obama resigns in the swirl of citizenship crisis


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
right winger news channel, film at eleven
when asked, the president said "i got nothin"

romper room channel

i figure if right winger can post this shit, why can't i ?? the mods must be having a cigarette break... this isn't a real news headline it's a "certificate of live mirth"... it's sort of like a gift certificate to appleby's. the actual certificate is locked away in a safe in hawaii.
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right winger news channel, film at eleven
when asked, the president said "i got nothin"

romper room channel

Obama Resigns???

We should be so fucking lucky..

Obama resignes, here is your new POTUS
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an excerpt from "army corpsmen and cominsky park" by scott e. first draft. ghost written by bill a.

the president looked silently at the growing crowds at lafayette park. he could not stop thinking about the last days of nixon, he was sure his legacy would be different. heavy drinking, smoking, campaigning, nothing helped. "if i had only shown my birth certificate early in the game. i should have realized that putting out a questionable document so early in the campaign was risky. while i was sending (allowing) my people to assassinate sarah palin's family, i should have been thinking about my own. would i allow the press to to the same with my wife or daughters" ?

"we're ready mr. president" chief of staff daley looked at the president and smiled. with all of his experience of coming from a chicago family, his father and brother being mayor of chicago, there was nothing he could do to save the obama presidency.
obama decided to give his last speech from the rose garden. he would have to explain to the american people why he continued to live the lie of not being a u.s. citizen. even the dog that it took him agonising months to decide what "breed" to get... even the dog didn't respect him anymore. the dog wouldn't make eye contact with his master, because he was ashamed that the president was such a likable guy, but continued to socialfy the nation, while in the shadow of doubt, allowing the scandal to fester. and now the telepromter operator was drunk and his backup had called in sick that day.

c'mon bo...! the dog slipped by went again to check his empty dish. even the dog thought there would be a second term.

"fuck it ! he cried, we'll do it live". he had remembered that bill o'reilly had done it that way, why couldn't he. people will remember me as the first president to be transparent, and i will be known for always being consistent with my policies. i never used earmarks or hired lobbyists, they have to respect me for that alone. i stayed with the courage of my conviction right from the beginning by only taking federal campaign funds. no debt ceiling, i closed guantanamo and got the troops out of iraq and afghanastan. unemployment is below eight percent and there will be no inflation, the economy is the best it's been since just before the great depression. we didn't get into any more world conficts and we don't torture. i reduced the spending and am leaving a huge deficit surplus... like clinton. unlike clinton he had no sexual scandals. i made sure every bill was on the internet. i am great, thought the soon to be ex president.

the president took one last strong charge of his cigarette and headed toward the rose garden.

chapter two:
the formative years, and detailed background history. college hitch hikking and clubs he joined. the people i hang out with. i don't have horns.
i got the car out of the ditch.

from the penetrating new york times article

does bo know he's the presiden't dog. ??

"No,” declared Stanley Coren, a professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia and the co-author of “What Do Dogs Know?” “Dogs don’t know fame.”

the times couldn't find an american psychologist to help nail this down ??
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I don't have my long form birth certificate. I guess I am not natural born citizen.
right winger news channel, film at eleven
when asked, the president said "i got nothin"

romper room channel

i figure if right winger can post this shit, why can't i ?? the mods must be having a cigarette break

The mod is a right winger.
And wasn't Trump born in Africa? :lol:
Still a natural born citizen I am sure, because of his father, but I think it is hilarious.
i think they're afraid the baby footprints won't match the ones he has now

So what... Barry Soetoro hasn't ever shown either. He forged himself up a "certification" of live birth, which isn't the same as either of the above mentioned.

Let me ask you something Pale, you know a lot of women who are nine months pregnant that take probably around 15 hr flights to Africa?

Let me ask you Luissa... who do you know that did that?
So what... Barry Soetoro hasn't ever shown either. He forged himself up a "certification" of live birth, which isn't the same as either of the above mentioned.

Let me ask you something Pale, you know a lot of women who are nine months pregnant that take probably around 15 hr flights to Africa?

Let me ask you Luissa... who do you know that did that?

NO one, I had to get permission from my doctor to drive two hours away when I was eight months pregnant.
No fucking women would fly to Africa when she was pregnant to have her baby in Kenya, when she can her baby in the US. Anyone who believes this shit, is a fucking idiot, no offense.
Let me ask you something Pale, you know a lot of women who are nine months pregnant that take probably around 15 hr flights to Africa?

Let me ask you Luissa... who do you know that did that?

NO one, I had to get permission from my doctor to drive two hours away when I was eight months pregnant.
No fucking women would fly to Africa when she was pregnant to have her baby in Kenya, when she can her baby in the US. Anyone who believes this shit, is a fucking idiot, no offense.

Remember, this is 1961. The flight would have been much longer with more connecting flights if one was flying from Nairobi to Honolulu 50 years ago.
Let me ask you Luissa... who do you know that did that?

NO one, I had to get permission from my doctor to drive two hours away when I was eight months pregnant.
No fucking women would fly to Africa when she was pregnant to have her baby in Kenya, when she can her baby in the US. Anyone who believes this shit, is a fucking idiot, no offense.

Remember, this is 1961. The flight would have been much longer with more connecting flights if one was flying from Nairobi to Honolulu 50 years ago.

wrong again harper, this is 2011... if you think this is 1961, how can i believe anything you say ??

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