Obama regime hides Bin Laden details,information in CIA

I've never seen a deal like that one. There is no proof at all that Bin Laden is dead. Why are they hiding the facts? It would be easy to redact the names of the SEALs and release the info.

WTF is up with this?
Most of the seals involved are now dead...a helicopter "crash".

I think that is not so. Seal Team 6 is the name of an ever changing team of Seals...like the Blue Angels...the Dallas Cowboys...
Of course the news service is nothing more then lying bitches. Anti-Obama haters bent on bring down the Obama administration. OBL died that night Obama told us so. Why else would they uphold the traditional Muslim burial at sea? We all know a religion that started with a bunch of desert goat herders has a long tradition of burial at sea.

OBL died at Tora Bora unless someone can show proof otherwise.
Most of the seals involved are now dead...a helicopter "crash".

SEAL Team 6 Gate Replaces Benghazi as Worst Scandal Ever

But let’s get to SEAL Team 6-Gate: World Net Daily columnist Larry Klayman, who spun the crazy theory that the fertilizer explosion in Texas was a terrorist plot to kill George W. Bush, said on Radio America, that “SEAL Team Six carried out the daring raid in Pakistan in early May 2011. Three months later, three members of the unit were among 38 killed in a Chinook helicopter crash in Afghanistan. Twenty-five of the dead were special operations forces.”

Families of Navy SEALs killed in 2011 attack say government is to blame | Fox News

Three months after bin Laden’s death, members of the SEAL Team 6 force -- though apparently not the same ones who carried out the bin Laden raid -- were on board the CH-47 Chinook transport helicopter, along with its Army National Guard aircrew, several support personnel and seven Afghan commandos. In all, 38 people died that night after the chopper was shot down by a Taliban-owned rocket-propelled grenade –or RPG – over the Wardak Province on Aug. 6, 2011.

Biden Now Blamed In SEAL Team 6 Deaths | Alternative

The families of three fallen Navy SEAL Team Six members say President Obama and Vice President Biden are culpable for the deaths of their sons for publicly identifying the unit that killed Osama bin Laden and pursuing policies that coddle Muslims and put our own troops at a tactical disadvantage.
SEAL Team Six carried out the daring raid in Pakistan in early May 2011. Three months later, three members of the unit were among 38 killed in a Chinook helicopter crash in Afghanistan. Twenty-five of the dead were special operations forces. Larry Klayman is founder of Freedom Watch, a WND columnist and the attorney representing three of the families who lost their sons. He said the Obama administration carelessly and illegally revealed the role of SEAL Team Six shortly after announcing the successful mission to kill bin Laden.
I think you guys are overlooking the fact that Al Qaeda central admitted that Osama bin Laden had been killed by US forces.

Your conspiracy theory would require the cooperation of thousands of people.
I say he was killed LONG before 2011.

That would still require the complete cooperation of Al Qaeda Central which makes it highly unlikely. We have verified letters from him from as late as April 2011 as well.
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