Obama Protection Of Illegals By Shutting Down Deportations Exposed - 800k Total Illegals Protected


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
200,000 deportation cases quietly 'closed' under Obama

"During the Obama era up to 200,000 deportation cases were "administratively closed" without action, a move that left tens of thousands of illegal immigrants free to roam America, sometimes indefinitely, according to a new report.

When added to those cases still pending court action, it brings the backlog of cases to about 800,000, far more than previously known."

"While administratively closing some cases was a practice that increased under Obama, Arthur added that there is no legal authority for it."

"The good news is that the Trump administration has reversed the practice of administrative closure of cases that are not a priority, and has effectively eliminated prioritization as well, returning ‘prosecutorial discretion' to its proper role as a law-enforcement tool to be used on a case-by-case basis, not a blanket abdication of authority".

During his Presidency, Obama represented, defended, and worked more for the benefit of terrorists, Mexican Drug cartels, MS13, Human Traffickers, violent illegals, Russia, the UN than he did American Citizens.

As President, Obama lied to the American people frequently, violated both Constitution and Rule of Law, dragged the US into 2 Un-Constitutional Wars without Congressional approval, Fascistly bypassed Congress to impose his own agenda/ideology, illegally spied on the American people / reporters / the media / the US Senate / the USSC, illegally unmasked Americans, illegally used the IRS as his personal political weapon against Americans who did not support him, and ran his own personal drone assassination program he used to kill Americans abroad, denying them their right to a fair trial.

This new revelation is further proof that he ILLEGALLY refused to enforce US Immigration Law.
Both Trump and Arpaio have convinced me to NOT EVER trust judges.........LOL
Both Trump and Arpaio have convinced me to NOT EVER trust judges.........LOL
Poor butt-hurt snowflake...satisfied with Obama 'pardoning' and releasing the 'Mastermind behind the Benghazi attacks' that left 4 Americans needlessly dead and 'pardoning' and releasing the Taliban 5, leaders of the enemy we are still fighting in the war in Afghanistan - an act of TREASON, but pissed that Arpaio was pardoned because he refused to illegally aid and abet illegals like Barry did. :p
Flood the country with millions of broke as poor illegals, give them amnesty and welfare in exchange for voting Dem, that's the liberal's wet dream.
People who are opposed to enforcing our immigration laws are racist.

People who refuse to accept that America is a sovereign country are racist

People who do not accept that America is an English speaking country are racist

People who oppose Voter ID are racist.

Democrats are racist.
You right wingers are.....at the very least.....funny.....assholes,no doubt, but funny nonetheless...

Keep your spirits up......LOL
Dumbers do not understand that reducing the laborforce increases wages and decreases UE. Deporting illegals also helps in the fight against the opiate epidemic.
Dumbers do not understand that reducing the laborforce increases wages and decreases UE. Deporting illegals also helps in the fight against the opiate epidemic.

Of course, right wing morons don't mention that if an American picks your tomatoes,you can expect that pound of tomatoes to cost TRIPLE.....(that is, if the American doesn't mind the hard work.)

AND, if you want to fix your roof with strictly American labor, expect the cost to be ten-fold....

These little other factoids escape the half brain of right wingers.....Carry on.

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