Obama signs bill exempting presidential appointees from Senate confirmation

Sponsored by Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer and cosponsored by Republicans and Democrats, the bill, now law, weakens the power of the legislature and strengthens the executive branch, critics have warned. The bill skated through the Senate three months after being introduced in 2011 and was passed by the Republican-controlled House 216-116 in July.
Read more: Law exempts presidential appointees from Senate confirmation | The Daily Caller
How can you bypass Congress by signing a bill Congress sends you?

Jedi mind tricks?
who wrote it....who all voted for it....how'd it pass with a republican house.....

all valid questions before you point at one person.
The republicans stonewalled everything Obama tried to do.

then they realised that dems may do it to the next president who wasnt a dem.

they fixed it so their dishonest tacitic cant be used against them next time
It's my understanding that the appointee positions are so minor that congress decided they aren't worth the time taken for senate confirmation.
It's my understanding that the appointee positions are so minor that congress decided they aren't worth the time taken for senate confirmation.

You mean like the Minor Low level Appointees in the DOJ that Dreamed up Fast and Furious, Or maybe the Low Level Appointees all over the Government that Dropped the Ball before 9/11?

The Truth is the low Level Appointees actually exercise a lot of Power.
who wrote it....who all voted for it....how'd it pass with a republican house.....

all valid questions before you point at one person.

This should have never reached a President's desk and it should have been shot down when it did. No matter who sits behind it. We increasingly give Presidents more and more power, they never give it up. This is a bad, bad thing.
Abdicating power?

These are traditionally positions that don't get bothered with much, they're appointees not elected fucking officials, jesus christ.
Senate is slow as balls. They should have just got rid of the senates ability to filibusterer on a confirmation vote. That would have been better.
Senate is slow as balls. They should have just got rid of the senates ability to filibusterer on a confirmation vote. That would have been better.

It's something they just traditionally used to fuck with each other....

They voted for this bill because they were being grown ups. If you dont like a President's appointments, vote him out. Not really seeing much "power grabbed," here. Next you know, they'll try acting like Obama started the Czars thing. Oh....wait, they already pretend that.
Yeap the republicans used the tactic and now voted it out of exsistance.

they didnt want to face the same tactic

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