Obama passing new law to allow searching of PC's, Laptops, and media devices

So for those Kool-Aid drinkers... How much bootlegged stuff do you have on your devices? Well Obama wants to make you a criminal.
The link is no longer available.

You are aware, aren't you, that the president doesn't "pass" anything?
The link is no longer available.

You are aware, aren't you, that the president doesn't "pass" anything?

I just watched it. It's about an international copyright treaty.

The White House appears to be continuing the secretive policy of the Bush administration, which wrote to the Electronic Frontier Foundation (PDF) on January 16 that out of 806 pages related to the treaty, all but 10 were "classified in the interest of national security pursuant to Executive Order 12958."

In one of his first acts as president, Obama signed a memo saying FOIA "should be administered with a clear presumption: In the face of doubt, openness prevails. The government should not keep information confidential merely because public officials might be embarrassed by disclosure."

Love's group believes that the U.S. and Japan want the treaty to say that willful trademark and copyright infringement on a commercial scale must be subject to criminal sanctions, including infringement that has "no direct or indirect motivation of financial gain."

A June 2008 memo (PDF) from the International Chamber of Commerce, signed by pro-copyright groups, says: "intellectual property theft is no less a crime than physical property theft. An effective ACTA should therefore establish clear and transparent standards for the calculation and imposition of effective criminal penalties for IP theft that...apply to both online and off-line IP transactions." Similarly, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has called for "criminal penalties for IP crimes, including online infringements."

Last fall, two senators--Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Arlen Specter (R-Penn.)--known for their support of stringent intellectual property laws, expressed concern that the ACTA could be too far-reaching.
Copyright treaty is classified for 'national security' | Politics and Law - CNET News

Documents relating to a proposed international copyright treaty to criminalise online file-sharing have been classified "in the interests of national security" by US President Barack Obama.

The proposed Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (Acta) is believed to criminalise the reproduction of copyright material both for and without profit. At present, such activity is a civil matter between the copyright owner and the alleged thief.

It is believed the agreement is aimed at large-scale forgers and unauthorised distributors of copyright material, especially across national borders. It was originally expected to come into play at the end of 2008, but talks have being ongoing.

It is believed the treaty could affect peer-to-peer file-sharing networks, but early documents suggested it gave border guards unprecedented powers to stop and search travellers without warning, and to copy and confiscate any digital material they might have.

Obama makes copyright treaty a national secret | 13 Mar 2009 | ComputerWeekly.com
Odd... it works just fine for me. Loads up, plays...

Read the links that Valerie posted for more information.
The Office of U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), part of President Barack Obama's office, has denied a company's request for information about a secretive anticounterfeiting trade agreement being negotiated, citing national security concerns.

The USTR this week denied a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from Knowledge Ecology International, an intellectual-property research and advocacy group, even though Obama, in one of his first presidential memos, directed that agencies be more forthcoming with information requested by the public.

The USTR under Obama seems to be taking the same position about the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) as it did under former President George Bush, that the treaty documents are not open to the public. One of Obama's campaign promises was to make government more open and responsive to the public.

The USTR, in a letter to Knowledge Ecology International's director James Love, said information in ACTA, an anticounterfeiting and antipiracy pact being negotiated among the U.S. and several other nations, is "properly classified in the interest of national security."

Critics of the secrecy say the treaty could have a major impact on the way the U.S. enforces intellectual-property law, including the potential for U.S. law enforcement agencies arresting U.S. residents for breaking other countries' IP laws.
Obama Administration Says Treaty Text Is State Secret - PC World
It's funny ... even if I had illegal media ... good luck at getting to my computer to find it ...
Oh no! Obama wants to stop people stealing other peoples' copyrighted material. How dare he!
Oh no! Obama wants to stop people stealing other peoples' copyrighted material. How dare he!

You do realize there are many reasons why this law is a bad idea .. right?

Most people don't just surf the web on their computers, a ton of private info is now stored on them.

Also ... seriously? Who gives a fuck if they copy a movie or two ... or a song. I have CDs of all the music I copied onto my computer, technically it's illegal even though I bought the CDs and just use the MP3s for convenience in my player. But they would still try to prosecute me and under this law they'd have the ability to try.
The link is no longer available.

You are aware, aren't you, that the president doesn't "pass" anything?

That did not and does not stop you Liberal dumbshits from claiming Bush passed all kinda laws during his 8 years.
More proof that neither party gives a flying fuck about the 4th amendment. Assholes, I hope it gets thrown out by the Supreme Court at lightning speed, this would be the time for the ACLU and other groups to justify their existence.
The link is no longer available.

You are aware, aren't you, that the president doesn't "pass" anything?

