Obama Said Al-Qaeda Was Defeated


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Al-Qaeda Murders 16 Yemeni Soldiers …(But Obama Said Al-Qaeda Was Defeated?)​

by Jim Hoft


Al-Qaeda militants murdered 16 soldiers today in an attack in south Yemen.
Reuters reported:

Al Qaeda killed 16 soldiers in an attack on an army base in south Yemen on Friday, medical and military sources said, in a further show of strength by Islamist militants despite a U.S. campaign of drone strikes to neutralize them.

Militants tightened their hold on parts of Yemen during an uprising that ousted veteran president Ali Abdullah Saleh in February, raising concern for the security of top oil exporter Saudi Arabia next door and nearby shipping lanes.

Violence has intensified in the past few weeks with Washington stepping up drone, or pilotless aircraft, operations and militants carrying out retaliatory attacks on state and military targets.

Two militants disguised in army uniforms drove an explosives-laden car into the military base in Shuqra, a town in the southern province of Abyan, and detonated them inside, a military official said. Moments later, other militants assaulted the base from the sea and a fierce battle ensued.
Usually when Fox does one of these, they have the good sense to snip out that part that indicates their bullshit.

Missed it this time.
Obama Said Al-Qaeda Was Defeated

You mean Obama Bin Lyin'? Ya, add that to the list of Obama saids...

You can bet your sweet... If Obama said it - it was a lie!
Obama Said Al-Qaeda Was Defeated

You mean Obama Bin Lyin'? Ya, add that to the list of Obama saids...

You can bet your sweet... If Obama said it - it was a lie!

I understand illiteracy. Book can be so HARD, can't they? But when you cannot even understand a youtube clip, you're fucking lost.
Al-Qaeda Murders 16 Yemeni Soldiers …(But Obama Said Al-Qaeda Was Defeated?)​

by Jim Hoft


Al-Qaeda militants murdered 16 soldiers today in an attack in south Yemen.
Reuters reported:

Al Qaeda killed 16 soldiers in an attack on an army base in south Yemen on Friday, medical and military sources said, in a further show of strength by Islamist militants despite a U.S. campaign of drone strikes to neutralize them.

Militants tightened their hold on parts of Yemen during an uprising that ousted veteran president Ali Abdullah Saleh in February, raising concern for the security of top oil exporter Saudi Arabia next door and nearby shipping lanes.

Violence has intensified in the past few weeks with Washington stepping up drone, or pilotless aircraft, operations and militants carrying out retaliatory attacks on state and military targets.

Two militants disguised in army uniforms drove an explosives-laden car into the military base in Shuqra, a town in the southern province of Abyan, and detonated them inside, a military official said. Moments later, other militants assaulted the base from the sea and a fierce battle ensued.

Perhaps you would be so good as to provide the quote or video of Obama saying "Al Queada is defeated".

If you cannot support your claim please feel free to go fuck yourself.

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