Isn't he a bit old for the post?
A man in his 80s won't have the most dynamic ideas...
He's quite old, but still has a grasp on reality.
The entier adivsory board is a symbolic gesture that modern politicians are so keen on - they get good political mileage out of the spectacle while affording the board little actual power.
If Obama actually believed this board was an essential component to the economy, it would have been in place on day one and been an essential voice forming the porkulus bill. Instead, Obama give it over to Pelosi, who made it a joke, and now they are all scrambling to save face - thus the debate in the Senate today over porkulus.
Volker was an essential component to the Reagan boom of the 1980's. Each had a basic distrust of the other. Volker had, and still has, a huge ego though, and he loved being Fed Chair. Reagan knew that, and would use this weakness in Volker to get him to move the FED in the direction he wanted. There were those within the Reagan administration who deeply distrusted Volker and wanted him gone, but so long as Volker went along with Reagan's basic vision of the economy, his position was safe until the emergence of Greenspan, whom Reagan felt far more economic kinship with.
I read somewhere that Reagan was really the first President to understand the potential power of the FED -Reagan gave both Volker and Greenspan much leeway in developing FED policy (partly why Volker so enjoyed the position) and since that time, the importance of the FED to the American economy has remained significant.
Whether that is good or bad is certainly open to debate...
per a reader's request...