Obama "Prepared To Act": Who Is He Kidding?

Obama says U.S. remains prepared to act on Syria if diplomacy fails

So Obama promises to act. What does that mean? He will submit a resolution to the UN? He will seek congressional approval for an eensy weensy air strike?
Assad must be laughing his ass off at this dumbshit. He has no credibility anywhere in the world.

what is it with you right wing nut cases ???? obama promises ??? where in the article does it say obama promises ??? here a president has said if you don't hand over your wmd's we will attack you by air ... If I remember correctly Bill Clinton said the same thing ... if you don't stop killing people in Kosovo we will how you say HIT you with a eensy weensy air strike and he wiped them off the planet ... you dumbshit which he did ... americans killed 1 ... now we have the republicans what do they do ???? they attack a country about lies of having WMD's and thousands of people are killed ...

That's nice. Run along, now.
According to Samantha Power, obama's ambassador to the UN, a strike would be illegal and subject obama to being charged as an international war criminal.
Jackson -

You might have missed this:

Europeans generally give the U.S. high ratings, especially in Italy, where 76% now have a positive view of America, up from 74% last year and 53% in 2007. Greece is the only European country polled where fewer than half offer a positive assessment of the U.S.

In both France and Germany, ratings for the U.S. are much higher today than they were during President George W. Bush’s tenure, but they have also declined somewhat since 2009, the first year of Barack Obama’s presidency.

What's to deflect?

Around 20 countries were involved in the Libya missions, and if there is a mission in Syria, probably a similar number of countries will be involved. The fact that it is likely to be airstrikes only means more countries won't be needed or in a position to assist anyway.

It's like you have no idea that the entire world turned obama down for a Syria mission! Only France supported obama and that limited to an agreement to cheer from the sidelines.

Maybe you're still enmeshed in 2008 when obama was still hopey changey. Germany is already taking to the streets to protest obama.

Obama loses German hearts and minds ahead of Berlin visit

Of course a lot of German antipathy is cause by obama's electronic stasi. Even Germans who did not live under 24/7 surveillance don't want to resurrect the practice.
According to Samantha Power, obama's ambassador to the UN, a strike would be illegal and subject obama to being charged as an international war criminal.

The same Samantha Power who skipped an important meeting?

Do you ever get the feeling no one in the administration has a clue what they are doing?
According to Samantha Power, obama's ambassador to the UN, a strike would be illegal and subject obama to being charged as an international war criminal.

The same Samantha Power who skipped an important meeting?

Do you ever get the feeling no one in the administration has a clue what they are doing?

They were chosen specifically because they had no clue. Have you noticed that each and every person in obama's regime is incompetent?
According to Samantha Power, obama's ambassador to the UN, a strike would be illegal and subject obama to being charged as an international war criminal.

The same Samantha Power who skipped an important meeting?

Do you ever get the feeling no one in the administration has a clue what they are doing?

They were chosen specifically because they had no clue. Have you noticed that each and every person in obama's regime is incompetent?

Yes I have. Kerry has no business at State. Hegel no business at Defense. Lew no business at Treasury.
It is like The Producers of administrations--hire the very worst people hoping for a flop.

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