
Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
Admittedly I stumbled into this on an internet rabbit hole journey.

The guy appears to be a Democrat in PA, but I checked out what he is saying and it does (at least ostensibly) ring true.

Long story short: The You Tuber argues that the government, in the name of protecting children, wants to be able to begin tracking your internet history and make it mandatory for users to have to prove they are over the age of 18 when viewing content.

40 Senators are sponsoring this.

I would quibble with him that most of the sponsors are Democrats, but there are some Republicans supporting this purportedly Orwellian nonsense as well:

Here is the text of the bill:

The YouTuber transparently concedes that nowhere in the bill does it say that websites must collect your driver's license information in order to view their content, but he does make the reasonable conclusion that how else will companies be able to prove you are not a minor?

If this is an overreaction, I will be happy to be schooled on this one. (Believe me!)

I am posting this because I am not sure just how legit it is, but it seems pretty disturbing from my perspective.
Admittedly I stumbled into this on an internet rabbit hole journey.

The guy appears to be a Democrat in PA, but I checked out what he is saying and it does (at least ostensibly) ring true.

Long story short: The You Tuber argues that the government, in the name of protecting children, wants to be able to begin tracking your internet history and make it mandatory for users to have to prove they are over the age of 18 when viewing content.

40 Senators are sponsoring this.

I would quibble with him that most of the sponsors are Democrats, but there are some Republicans supporting this purportedly Orwellian nonsense as well:

Here is the text of the bill:

The YouTuber transparently concedes that nowhere in the bill does it say that websites must collect your driver's license information in order to view their content, but he does make the reasonable conclusion that how else will companies be able to prove you are not a minor?

If this is an overreaction, I will be happy to be schooled on this one. (Believe me!)

I am posting this because I am not sure just how legit it is, but it seems pretty disturbing from my perspective.

Whenever congressscritters say "it's for the children", just lube up and bend over, you're about to be screwed.

Admittedly I stumbled into this on an internet rabbit hole journey.

The guy appears to be a Democrat in PA, but I checked out what he is saying and it does (at least ostensibly) ring true.

Long story short: The You Tuber argues that the government, in the name of protecting children, wants to be able to begin tracking your internet history and make it mandatory for users to have to prove they are over the age of 18 when viewing content.

40 Senators are sponsoring this.

I would quibble with him that most of the sponsors are Democrats, but there are some Republicans supporting this purportedly Orwellian nonsense as well:

Here is the text of the bill:

The YouTuber transparently concedes that nowhere in the bill does it say that websites must collect your driver's license information in order to view their content, but he does make the reasonable conclusion that how else will companies be able to prove you are not a minor?

If this is an overreaction, I will be happy to be schooled on this one. (Believe me!)

I am posting this because I am not sure just how legit it is, but it seems pretty disturbing from my perspective.

Have you noticed that your Driver's license number is required on your 1040 or whatever form you use to file your taxes now?
And now a message from the Department of Fatherland Security:

Secure driver's licenses and identification documents are a vital component of a holistic national security strategy. Law enforcement must be able to rely on government-issued identification documents and know that the bearer of such a document is who he or she claims to be.

Papers! Papers, please, comrade! Vee need to tr-r-r-r-ack your moof-ments!

Admittedly I stumbled into this on an internet rabbit hole journey.

The guy appears to be a Democrat in PA, but I checked out what he is saying and it does (at least ostensibly) ring true.

Long story short: The You Tuber argues that the government, in the name of protecting children, wants to be able to begin tracking your internet history and make it mandatory for users to have to prove they are over the age of 18 when viewing content.

40 Senators are sponsoring this.

I would quibble with him that most of the sponsors are Democrats, but there are some Republicans supporting this purportedly Orwellian nonsense as well:

Here is the text of the bill:

The YouTuber transparently concedes that nowhere in the bill does it say that websites must collect your driver's license information in order to view their content, but he does make the reasonable conclusion that how else will companies be able to prove you are not a minor?

If this is an overreaction, I will be happy to be schooled on this one. (Believe me!)

I am posting this because I am not sure just how legit it is, but it seems pretty disturbing from my perspective.

This is beyond Orwellian. And of course it's shrouded in the guise of:
200w (3).gif

The lefties are the ones coming for the children. Any Republican supporting this, is I am sure going to be the same weaklings who went along with Mike Johnson, who apparently saw something nasty in the woodshed and HAD to support spying on American citizens.

But why have rights or anything when there is a threat of something, somewhere, maybe?

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