Obama’s European-esque attitude towards work

We can hate Obama for any reason we choose.

Or for no reason at all.

There are only 1,049 days left. Let us relish in it.


In other words, even us die hard liars can no longer defend the painfully obvious failures of this radical socialist - so lets pretend like we're having fun with snarky remarks when really we're seething over the facts which we can't deny... :lmao:
We are just two months into 2014, and President Obama is going on his third vacation. Normally, this wouldn’t be a big deal because we all know presidents can work remotely. Sources indicate, however, our current president rarely shows up before 9am and rarely stays past 5pm. To add insult to injury, we already know how often he skips things like national security briefings.

Like most Democrats - Obama lacks work ethic

Bush was famous (I suppose in a good way) for getting an early start in the morning. But considering that he was starting his day SO early, the rest of DC wasn't on the job yet. Bush was ALSO famous for quitting early AND retiring early, which meant he did entertain much. In fact, Bush reportedly hated doing State Dinners and going to other functions that are normally considered to be a part of the job of the Head of State.

Obama is the opposite. He does NOT start early, but he works late.

Now, some people can and will try to twist that into a case of having a good work ethic as opposed to having a bad work ethic. When I hear that, I can't help but wonder if that's a little bit of that ol' racism of the so-called lazy Black Folk who are unmotivated. You know, lazy and shiftless?

As for me, if there's anything pressing, I'm sure his aides would rouse him out of bed to be into the Oval Office at around 7AM like Bush supposedly used to be, but I say what's the point in that? You think Senators and Congressmen work that early? Hell, they don't even work a full week. I think Congress works something like 3 days a week (Tue-Thurs), and then they're gone on Friday and don't come back until the following week. The president works a damn sight harder than that. And Obama is likely consistently working much later, night after night, than most Senators and Congressmen who have their staffs do all the heavy lifting, with the possible exception of when they pull the occasional late night session which always seems to get a lot more press than their short work weeks ever do.
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We can hate Obama for any reason we choose.

Or for no reason at all.

There are only 1,049 days left. Let us relish in it.


In other words, even us die hard liars can no longer defend the painfully obvious failures of this radical socialist - so lets pretend like we're having fun with snarky remarks when really we're seething over the facts which we can't deny... :lmao:


I actually like ol Mr. H.

He's got a good sense of humor.
Europe pays workers a living wage. The Right still thinks calling anything European is demeaning.

Which is why structural unemployment and job creation there suck.
Certainly anything in the public policy department that is European is demeaning to thinking people.
Europe pays workers a living wage. The Right still thinks calling anything European is demeaning.

Which is why structural unemployment and job creation there suck.
Certainly anything in the public policy department that is European is demeaning to thinking people.
Can we just say it out loud? Europeans got fucking LAZY after WE bailed their asses out of their problems with Hitler and the Iron curtain. Time to wake their asses up...the Soviets are knocking on the door again...:eusa_whistle:
Europe pays workers a living wage. The Right still thinks calling anything European is demeaning.

Which is why structural unemployment and job creation there suck.
Certainly anything in the public policy department that is European is demeaning to thinking people.
Can we just say it out loud? Europeans got fucking LAZY after WE bailed their asses out of their problems with Hitler and the Iron curtain. Time to wake their asses up...the Soviets are knocking on the door again...:eusa_whistle:

Not exactly. Europe in the 1950s and 1960s was a pretty productive place with high growth. In the 1970s they began using all that wealth to institute new social benefits. And then they ran out of other people's money. Look at workers in Greece striking so they can work 30 hour weeks and retire at 40.
Which is why structural unemployment and job creation there suck.
Certainly anything in the public policy department that is European is demeaning to thinking people.
Can we just say it out loud? Europeans got fucking LAZY after WE bailed their asses out of their problems with Hitler and the Iron curtain. Time to wake their asses up...the Soviets are knocking on the door again...:eusa_whistle:

Not exactly. Europe in the 1950s and 1960s was a pretty productive place with high growth. In the 1970s they began using all that wealth to institute new social benefits. And then they ran out of other people's money. Look at workers in Greece striking so they can work 30 hour weeks and retire at 40.
Agreed...my timeline a bit skewed, granted...but the effect the same...no? In any event? It's time we left them to their own devices.
I love how people who enjoy spending time with their family are considered lazy.

