Obama Plans To Bail Out Insurance Companies

How? It is basically single payer, itself and look at all the money thrown at it and what do you have? Unimaginable waits, and lack of care, with people dying because of it.

As the grounds for "improving" the broken system in its entirety.
By sweeping in the whole healthcare system that, with a small example in the VA, is proven to be broken? And they think they can sell that by so doing, making it better when you increase its size much more than 10 fold? Anyone with any sense will see the faulty reasoning of that.

The current system will be untenable by then, the VA system is not broken through and though, it seems to be broken in places.

I can see a plausible case being made, especially with the panic I believe will set in when the ACA crashes.
I am not so sure the VA situation does not play right into this.

How? It is basically single payer, itself and look at all the money thrown at it and what do you have? Unimaginable waits, and lack of care, with people dying because of it.

As the grounds for "improving" the broken system in its entirety.
Since most people were satisfied with their healthcare previously, I don't see us rolling over again, after the realities have fully set in. Many see that Obamacare has created hardships and I think they will see single payer as just another empty promise by those that have already hurt them.
Just a matter of time now. The people will cry out for singler payer health care.

Why, Obamacare is here to stay and anyone that bitchs is just a far right hater... Obamacare could never just fail and piss off hundreds of millions on it's own, like it's currently doing. No it has to be some bullshit effort from the side of the Republicans, sabotaging Obamacare right g5?

Point is, Obama can be repealed simply because it will be unsustainable. It will not matter is Republicans chit talk it, it's doomed because it started too big and too late in the game for America, we already are running deficits due to other giant failing programs, but these programs already have most the nation hooked on it's welfare.

ObamaCare will one day be repealed. That much is true.

It will be repealed when it is replaced by singler payer.
Just a matter of time now. The people will cry out for singler payer health care.

Why, Obamacare is here to stay and anyone that bitchs is just a far right hater... Obamacare could never just fail and piss off hundreds of millions on it's own, like it's currently doing. No it has to be some bullshit effort from the side of the Republicans, sabotaging Obamacare right g5?

Point is, Obama can be repealed simply because it will be unsustainable. It will not matter is Republicans chit talk it, it's doomed because it started too big and too late in the game for America, we already are running deficits due to other giant failing programs, but these programs already have most the nation hooked on it's welfare.

ObamaCare will one day be repealed. That much is true.

It will be repealed when it is replaced by singler payer.

Ok, well at least we can agree on the repeal. I have huge doubts it will be replaced by much of anything.

Kinda like getting student loans, they will be removed but not replaced.
The Progs goal all along has been to turn us into Serfs of The State.

Those of us who work are already tax serfs; and those with lots of debt are debt serfs to the Big Government Crony banksters. And now, with healthcare, we are being turned into body serfs.

You guys look remarkably silly when you go on about serfs of slaves of the state.

It shows you have no real clue about what you are talking about.

Slaves had no rights and no benefits. They worked their asses off until they dropped. That was basically it. They lived and died at the whim of their owners.

Serfs were slightly better off in that they might be able to leave the land they tilled for their "master", and might was the operative word here. They too had no benefits.

Having a government that actually does stuff, like make sure we get health care, housing and education are BENEFITS. By the way, no one owns you and you can leave the country if you don't like it. That's the huge difference.
It BENEFITS no one to take money from hard working people and redistribute it to high school dropouts.
How? It is basically single payer, itself and look at all the money thrown at it and what do you have? Unimaginable waits, and lack of care, with people dying because of it.

As the grounds for "improving" the broken system in its entirety.
Since most people were satisfied with their healthcare previously, I don't see us rolling over again, after the realities have fully set in. Many see that Obamacare has created hardships and I think they will see single payer as just another empty promise by those that have already hurt them.

No they weren't.

Having 50K Americans die each year and many more going bankrupt was unacceptable.

That and being 47th or so ranked in the world for healthcare.
Just a matter of time now. The people will cry out for singler payer health care.

Why, Obamacare is here to stay and anyone that bitchs is just a far right hater... Obamacare could never just fail and piss off hundreds of millions on it's own, like it's currently doing. No it has to be some bullshit effort from the side of the Republicans, sabotaging Obamacare right g5?

Point is, Obama can be repealed simply because it will be unsustainable. It will not matter is Republicans chit talk it, it's doomed because it started too big and too late in the game for America, we already are running deficits due to other giant failing programs, but these programs already have most the nation hooked on it's welfare.

