Obama Orders Pay Raise for Biden, Members of Congress, Federal Workers


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
never forget, it is you and I and them.

President Barack Obama issued an executive order to end the pay freeze on federal employees, in effect giving some federal workers a raise. One federal worker now to receive a pay increase is Vice President Joe Biden.

According to disclosure forms, Biden made a cool $225,521 last year. After the pay increase, he'll now make $231,900 per year.

Members of Congress, from the House and Senate, also will receive a little bump, as their annual salary will go from $174,000 to 174,900. Leadership in Congress, including the speaker of the House, will likewise get an increase.

Obama Orders Pay Raise for Biden, Members of Congress, Federal Workers | The Weekly Standard
Nice spin. He does not have the power to order pay raises.

You're right..HE SHOULDN'T.. but he signed an EO.. King Obama rulez absolutely. You liberal Zombies asked for it.. you deserve everything you're about to get. Here comes MAD taxes and major economic turmoil. Roll in it.. you own it.
All my conservative buddies sure as hell dont mind taking Holiday pay last week and this week.

BTW, Obama allowed for one more Holiday pay day this past week. Instead of two, its 3 days. Thank you President Obama, its been a tough few years and I know my family appreciates it.


ya know, if you conservatives don't like paying taxes and funding the federal payroll, why don't you just get up and leave? Case closed, and you will be happier and can keep all your income. win win, right?
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Thank you, President Obama.

^^^ Good little peasant Zombie.. Cheering on his political elite getting pay raises while Americans by the millions suffer and can't feed their families. Let's hear it for the sheep mentality!? Hip Hip Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!
All my conservative buddies sure as hell dont mind taking Holiday pay last week and this week.


ya know, if you conservatives don't like paying taxes and funding the federal payroll, why don't you just get up and leave? Case closed, and you will be happier and can keep all your income. win win, right?

^^^^ Carries more dirty water.. ANYTHING to excuse the power grab-- blames others for his King.

Zombies on parade!
Power grab,really?

So, allowing a federal pay adjustment that has been frozen in the past few years is a power grab? please explain.
Hmmm, let's see, he signs an executive order and people receive more money. And that is not a raise? Really?

Obama ended wage freezes that have been in place since 2009 and which he instituted in the first place for these employees. These federal employees who have not had any raises since 2009, will now receive 1/2 of 1% more in their pay.
never forget, it is you and I and them.

President Barack Obama issued an executive order to end the pay freeze on federal employees, in effect giving some federal workers a raise. One federal worker now to receive a pay increase is Vice President Joe Biden.

According to disclosure forms, Biden made a cool $225,521 last year. After the pay increase, he'll now make $231,900 per year.

Members of Congress, from the House and Senate, also will receive a little bump, as their annual salary will go from $174,000 to 174,900. Leadership in Congress, including the speaker of the House, will likewise get an increase.

Obama Orders Pay Raise for Biden, Members of Congress, Federal Workers | The Weekly Standard
There is a little more to story. Obama ordered a two year freeze on federal employee pay. In 2011 he extended that freeze another year. I don't think he issued another EO, the previous one just expired. A new executive order was issued increasing the pay of federal workers by .5%.
^^^ Good little peasant Zombie.. Cheering on his political elite getting pay raises while Americans by the millions suffer and can't feed their families. Let's hear it for the sheep mentality!? Hip Hip Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well at least millions of Americans won't be cut off of food stamps, Medicaid and unemployment benefits which would have happened if the Romney had won the election.

I think it's highly hypocritical of you to complain about the millions of Americans who can't feed their families, when you would have had them cut off of the social benefits they're currently receiving which help them in that regard.
Fiscal cliff?

oh yeah, Obama doesn't worry about little things like that.

The KING has spoken
All my conservative buddies sure as hell dont mind taking Holiday pay last week and this week.


ya know, if you conservatives don't like paying taxes and funding the federal payroll, why don't you just get up and leave? Case closed, and you will be happier and can keep all your income. win win, right?

^^^^ Carries more dirty water.. ANYTHING to excuse the power grab-- blames others for his King.

Zombies on parade!

:tongue:Kind of sounds like he just came from a GSA party. Bet he left his wallet home.
Obama is racing towards 20 trillion in debt. Who wants to bet when we blow a hole in the global economy is when we enter the third world war?

At least when we can't pay back our debt to China.

:eusa_pray:And I bet when that happens...Ubama gets a good job in China. Maybe sweeping the streets or something.

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