Obama Owns Worst Economic Numbers in 80 Years, Since 1932

His whole destruction won't be felt until HE'S surfing in his million dollar mansion in Hawaii.

the fines in OBamaNoCare is ramping up each year. Jobs being lost or having to be cut down to part time because small businesses can't abide by the disgusting regulations of it.

just hang on I don't think we've seen it all yet
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The worst years were the responsibility of "he who we dare not name" or the RWPC police will report us. :cool-45:
Although I'm no fan of Our Beloved President, I don't think the slow "recovery" (and calling it a recovery is being generous) can be laid entirely at his feet. The economy has not figured out how to provide for the Masses who in the couple previous generations have worked in steel mills, manufacturing plants, coal mines, and so on. This economic development has been due to global economic pressures and technological progress, neither of which can be effectively fought.
But what Barry can be called out on is the phony numbers he relies on to “prove” there is a recovery. The “5% unemployment rate” is as big a lie as “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”
The left is well aware they are lying through their pearly whites. The question is...........will the masses get educated enough on the matter before election day in November!
I understand that an administrations job is to spin bad, into acceptable, or good if possible. But this guy and his followers, put up fantasyland numbers, then expect to eat the crap sandwich baloney as accurate.

How much more Presidential would he be if he explained the "why" of things being not so great, and gave us a path forward; not to mention how much more believable his followers would be? Instead, they try and convince everyone we aren't seeing what we are seeing, hearing what we are hearing, and not feeling economically what we are feeling as a country.

Let us remember, the people getting total help from the government see nothing different. Their money still appears in the bank, but those paying the country's bills through work and taxation, know exactly what is going on!

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