ObamaCare will one day be repealed. That much is true.

It will be repealed when it is replaced by singler payer.
What we see today with the VA healthcare system is only a symptom of a much larger problem there.

Personally, I believe you are wrong.
The Progs goal all along has been to turn us into Serfs of The State.

Those of us who work are already tax serfs; and those with lots of debt are debt serfs to the Big Government Crony banksters. And now, with healthcare, we are being turned into body serfs.

You guys look remarkably silly when you go on about serfs of slaves of the state.

It shows you have no real clue about what you are talking about.

Slaves had no rights and no benefits. They worked their asses off until they dropped. That was basically it. They lived and died at the whim of their owners.

Serfs were slightly better off in that they might be able to leave the land they tilled for their "master", and might was the operative word here. They too had no benefits.

Having a government that actually does stuff, like make sure we get health care, housing and education are BENEFITS. By the way, no one owns you and you can leave the country if you don't like it. That's the huge difference.

I'd go as far as to say the time period and the level of quality and advancements in HC are what makes us "serfs and slaves." HC was beyond basic by in the time period your talking about, serfs and slaves got very low quality HC but none the less many recived some sort. That is where we are headed, to the very low end of HC.

You proved that with housing and education already. As Government takes over these areas of our lives the quality becomes in the first steps above homeless. That is where education almost is and where HC is going now.

Thanks for that.
Why, Obamacare is here to stay and anyone that bitchs is just a far right hater... Obamacare could never just fail and piss off hundreds of millions on it's own, like it's currently doing. No it has to be some bullshit effort from the side of the Republicans, sabotaging Obamacare right g5?

Point is, Obama can be repealed simply because it will be unsustainable. It will not matter is Republicans chit talk it, it's doomed because it started too big and too late in the game for America, we already are running deficits due to other giant failing programs, but these programs already have most the nation hooked on it's welfare.

ObamaCare will one day be repealed. That much is true.

It will be repealed when it is replaced by singler payer.
What we see today with the VA healthcare system is only a symptom of a much larger problem there.

Personally, I believe you are wrong.

I'm a retired vet, so I am intimately familiar with the pitfalls of single payer healthcare. :)

My feelings about single payer healthcare cannot change the realities on the ground. It is where we are inevitably headed, barring a miracle on the order of Jesus's Second Coming.
As the grounds for "improving" the broken system in its entirety.
Since most people were satisfied with their healthcare previously, I don't see us rolling over again, after the realities have fully set in. Many see that Obamacare has created hardships and I think they will see single payer as just another empty promise by those that have already hurt them.

No they weren't.

Having 50K Americans die each year and many more going bankrupt was unacceptable.

That and being 47th or so ranked in the world for healthcare.

SO instead you support further bankrupting America as a whole top give us slightly fewer insured Americans and just as many bankrupted Americans over HC?

Obamacare only got 8 million people, already these numbers look more like 6.5 million and in a year they might lose 2-3 million to not making payments.... then costs go up.

Or wait, the study that shows the 5 million people were not going to pay their HC bill that year anyways were all of a sudden going to make their new more costly payments to O-care?
Having a government that actually does stuff, like make sure we get health care, housing and education are BENEFITS.

Thank God you at least didn't claim they were RIGHTS.

he/she/it is a serf for Big socialized government...

health care, housing, and education and all those will come off the BACKS of the taxpayers, but our wonderful loving giving guberment will get the called the, hero's
we should all start bowing to them and proclaim our love

now I'm off to puke how they twist our constitution into something it ISN'T
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Having worked thousands of litigation cases for the insurance industry for 35 years I have seen first hand the massive inefficiencies in having the health "care" system in America use insurance as the vehicle for payment of health "care" services.
Massive amount of wasted resources on the 1000+ different insurance companies administering different sets of forms, policies, rules and policies. All health care businesses have to employ people just to keep track of the paperwork.
And the end cost is three times more than what other countries pay for their HEALTH CARE.
Now our disease care is the finest in the world. It should be as most all doctors now are specialists.
And as a nation we now spend 56% of ALL health care dollars in America on disease care.
And growing.
To treat 4% of the population.
And shrinking.
Group health insurance and all blank check health care along with the train wreck of Medicare has ruined American health care.
Go to a system like Germany. Single payer and hey, if you do not like it, BUY YOUR OWN which is also available as private insurance in Germany.
Everyone should be responsible for their OWN HEALTH CARE.
American health care is about 34th in the world.
Disease care is #1.
Do the math sports fans. We are being had by the medical lobby.
Just a matter of time now. The people will cry out for singler payer health care.