Maybe the "values" in this country we would be better if the television doesn't raise most of the kids. Lazy bastards work two jobs, vacations are for Europeans right is that how it goes?

For the third year in a row, nearly 70 percent of North American employees do not plan to use all of their annual vacation time in 2013

U.S. workers received an average of 12 vacation days in 2012, down from 14 in 2011, according to an annual survey of almost 8,700 people from 22 countries commissioned by Expedia. And, of those vacation days, they only took 10 of them off.

Why is that the "Greatest country in world" people don't value free time?

% of American workers who get no paid vacation time. The same percentage gets no paid holidays, either.

Developed nations — out of 21 — where all workers are guaranteed paid vacation. The U.S. is the lone holdout.

Average days of paid vacation and holidays Americans receive per year. Of the 20 other rich nations in the study, only Japanese workers fared worse.

Percentage of American workers who had unused vacation time — up to two weeks' worth — at the end of 2011, according to a Harris Interactive survey.

175 million
Number of vacation days American workers are entitled to, but don't take, in the typical year.

America's war on vacation: By the numbers - The Week

Forgive if I hate what you people believe you are crazy!
Europe pays workers a living wage. The Right still thinks calling anything European is demeaning.

So much so that those "living wages" have collapsed all of Europe and created deadly riots across the land.

Only a Dumbocrat could aspire to that kind of failure... :eusa_doh:

By the way, if Europe is so great, why is it that you don't go there? Action speak louder than words chief. Put your money where your mouth is...
Europe pays workers a living wage. The Right still thinks calling anything European is demeaning.

So much so that those "living wages" have collapsed all of Europe and created deadly riots across the land.

Only a Dumbocrat could aspire to that kind of failure... :eusa_doh:

By the way, if Europe is so great, why is it that you don't go there? Action speak louder than words chief. Put your money where your mouth is...
Let us take up a collection...ONE WAY TICKET. NO return.
We are just two months into 2014, and President Obama is going on his third vacation. Normally, this wouldn’t be a big deal because we all know presidents can work remotely. Sources indicate, however, our current president rarely shows up before 9am and rarely stays past 5pm. To add insult to injury, we already know how often he skips things like national security briefings.

Like most Democrats - Obama lacks work ethic

Bush was famous (I suppose in a good way) for getting an early start in the morning. But considering that he was starting his day SO early, the rest of DC wasn't on the job yet. Bush was ALSO famous for quitting early AND retiring early, which meant he did entertain much. In fact, Bush reportedly hated doing State Dinners and going to other functions that are normally considered to be a part of the job of the Head of State.

Obama is the opposite. He does NOT start early, but he works late.

Now, some people can and will try to twist it into a case of having a good work ethich as opposed to a bad work ethic. When I hear that, I can't help but wonder if that's a little bit of that ol' racism of so-called lazy Black Folk who are unmotivated. You know, lazy and shiftless?

As for me, if there's anything pressing, I'm sure his aides would rouse him out of bed to be into the Oval Office at around 7AM like Bush supposedly used to be, but I say what's the point in that? You think Senators and Congressmen work that early? Hell, they don't even work a full week. I think Congress works something like 3 days a week (Tue-Thurs), and then they're gone on Friday and don't come back until the following week. The president works a damn sight harder than that. And Obama is likely consistently working much later night after night than most Senators and Congressmen who have their staffs do all the heavy lifting, with the possible exception of when they pull the occasional late night session which always seems to get a lot more press than their short work weeks ever do.

You might want to notice that part above which I bolded in red for you.

Also, I'm not sure Congress is the best source to use when comparing work ethic considering they barely work at all and even when they do, they are playing games on the smart phones (ahem, McCain).

