Obama Police Speech - Democrat Propaganda


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
He's still doing it. Slamming the nation's police to appeal to Blacks, to tighten up the Democrat voting base. To Obama, it looks like Blacks are the base of the base of the Democratic Party. And nothing rouses up that base than crabbing about police, and pretending there is a significant amount of police brutality, when actually the number of police being gunned down and killed is up from the year before. The FBI has issued a report disclosing that the number of officers who were feloniously killed in the line of duty in 2014 rose 89 percent from the previous year. A total of 51 law enforcement officers were feloniously killed last year, compared to 27 officers in 2013.

The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund survey finds overall, 126 officers — at "federal, state, local, tribal and territorial" levels — were killed in the line of duty, a 24 percent uptick from 102 deaths last year.

Now Obama's also crabbing about militarization of police, as if that was a bad thing. After seeing what occured in Ferguson, MO, Baltimore, MD, and New York City recently, I'd say the more militarization of the police, and the tougher they are on rioters, the better.

The hands off policies promoted by Stephanie Rawlings in Baltimore, by Jay Nixon in Ferguson, and Bill DeBlasio in New York are exactly why things got out of hand on those cities. Once rioters, looters, arsonists get the idea thst police are going to retreat from tham, it doesn't take racket scientist to predict the result.

Now Obama is banning military equipment for police. BAD IDEA. But it fits right in with his scheme to jack up the animosity to the police by Blacks and strengthen their voting power. What it also does is get police killed in greater numbers than before, and that's exactly what has been happening, as police now hesitate to use force after seeing the fiasco set in motion by Stephanie Rawlings and Marilyn Mosby in Baltimore. And you can bet Obama and Al Sharpton had their hands in that.


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