Obama Offensive Offensive


And I read this this morning as to why it will inevitalbly fail.

In his meeting with Republican Senators, Obama reportedly presented them with a choice: They can accept a deal that includes Chained CPI for Social Security and means testing of Medicare in exchange for new revenues, or end up with no entitlement reform. Republicans continue to respond by claiming the President is being inflexible — by pretending he hasn’t offered them what he has offered — while refusing to say what could induce them to compromise.

Ultimately, though, the GOP’s reality-denying strategy is self defeating, and will make it harder for Republicans to agree to a way out of the impasse. In addition to refusing to acknowledge what Obama has offered on entitlements, Republican leaders also continue to refuse to acknowledge all the spending cuts ($1.5 trillion in 2011) Obama and Dems have already agreed to. This is partly because admitting to all of this would reveal the GOP’s own intransigence to the public with too much clarity. But there’s another reason for it, which is aptly spelled out by Steve Kornacki. John Boehner can’t admit to any of it for his own self-interested political reasons:

The Morning Plum: The GOP?s self-defeating strategy in fiscal fight

all of which isn't to say Obama is my guy, but you have to be blind on disengenous to not acknowledge the gop has no intention of any, and i mean ANY, compromise.

And the math doesn't add up. You can't balance the budget in ten years with no new taxes without fundamentally altering social security and medicare. There are multiple budget tools on line. I linked one from the ultraliberal Wall St Journal that shows the numbers.
Obama can be trusted in nothing that he says. He can come out with all the phony charm in the world he's still a phony and a liar.

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