Here's what we do know about Obama:

  • During the most high profile operation in U.S. history (Bin Laden "raid") he went in the other room and played cards with his staff. He couldn't even be "bothered" to remain in the White House situation room.

  • He plays more golf than any president in the modern era

  • He has taken more vacation time than any president in the modern era

  • He "rarely shows up before 9:00 a.m. and rarely stays past 5:00 p.m." (remember when he walked out on Benjamin Netanyahu around 5:00 p.m. because it was "dinner time" and didn't even invite this very powerful world leader and former ally to join him?)

  • He has skipped many national security meetings

  • He skipped most of his "jobs council" meetings before folding the council

  • And he has done all of this while overseeing one of the worst economies in U.S. history (longest period of +8% unemployment in U.S. history sans the Great Depression)
I love how people who enjoy spending time with their family are considered lazy.

Maybe the "values" in this country we would be better if the television doesn't raise most of the kids. Lazy bastards work two jobs, vacations are for Europeans right is that how it goes?

For the third year in a row, nearly 70 percent of North American employees do not plan to use all of their annual vacation time in 2013

U.S. workers received an average of 12 vacation days in 2012, down from 14 in 2011, according to an annual survey of almost 8,700 people from 22 countries commissioned by Expedia. And, of those vacation days, they only took 10 of them off.

Why is that the "Greatest country in world" people don't value free time?

Average days of paid vacation and holidays Americans receive per year. Of the 20 other rich nations in the study, only Japanese workers fared worse.

Percentage of American workers who had unused vacation time — up to two weeks' worth — at the end of 2011, according to a Harris Interactive survey.

175 million
Number of vacation days American workers are entitled to, but don't take, in the typical year.

America's war on vacation: By the numbers - The Week

Forgive if I hate what you people believe you are crazy!

Another asinine and repulsive socialist post.

[MENTION=47676]hatman[/MENTION] - where is it written that you can't have more "family time" (as if any Dumbocrat would actually spend their spare time that way - after all, this is the party which celebrates abortion, rapes their own women at OWS, and spends time getting high & drunk)? You can have as much "family time" as you want. You just can't do it on my dime. And that's exactly what you're lazy and greedy ass wants. You want me to kill myself 80 hours per week just so I can provide you with a six-figure salary, plus a cadillac health care plan, plus a fat cushy pension for your retirement - and oh yeah, you only want to work 20 - 30 hours per week for all of that.

Dude - you want more "family time" - start your own fuck'n business and you can work as little as you want. Come chief - get up off of the couch and get in the game. No? Yeah, didn't think so. You just want everything handed to you and you're too lazy to earn it. But rather than admit that, you try to hide behind some sappy bullshit "family time" story.
I love how people who enjoy spending time with their family are considered lazy.

Maybe the "values" in this country we would be better if the television doesn't raise most of the kids. Lazy bastards work two jobs, vacations are for Europeans right is that how it goes?

For the third year in a row, nearly 70 percent of North American employees do not plan to use all of their annual vacation time in 2013

Why is that the "Greatest country in world" people don't value free time?

Percentage of American workers who had unused vacation time — up to two weeks' worth — at the end of 2011, according to a Harris Interactive survey.

175 million
Number of vacation days American workers are entitled to, but don't take, in the typical year.

America's war on vacation: By the numbers - The Week

Forgive if I hate what you people believe you are crazy!

Another asinine and repulsive socialist post.

[MENTION=47676]hatman[/MENTION] - where is it written that you can't have more "family time" (as if any Dumbocrat would actually spend their spare time that way - after all, this is the party which celebrates abortion, rapes their own women at OWS, and spends time getting high & drunk)? You can have as much "family time" as you want. You just can't do it on my dime. And that's exactly what you're lazy and greedy ass wants. You want me to kill myself 80 hours per week just so I can provide you with a six-figure salary, plus a cadillac health care plan, plus a fat cushy pension for your retirement - and oh yeah, you only want to work 20 - 30 hours per week for all of that.

Dude - you want more "family time" - start your own fuck'n business and you can work as little as you want. Come chief - get up off of the couch and get in the game. No? Yeah, didn't think so. You just want everything handed to you and you're too lazy to earn it. But rather than admit that, you try to hide behind some sappy bullshit "family time" story.

