Obama’s Illegitimate War on Israel

I'm sorry; I didn't realize that you were unfamiliar with the English language:
I don't condemn Muhammad (SAW) because he never committed rape or genocide (I've noticed your lack of a response to my request for proof.)
I don't care about the actions of a 17th-century Moroccan monarch. If he did something contemptible, screw him. Whatever. :eusa_eh:

So do you condemn Sultan Moulay Ismail and bin Laden and Arafat and Hamas and Hezbola?
I condemn those actions of theirs that have led to the death of innocents or violated the tenets of Islam in some other way.

Sheesh. You claim Islam isn't fanatical but when I mention clearly fanatical characters of Islam you squirm to denounce their behavior.
Sheesh. You claim Islam isn't fanatical but when I mention clearly fanatical characters of Islam you squirm to denounce their behavior.

Kalam gave a perfectly valid and clear answer.

If you don't like it because it doesn't fit your agenda.

That's your problem. :evil:
So do you condemn Sultan Moulay Ismail and bin Laden and Arafat and Hamas and Hezbola?
I condemn those actions of theirs that have led to the death of innocents or violated the tenets of Islam in some other way.

Sheesh. You claim Islam isn't fanatical but when I mention clearly fanatical characters of Islam you squirm to denounce their behavior.

I've never expressed any support for any of the individuals of organizations you've mentioned, and I've repeatedly decried all attacks on civilians and the organizations that carry them out, especially Hamas. Call that what you will, but I have a clear conscience as far as supporting "fanaticism" is concerned.
By all reliable Muslim accounts, A'isha was 18 when she died, and that was 9 years after her marriage to him.
Aishah died in 678 and was active in the Islamic community for decades after her marriage to Muhammad (SAW) and his death. She even raised and commanded an army against Ali when he was Khalifah. No source that I know of, Muslim or otherwise, claims that she died at age 18. :eusa_eh:
You are correct, I meant to say he died when she was 18. So its a little hard to understand how a woman would get confused at what age she was when her husband died, and when she got married. Those are rather significant events in a woman's life. People don't mistake things like that saying, oh I was 9 years old when I got married when it was really 19 as you claim. By her own testamony, she was 6 when the marriage was arranged, 9 when it happened, 18 when he died. All the numbers add up.
Again, the Mary was "12" when she conceived is pure speculation. There is not one reliable source that can back up that claim. If all you have is "most Jews at that time married that young" then its pretty damned thin.
It's about as speculative as the information surrounding the age of Aishah. The word used to refer to Mary in the Bible is almah, which describes a girl near the beginning stages of puberty. As you surely know, the onset of puberty occurred significantly earlier then than it does now.
No, its not as "speculative". There is NO TEXT or handed down stories about Mary being that young. There IS about A'isha that was considered accurate by Muslims for centuries.

The word "almah" does not mean a girl near the "begining stages" of puberty. That is an outright lie. Its the word for a female who has already reached puberty but is still living with her family. Its a maiden which is also typically affiliated with being a virgin. So speculating that it must mean Mary in particular was twelve years old is pure speculation.
By all reliable Muslim accounts, A'isha was 18 when she died, and that was 9 years after her marriage to him.
Aishah died in 678 and was active in the Islamic community for decades after her marriage to Muhammad (SAW) and his death. She even raised and commanded an army against Ali when he was Khalifah. No source that I know of, Muslim or otherwise, claims that she died at age 18. :eusa_eh:
You are correct, I meant to say he died when she was 18. So its a little hard to understand how a woman would get confused at what age she was when her husband died, and when she got married. Those are rather significant events in a woman's life. People don't mistake things like that saying, oh I was 9 years old when I got married when it was really 19 as you claim. By her own testamony, she was 6 when the marriage was arranged, 9 when it happened, 18 when he died. All the numbers add up.

No, they do not, and it is evident that her testimony was improperly preserved. Abu Bakr's marriage with Qutaylah bint Abd-al-Uzza eventually ended in a divorce. He also married Umm Ruman. He had a daughter, Asma, with Qutaylah, and another, Aishah, with Umm Ruman. It is known that Asma died in 73 AH at the age of 100 (according to Ibn Kathir, Al-Dhahabi, Ibn Hajar, Al-Baghawi and the Mishkat al-Masabih.) It is also known that she was ten years older than Aishah (according to Ibn Kathir, Al-Dhahabi, Al-Baghawi and the Mishkat al-Masabih.) This would make Aishah 90 years old in 73 AH. The Hijra marked the beginning of the Islamic calendar. Therefore, Aishah would have been 17 or 18 years old in the year of the Hijra (90 - 73 = 17.) Muhammad's marriage to Aishah took place approximately 2 years after the Hijra according to all sources (B. 58:236, etc., etc.) Therefore, Aishah Siddiqah (RA) was 19 or 20 years old at the time of her marriage to the Messenger of God (SAW.)

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