I'm not really hearing that. More like 70 percent don't want anything to do with obamacare or single payer.

It doesn't matter what we redneck racist hillbilllies want. The Elite Overlords are going to tell us what is best for us, whether we like it or not.
I understand how frustrated people are about the federal government bailing out private companies.
The ACA, however, is unique in that insurers must take on all comers, regardless of health, within the open enrollment period.
People who are diagnosed with cancer, say in Sept., need to wait for only a few months until coverage must be offered - in full, no riders, no limits, etc.

Three others and I recently applied to the Texas Department of Insurance for a license for a life and health insurer.
We will be offering a unique product, a patented design in which we worked with Milliman, a well-respected actuarial firm for three years, to craft the details.
The plan will be initially offered to self-funded employers of 200 or more employees.
We are deathly afriid of entering the exchanges, with all the potential adverse selection that can occur.
Working with employers, and assuming more of their risk, gradually, over time, is much more palatable for us and will be extremely effective for employers who want to exit the insurance business, albeit more gradually than through the private exchanges. A bit more patience can result in premium savings up to 80% from today's premiums, even including medical inflation.
Don Levit,CLU,ChFC

So, if you have a life threatening disease outside of the enrollment period, one just has to suck it up for a "Few Months" and hope one doesn't die or pass the point of no return while one waits.

Good to know!
How? It is basically single payer, itself and look at all the money thrown at it and what do you have? Unimaginable waits, and lack of care, with people dying because of it.

As the grounds for "improving" the broken system in its entirety.
By sweeping in the whole healthcare system that, with a small example in the VA, is proven to be broken? And they think they can sell that by so doing, making it better when you increase its size much more than 10 fold? Anyone with any sense will see the faulty reasoning of that.

The mess at the VA is just a Pilot Program - Preview of Coming ObamaCare Attractions.
As the grounds for "improving" the broken system in its entirety.
Since most people were satisfied with their healthcare previously, I don't see us rolling over again, after the realities have fully set in. Many see that Obamacare has created hardships and I think they will see single payer as just another empty promise by those that have already hurt them.

No they weren't.

Having 50K Americans die each year and many more going bankrupt was unacceptable.

That and being 47th or so ranked in the world for healthcare.

Given that we have nearly as many uninsured with ObamaCarea as we had before, I don't see how you can claim any reduction in the body count.

If anything, the VA Pilot Program for Single Payer is showing that the body count will increase.
Having worked thousands of litigation cases for the insurance industry for 35 years I have seen first hand the massive inefficiencies in having the health "care" system in America use insurance as the vehicle for payment of health "care" services.
Massive amount of wasted resources on the 1000+ different insurance companies administering different sets of forms, policies, rules and policies. All health care businesses have to employ people just to keep track of the paperwork.
And the end cost is three times more than what other countries pay for their HEALTH CARE.
Now our disease care is the finest in the world. It should be as most all doctors now are specialists.
And as a nation we now spend 56% of ALL health care dollars in America on disease care.
And growing.
To treat 4% of the population.
And shrinking.
Group health insurance and all blank check health care along with the train wreck of Medicare has ruined American health care.
Go to a system like Germany. Single payer and hey, if you do not like it, BUY YOUR OWN which is also available as private insurance in Germany.
Everyone should be responsible for their OWN HEALTH CARE.

I agree with your diagnosis, but not the cure.

Here's what we should do:

- Decouple catastrophic health insurance (real insurance) from routine care (which is really just prepaid health services).
- Break the link between employment and health care by making health insurance and expenses individual tax deductions; what is now spent by companies can be added to the cash comp of employees, who then choose how to spend their funds (which removes the middleman dollar siphon which shield individuals from the cost of the services they consume).
- Eliminate state barriers to health care competition.
- Malpractice tort reform ala Texas which remove the excessive Lawyer Tax on the system.

Personally, I'd prefer to have a catastrophic policy and a separate concierge service for routine care.
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