I don't want you do nothing for me where do you get that?

where is it written that you can't have more "family time" (as if any Dumbocrat would actually spend their spare time that way - after all, this is the party which celebrates abortion, rapes their own women at OWS, and spends time getting high & drunk)? You can have as much "family time" as you want. You just can't do it on my dime.

Save me the democrat bs because I don't care about D's N R's. Sorry I don't by in to people in ALL OTHER DEVELOPED NATIONS get guaranteed vacations and we don't are all those country's socialist? get out of here.

Not everyone in this country has means to start a small business unfortunately. And I am one of them and that's my fault I messed up growing up.

But in 09 I was laid off blah blah. Ever since that time I bounced around until found a good enough job in the area(there wasn't much) I want to live and stay. But now I work 5 days a week a lot of times 6(in the summer and fall) in hot ass factory now. I worked here now 1 year and 6 six months as actually employee (before that 9 months as a temp at the same spot) you know not actually employee. and they finally give you 5 days of vacation and 2 personal days.

But before that it meant I went 2 and half years with no vacation days and if you asked for time off you they will give you some bs reason why you can't or when you comeback they will stick you in the washing area where it is brutality hot as punishment which is just great the next time you need a day off you realize what will happen so you no longer ask for time off.

You want me to kill myself 80 hours per week just so I can provide you with a six-figure salary, plus a cadillac health care plan, plus a fat cushy pension for your retirement - and oh yeah, you only want to work 20 - 30 hours per week for all of that.

Lol master of hyperbole you are.

All you need to do is look at this list

List of statutory minimum employment leave by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Come on even Iran gets 4 weeks of mandatory vacation. Israel the country you guys around seem to love so much in either party gets 14 working days for the first 4 years. 16 days from the 5th year. 18 days from the 6th year, and 21 days from the 7th year. from the 8th year an additional day is added per year up to 28 days. not including official holidays, sick leave, etc. Are they socialist commie bastards?

United States 0 days; None why is that? And when you ask about this you get called lazy, socialist, commie ect.
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World's happiest nations are... - CNN.com

Those looking for greater happiness and satisfaction in life should head to northern Europe, but steer clear of Egypt and countries worst hit by the eurozone crisis, according to the 2013 World Happiness Report released Monday by Columbia University's Earth Institute.
Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Sweden are the world's happiest countries, according to the survey of 156 countries. Rwanda, Burundi, the Central African Republic, Benin and Togo -- all nations in Sub-Saharan Africa -- are the least satisfied with their lives, the report said.
The United States came in at number 17 in the world in terms of overall happiness, but it still lags behind Canada (6), Australia (10), Israel (11) the United Arab Emirates (14) and Mexico (16), according to the Earth Institute.
The report ranks the United Kingdom as the 22nd happiest country in the world. Other major nations included Germany (26), Japan (43), Russia (68) and China (93).

"Leaked video"... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

The fact that you don't know the back story on this well known incident (ie it was for a magazine cover) shows just how uninformed you are...

I could care less if it was for a reality show.

Shows what a fake your hero is..

Glenn Beck's Favorite Gold Company Forced to Refund $4.5 Million to Customers | Mother Jones



Mother Jones???
World's happiest nations are... - CNN.com

Those looking for greater happiness and satisfaction in life should head to northern Europe, but steer clear of Egypt and countries worst hit by the eurozone crisis, according to the 2013 World Happiness Report released Monday by Columbia University's Earth Institute.
Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Sweden are the world's happiest countries, according to the survey of 156 countries. Rwanda, Burundi, the Central African Republic, Benin and Togo -- all nations in Sub-Saharan Africa -- are the least satisfied with their lives, the report said.
The United States came in at number 17 in the world in terms of overall happiness, but it still lags behind Canada (6), Australia (10), Israel (11) the United Arab Emirates (14) and Mexico (16), according to the Earth Institute.
The report ranks the United Kingdom as the 22nd happiest country in the world. Other major nations included Germany (26), Japan (43), Russia (68) and China (93).