That did not and does not stop you Liberal dumbshits from claiming Bush passed all kinda laws during his 8 years.

Jumpin Jesus on a pogo stick. When you retired you didn't need to put the brain out to pasture. I've NEVER seen one of your "liberals" claim Bush passed anything. It's CONGRESS that passes legislation. But when you go to signing statements Bush imposed on legislation to make the laws mean and do what HE wanted ...that is a horse of a very different hew.
The link is no longer available.

You are aware, aren't you, that the president doesn't "pass" anything?

That did not and does not stop you Liberal dumbshits from claiming Bush passed all kinda laws during his 8 years.

Jumpin Jesus on a pogo stick. When you retired you didn't need to put the brain out to pasture. I've NEVER seen one of your "liberals" claim Bush passed anything. It's CONGRESS that passes legislation. But when you go to signing statements Bush imposed on legislation to make the laws mean and do what HE wanted ...that is a horse of a very different hew.


he did not say bush passed anything and he knows the difference...he is saying that he has seen some on this board claim bush passed this and that and violated our rights...i too have seen that, not only on this board, but other boards.

just because YOU have never seen it, doesn't mean it never happened.
That did not and does not stop you Liberal dumbshits from claiming Bush passed all kinda laws during his 8 years.

Jumpin Jesus on a pogo stick. When you retired you didn't need to put the brain out to pasture. I've NEVER seen one of your "liberals" claim Bush passed anything. It's CONGRESS that passes legislation. But when you go to signing statements Bush imposed on legislation to make the laws mean and do what HE wanted ...that is a horse of a very different hew.


he did not say bush passed anything and he knows the difference...he is saying that he has seen some on this board claim bush passed this and that and violated our rights...i too have seen that, not only on this board, but other boards.

just because YOU have never seen it, doesn't mean it never happened.

Hold the phone there sparky. I've been on this MB for about a week. I was on "Perspectives" for about five years but got banned a dozen times because those lame ass administrators over there don't like thier fascist asses handed to em. It was a target rich environment for neo- cons. That I miss.

I really like this board. The owners have guts letting true free expression rule the day.

I'm a month from sixty, pilot, pirate, author and inventor...seen alot in person and learned more from time and reflection.

Just because I say it doesn't mean it is true. It DOES mean I believe it. I reserve the right to update my opinion as the facts roll in.
Jumpin Jesus on a pogo stick. When you retired you didn't need to put the brain out to pasture. I've NEVER seen one of your "liberals" claim Bush passed anything. It's CONGRESS that passes legislation. But when you go to signing statements Bush imposed on legislation to make the laws mean and do what HE wanted ...that is a horse of a very different hew.


he did not say bush passed anything and he knows the difference...he is saying that he has seen some on this board claim bush passed this and that and violated our rights...i too have seen that, not only on this board, but other boards.

just because YOU have never seen it, doesn't mean it never happened.

Hold the phone there sparky. I've been on this MB for about a week. I was on "Perspectives" for about five years but got banned a dozen times because those lame ass administrators over there don't like thier fascist asses handed to em. It was a target rich environment for neo- cons. That I miss.

I really like this board. The owners have guts letting true free expression rule the day.

I'm a month from sixty, pilot, pirate, author and inventor...seen alot in person and learned more from time and reflection.

Just because I say it doesn't mean it is true. It DOES mean I believe it. I reserve the right to update my opinion as the facts roll in.

huh....dude, chill out, make some tea and get over yourself. i dont' need your resume... i don't care if you have an IQ of a 1000....if you make an illogical argument i "reserve" the right to call you on it.

good lord

he did not say bush passed anything and he knows the difference...he is saying that he has seen some on this board claim bush passed this and that and violated our rights...i too have seen that, not only on this board, but other boards.

just because YOU have never seen it, doesn't mean it never happened.

Hold the phone there sparky. I've been on this MB for about a week. I was on "Perspectives" for about five years but got banned a dozen times because those lame ass administrators over there don't like thier fascist asses handed to em. It was a target rich environment for neo- cons. That I miss.

I really like this board. The owners have guts letting true free expression rule the day.

I'm a month from sixty, pilot, pirate, author and inventor...seen alot in person and learned more from time and reflection.

Just because I say it doesn't mean it is true. It DOES mean I believe it. I reserve the right to update my opinion as the facts roll in.

huh....dude, chill out, make some tea and get over yourself. i dont' need your resume... i don't care if you have an IQ of a 1000....if you make an illogical argument i "reserve" the right to call you on it.

good lord

Uh dude get over yourself. You are not the only reader. I'm still introducing myself around here.

IQ about 140 plus. My argument may have been missinformed but it was not illogical.

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