Obama proclaims Irene a "historic" hurricane

The federal government can not issue a state of emergency for a state, it is the governor that does that. Bush called the governor several times asking her to issue a state of emergency so he could engage fema. She didn't until it was too late.

I'm so tired of dealing with ignorant fuckfaces like yourself.

Katrina was originally headed to the Florida panhandle. It turned and headed to New Orleans on FRIDAY August 26th. Governor Blanco declared a state of emergency on FRIDAY August 26th. Here's the link you ignorant fucktard

Office of the Governor, Kathleen Babineaux Blanco, State of Louisiana - Press Releases

On the other hand, Governor Halley Barbour of the Personal Responsibility Party waited until Saturday to declare a state of emergency for Mississippi

On Saturday, Blanco requested a federal declaration of emergency, which was granted the same day.

Now shut the fuck up about shit you obviously know NOTHING ABOUT.
It was ridiculous watching that, the mayor of New Orleans would tell people to evacuate, the governor would say no don't do that, then the governor would say evacuate and the mayor would say no don't so that.

It surely must have been ridiculous watching that, considering you made it up in your fucking head.

You are an idiot. The Hurricane HIT on SUNDAY. You are aware that Sunday is one day from Saturday?

Nagin did not order an evacuation until Saturday night. Th storm hit on Sunday. Nagin did not follow his own Emergency procedures. Nagin did not use city buses or school Buses. Nagin used emergency secondary facilities as evac points. No food, no water, no toilets, no security.

Good thing I asked for a link ehh?

Bad thing that you never bothered to read it.

At all levels of government, the Katrina response was a failure. However, the fact that Bush had appointed a failed horse show manager as the head of FEMA and that Brown simply failed to act at all, was the failure that people will remember. We have long expected failure and ignorance from Southern governors and mayors. We do not expect it at the Federal level. Unless we elect another Texas governor to the Presidency.
The federal government can not issue a state of emergency for a state, it is the governor that does that. Bush called the governor several times asking her to issue a state of emergency so he could engage fema. She didn't until it was too late.

I'm so tired of dealing with ignorant fuckfaces like yourself.

Katrina was originally headed to the Florida panhandle. It turned and headed to New Orleans on FRIDAY August 26th. Governor Blanco declared a state of emergency on FRIDAY August 26th. Here's the link you ignorant fucktard

Office of the Governor, Kathleen Babineaux Blanco, State of Louisiana - Press Releases

On the other hand, Governor Halley Barbour of the Personal Responsibility Party waited until Saturday to declare a state of emergency for Mississippi

On Saturday, Blanco requested a federal declaration of emergency, which was granted the same day.

Now shut the fuck up about shit you obviously know NOTHING ABOUT.
It was ridiculous watching that, the mayor of New Orleans would tell people to evacuate, the governor would say no don't do that, then the governor would say evacuate and the mayor would say no don't so that.

It surely must have been ridiculous watching that, considering you made it up in your fucking head.

Are you accusing them of revisionist history?

Ray Nagin was out there ringing those bells and firing guns to warn the British that Katrina was coming
How interesting. This catastrophicly historic hurricane is so........ Oh wait, its a dud. Might as well rant about Bush and not the fact that the Obama hype machine was wrong yet again.
How interesting. This catastrophicly historic hurricane is so........ Oh wait, its a dud. Might as well rant about Bush and not the fact that the Obama hype machine was wrong yet again.

Let's all hope that Grandpa raped me is right....
How Presidential is a buffoon that announces BEFORE the hurricane ever makes any landfall, that it is Historic?

Well, it is historic in the sense that it is the first hurricane to touch US soil in nearly 4 years, and my bet is that it will be somewhat historic in the speed at which it fizzles out.

Dr. Simon Atkins
CEO, Advanced Forecasting Corporation [AFC]
August 26, 2011
The hype over Hurricane Irene is overblown, predicts the CEO of Advanced Forecasting Corporation.

"North of Delaware, most hurricane force winds will very likely be gusts, not sustained winds."

o The demise of Irene has already begun. There is no visible eye. The storm intensity is down to 99 mph. This would be a low-end category 2 or a strong category 1 storm, while 36 hours ago some predicted a catastrophic category 4 storm. Air Force Reserve aircraft have found that Irene's eyewall has collapsed, and the central pressure has risen -- rising pressure means a weakening storm.

o The reduction in storm intensity likely confirms that this storm is not going to be as monstrous as it has been publicly forecast to be.

o Yes, it will be windy. However, north of Delaware most hurricane force winds will very likely be gusts, not sustained winds.​

That said, I fully support Mayor Bloomberg taking the actions he is in NYC. It's not only about the winds, but the tides and flood potential. All of Long Island is very much at risk. This is not overblown in that sense. It is nice to see a proactive response. It is also good practice for what does lie ahead.
How interesting. This catastrophicly historic hurricane is so........ Oh wait, its a dud. Might as well rant about Bush and not the fact that the Obama hype machine was wrong yet again.

Let's all hope that Grandpa raped me is right....

The only thing that would make me happier is if she hangs a right and quietly discombobulates out to sea.
so how is the hysteria working out for everyone?

It's exhausting actually. My s.o. and I are taking turns running around the house yelling in a blind panic. Plus, I'm getting pretty antsy to see pictures of devastation. I mean, after the rather anti-climactic earthquake, seems something should break loose, you know?

(all kidding aside, I'm very glad it's dissipated somewhat. Could have easily gone the other way)
so how is the hysteria working out for everyone?

It's exhausting actually. My s.o. and I are taking turns running around the house yelling in a blind panic. Plus, I'm getting pretty antsy to see pictures of devastation. I mean, after the rather anti-climactic earthquake, seems something should break loose, you know?

(all kidding aside, I'm very glad it's dissipated somewhat. Could have easily gone the other way)

Some big time forecasting CEO just twittted that the storm is totally hyped by the media and will be a nothing by the time it gets to NYC. Pressure is rising and no more eyewall. Over on DRUDGE right ow.........too tired to post the link......

Alarmists are gay............they are everywhere in the science community too. Cant blame 'em though........hysterical sells.

The media should just ignore every storm until after the damage has occurred. That's the rightie way afterall - 20/20 hindsight, and fuck foresight because if you can't be 100% accurate there's no point.

How Presidential is a buffoon that announces BEFORE the hurricane ever makes any landfall, that it is Historic? All he is doing is promoting hysteria and fear. Hurricanes historically weaken at certain points. And they do not always regain strength later. It was only a Cat 3 and is now a Cat 2. Probably a Cat 1 after it passes the Outer Banks. The only thing historic about it is our President is fear mongering by using it, probably in hopes of being seen as a savior afterwards.

Instead he is likely to be seen the fool.

Ravi's defense of this ass? ohh he only said it MIGHT be historic. He only fear mongered a little not a lot.
For all the "concern" that has been shown for the people temporarily displaced because of flood waters where is this concern for the victims in Joplin. Havnt heard a peep about it in some time. Thousands upon thousands of people permanently displaced because their homes were either destroyed or damaged beyond habitability. There are people still living in fucking tents for christs sake. But not a peep from the DC crowd.
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For all the "concern" that has been shown for the people temporarily displaced because of flood waters where is this concern for the victims in Joplin. Havnt heard a peep about it in some time. Thousands upon thousands of people permanently displaced because their homes were either destroyed or damaged beyond habitability. There are people still living in fucking tents for christs sake. But not a peep from the DC crowd.

Why don't you start a thread on it?

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