Denmark, Norway etc are all marked by extremely low birthrates, burgeoning Muslim populations, high unemployment and Eurosclerosis.
Muslim Riots and Leftist Willful Blindness | FrontPage Magazine

By all means move there. Delta is ready when you are.
World's happiest nations are... - CNN.com

Those looking for greater happiness and satisfaction in life should head to northern Europe, but steer clear of Egypt and countries worst hit by the eurozone crisis, according to the 2013 World Happiness Report released Monday by Columbia University's Earth Institute.
Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Sweden are the world's happiest countries, according to the survey of 156 countries. Rwanda, Burundi, the Central African Republic, Benin and Togo -- all nations in Sub-Saharan Africa -- are the least satisfied with their lives, the report said.
The United States came in at number 17 in the world in terms of overall happiness, but it still lags behind Canada (6), Australia (10), Israel (11) the United Arab Emirates (14) and Mexico (16), according to the Earth Institute.
The report ranks the United Kingdom as the 22nd happiest country in the world. Other major nations included Germany (26), Japan (43), Russia (68) and China (93).

Denmark, Norway etc are all marked by extremely low birthrates, burgeoning Muslim populations, high unemployment and Eurosclerosis.
Muslim Riots and Leftist Willful Blindness | FrontPage Magazine

By all means move there. Delta is ready when you are.
Three of four of those you can get here, according to you guys.
I don't want you do nothing for me where do you get that?

Because you insist that business owners owe you <insert perk here> ("living wage", more time off, less hours worked during the week, etc., etc., etc.)

Sorry I don't by in to people in ALL OTHER DEVELOPED NATIONS get guaranteed vacations and we don't are all those country's socialist? get out of here.

And that's why all other "developed nations" trail the U.S. (well, they did until socialist idiot Obama took office anyway). You do realize that all of the nations who operate like you are advocating are collapsing and experiencing riots - don't you?

Not everyone in this country has means to start a small business unfortunately.

You want to talk about "master of hyberpole"? The wealthiest and most successful companies in U.S. history were started out of garages or dorm rooms with $0: Apple, Microsoft, Dell, Facebook, Amazon, Disney, Harley Davidson, and a lot more.

Ever since that time I bounced around until found a good enough job in the area(there wasn't much) I want to live and stay. But now I work 5 days a week a lot of times 6(in the summer and fall) in hot ass factory now. I worked here now 1 year and 6 six months as actually employee (before that 9 months as a temp at the same spot) you know not actually employee. and they finally give you 5 days of vacation and 2 personal days.

So start your own business. Sell you labor. It doesn't cost any money to paint, mow lawns, perform home repairs. Work for yourself and you can decide how much you work, when you work, etc.

Come on even Iran gets 4 weeks of mandatory vacation. Israel the country you guys around seem to love so much in either party gets 14 working days for the first 4 years. 16 days from the 5th year. 18 days from the 6th year, and 21 days from the 7th year. from the 8th year an additional day is added per year up to 28 days. not including official holidays, sick leave, etc. Are they socialist commie bastards?

United States 0 days; None why is that? And when you ask about this you get called lazy, socialist, commie ect.

And all of those countries have been inferior to the U.S. We've been the world's greatest superpower for over 230 years for a reason. Our "poor" enjoy extravagant lifestyles complete with HD tv's, air conditioning, and Xbox game consoles while the poor in Afghanistan have never even seen electricity. Here - take a look at how the "poor" in the U.S. live:

What is Poverty in the United States: Air Conditioning, Cable TV and an Xbox

Don't get me wrong - I don't live to work. I work to live. I live to see my family and spend time with them. But we have no right to tell a business owner what to do with their business. It's up to each of us individually to decide what our labor is worth and how much time we want to lose from personal life working. And then we need to either start our own business or find jobs that that meets those criteria. Not tell someone else what they owe us like little communists. England, Greece, Spain, France are all collapsing - those are hardly the nations we should aspire to be like.
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