Obama Shows Up To Scene Of Mass Shooting And Horrified Onlookers With What Pic Caught Him Doing


Gold Member
Aug 5, 2016

I do not see a thumbs up, and I believe this photo is photoshopped. I know the right wing media is insinuating he was the reason Gallagher was dead and the Batman massacre was faked. If the right wing that are truly sick.
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I do not see a thumbs up, and I believe this photo is photoshopped. I know the right wing media is insinuation he was the reason Gallagher was dead and the Batman massacre was faked. If the right wing that are truly sick.

I don't know the context of the picture

it seems everyone is smiling

I do not see a thumbs up, and I believe this photo is photoshopped. I know the right wing media is insinuation he was the reason Gallagher was dead and the Batman massacre was faked. If the right wing that are truly sick.
That photo is not real.....you and I and all the world knows, had Obama appeared in Fla. at any time after this massacre, the media would have picked it up. Its a fake, but what else is new about the right. All these mf's know how to do is lie, lie and then lie some more....and its a shame

I do not see a thumbs up, and I believe this photo is photoshopped. I know the right wing media is insinuation he was the reason Gallagher was dead and the Batman massacre was faked. If the right wing that are truly sick.

I don't know the context of the picture

it seems everyone is smiling
You and I all know had Obama showed his face, the media would have picked it up...I have googled all over, nothing is mentioned about this visit....these people are such liars, its sickening.
Obama Shows Up To Scene Of Mass Shooting And Horrified Onlookers With What Pic Caught Him Doing - UPLYFTING

Obama started all this hate. Not President Trump. Wake up people.

President Trump truely cares. obama truely could care less. It was all about him and how he looked with the victims. obama is a scum bag. He is/was no president ,he is a self absorbed photo op ass hole.

That Traitor should be in Prison and not running his mouth he is a traitor in the first degree
You need to get a fuckin life, get over Obama and deal with that stupid crazed mf you dumb fucks voted for. You know for a fact, you ignorant mf, had Obama made any attempts to be in Fla...all the media would be there and it would be on the news...stop spreading lies, you and Trump, you people are a fuckin disgrace to this country, to facts, to reality. You are too fuckin sick for words, all you Trump bitches!!
OP posts fake garbage every day. He is a nuisance and fake news spammer.

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