Obama math: under new Common Core, 3 x 4 = 11

Personally, I have a fairly literal way of understanding things.
I like to be able to visualise something in my head.
If I can work out a way of seeing in my minds eye how an equation works then I can understand it.

Something like quantum mechanics will probably always be a mystery to me because I can't visualise how it works.

If you were my patient in a hospital, I would be able to calculate your IV drip rate, you medicine to the nearest nanogram, and count out all your pills for the day. A lot of nurses these days cannot do any of that. We always gave a math question on our tests. Here was my question:

You are a community health nurse. You have an indigent patient who needs medication but has no insurance. The doctors order reads: Zyprexa 20mg by mouth every night. You have on hand samples of Zyprexa the pharm rep left last visit. Each bottle contains 7 ten milligram pills. It takes 28 days to get the patient on Tenncare. How many bottles will you give him to last until he has insurance. They would turn in two pages of equations and still have the wrong answer.

Another. Doctors order says: Haldol Decanoate 150mg IM every 4 weeks. You have on hand Haldol Decanoate in 100mg/1ml vials. How many ml do you give the patient IM every 4 weeks? I can figure these in my head. But your nurse likely will not be able to solve either one of them.

Scary isn't it?

I didn't read any further in the thread. Is the answer to the first problem: the patient would need a total of 56 10mg pills, so 8 bottles total would be needed?


I have no clue on the second question ... I don't even know what IM stands for.

Don't they teach how to do these types of things in nursing school? Yeah, in addition to what you'd learn in school in general ... but with ml and IM and all ... don't they teach that?

It is not possible to teach nursing math to someone who scored a whopping 5 on the ACT, even if they did finally get their C in remedial math after 3 tries. That is what colleges are having to cope with these days thanks to the liberal philosophy of social promotion even in college. They simply forget that there ARE people who need to know how to read, write, and do math. I had a nursing student who got to third semester nursing and could not read. That means she was socially promoted through all her science and math classes and 2 semesters of nursing before she met up with someone who had the intestinal fortitude to flunk her ass out of school.....ME.
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Obama math: under new Common Core, 3 x 4 = 11

Quick: what’s 3 x 4?

If you said 11 — or, hell, if you said 7, pi, or infinity squared — that’s just fine under the Common Core, the new national curriculum that the Obama administration will impose on American public school students this fall.

In a pretty amazing YouTube video, Amanda August, a curriculum coordinator in a suburb of Chicago called Grayslake, explains that getting the right answer in math just doesn’t matter as long as kids can explain the necessarily faulty reasoning they used to get to that wrong answer.

“Even if they said, ’3 x 4 was 11,’ if they were able to explain their reasoning and explain how they came up with their answer really in, umm, words and oral explanation, and they showed it in the picture but they just got the final number wrong, we’re really more focused on the how,” August says in the video.

When someone in the audience (presumably a parent, but it’s not certain) asks if teachers will be, you know, correcting students who don’t know rudimentary arithmetic instantly, August makes another meandering, longwinded statement.

Obama math: under new Common Core, 3 x 4 = 11 [VIDEO]

How about teaching the subject??? Is that too hard to ask for? Can we please adopt one of the top 5 countries educational systems. Thank you.

It's called Logic and the text is trying to get you to understand truth in expressions, such as math, language, etc., catching on yet?

That is a different class altogether. It should not be mixed up with something as important as math. Many Americans are already handicapped in that area as it is.
my kids had trig, algebra and geometry in school, for some reason it's required, me, I had basic algebra in 8th grade, no more math was required.
Obama math: under new Common Core, 3 x 4 = 11

Obama math: under new Common Core, 3 x 4 = 11 [VIDEO]

How about teaching the subject??? Is that too hard to ask for? Can we please adopt one of the top 5 countries educational systems. Thank you.

It's called Logic and the text is trying to get you to understand truth in expressions, such as math, language, etc., catching on yet?

That is a different class altogether. It should not be mixed up with something as important as math. Many Americans are already handicapped in that area as it is.

