Obama places sanctions on Russia for defeat of his terrorist in Syria; not bogus election hacks.


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2008
Obama by any definition of the word is a terrorist and backs terrorism!

Does anyone really thinks Syria invited Obama to fight against terrorist in Syria?

It's so extremely absurd is suggest Obama was doing anything other than fighting with the terrorist in Syria.

This is treason and obama needs to be held accountable for using the government as a criminal enterprise.

All true Americans should be alarmed by the fact that the hometown of president Obama who was using terrorist in Syria, has the highest murder rate in the entire United States of America!

Obama's former Attorney General was giving thousands of illegal weapons to criminal south of the border in the fast and furious scandal.

Now Obama is canceling the flights that help track illegal immigrants crossing into America.

It's treason for any president to try and set-up America for the type of terrorism happening in Syria.
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Obama by any definition of the word is a terrorist and backs terrorism!

Does anyone really thinks Syria invited Obama to fight against terrorist in Syria?

It's so extremely absurd is suggest Obama was doing anything other than fighting with the terrorist in Syria.

This is treason and obama needs to be held accountable for using the government for as a criminal enterprise.

All true Americans should be alarmed by the fact that the hometown of president Obama who was using terrorist in Syria, has the highest murderer rate in the entire United states of America!

His former Attorney General was giving thousands of illegal weapons to criminal south of the border in the fast and furious scandal.

Now Obama is canceling the flights that help track illegal immigrants crossing into America.

It's treason for any president to try and set-up America up for the type of terrorism happening in Syria.
Thems a lot of lies to tell in one short post Mr. Dolt. Why ya wanna lie like that?
Public enemy #1 the establishment media is also working with those involved in terrorism by being
totally mute on the issue of Obama fighting with terrorist in Syria.

When one finds current events based on common sense posted on a message boards and not part of
any type of television news broadcast it's for certain that no Journalism exist with the establishment media;
Journalism no longer exist!!!

Things will be better between the USSA and Russian in the future under Trump. Just need to wait another couple of weeks.

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