don't move the gold to france. :evil:

then it will take 7 more years to move it to Germany

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