Well I don't know why, I teach my kids that math is in everything you do all day and night.
I was a high school drop out and still passed electronics school and we didn't use calculators back then.
It's called Logic and the text is trying to get you to understand truth in expressions, such as math, language, etc., catching on yet?

That is a different class altogether. It should not be mixed up with something as important as math. Many Americans are already handicapped in that area as it is.

Well I don't know why, I teach my kids that math is in everything you do all day and night.
I was a high school drop out and still passed electronics school and we didn't use calculators back then.

So you think you can teach math to someone who scored a 5 on the ACT and took 3 tries in remedial math to get their C. You are a valuable commodity. Colleges everywhere are looking for you. Get crackin!

Tell us again Libs how this would not anger you if it was ok to tell your child the wrong answer is right .. I get the explanation part but tell them no try again when they get the CORRECT answer then ask them to explain how they got it.
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Well see, nobody likes to have their feelings hurt. But Liberals would rather glorify failure than to extol success.
It's called Logic and the text is trying to get you to understand truth in expressions, such as math, language, etc., catching on yet?

That is a different class altogether. It should not be mixed up with something as important as math. Many Americans are already handicapped in that area as it is.

Well I don't know why, I teach my kids that math is in everything you do all day and night.
I was a high school drop out and still passed electronics school and we didn't use calculators back then.

We did use slide rules though.

Come to think of it, knowing how a slide rule works taught me more about math than anything I learned from math classes in school.
That is a different class altogether. It should not be mixed up with something as important as math. Many Americans are already handicapped in that area as it is.

Well I don't know why, I teach my kids that math is in everything you do all day and night.
I was a high school drop out and still passed electronics school and we didn't use calculators back then.

So you think you can teach math to someone who scored a 5 on the ACT and took 3 tries in remedial math to get their C. You are a valuable commodity. Colleges everywhere are looking for you. Get crackin!

I can teach it to them, if they want to learn.

Tell us again Libs how this would not anger you if it was ok to tell your child the wrong answer is right .. I get the explanation part but tell them no try again when they get the CORRECT answer then ask them to explain how they got it.

The speaker provides no evidence for this claim.

Some of these common core opponents came to my town. They are some serious tin foil hat kind of people. Conspiracy theories involving Bill Gates, sooper sekrit societies, etc.
Well I don't know why, I teach my kids that math is in everything you do all day and night.
I was a high school drop out and still passed electronics school and we didn't use calculators back then.

So you think you can teach math to someone who scored a 5 on the ACT and took 3 tries in remedial math to get their C. You are a valuable commodity. Colleges everywhere are looking for you. Get crackin!

I can teach it to them, if they want to learn.

I had so many who had been passed when they didn't make the grade because they were 'trying real hard.' Those people don't want to learn. They just want you to pass them.

Tell us again Libs how this would not anger you if it was ok to tell your child the wrong answer is right .. I get the explanation part but tell them no try again when they get the CORRECT answer then ask them to explain how they got it.

The speaker provides no evidence for this claim.

Some of these common core opponents came to my town. They are some serious tin foil hat kind of people. Conspiracy theories involving Bill Gates, sooper sekrit societies, etc.

omg then i can see how we must lump every liberal with them.

Since we are playing this game in the OP. She is a fucking racist tea party member.
So you think you can teach math to someone who scored a 5 on the ACT and took 3 tries in remedial math to get their C. You are a valuable commodity. Colleges everywhere are looking for you. Get crackin!

I can teach it to them, if they want to learn.

I had so many who had been passed when they didn't make the grade because they were 'trying real hard.' Those people don't want to learn. They just want you to pass them.

Bingo, they have to learn that trying doesn't count, all that counts is getting the answer.
common core is simply more dumbed-down centralized education....it's time for parents and States to opt out...

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7 X 13 = 28

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLprXHbn19I]Abbott And Costello 13 X 7 is 28 - YouTube[/ame]

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