Zionist genocide in Israel

Nazi vermin troll, you’re a liar, bitch, you’re retarded,You imbecile. Youre the anti Semite. You’re far more comfortable with being a Nazi, you cocksucker.
Don't be surprised if you get no Christmas cards this year. :spank:
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Have a good cry.

Meanwhile, you remain off topic as per usual.

You ignorant twats can’t even properly define “genocide” much less find any evidence, about Israel, which would support any actual and honest definition of it as you jerkoffs misuse the term.

You’re an abject complete perpetual total fail. 👍
Check the stats again at the end of next week.
They won't change. Even somebody as antisemitic and Jew hating as some of you are cannot make a case for any kind of genocide on the part of the Israelis. The only side intent on genocide is Hamas and the Palestinians who support them.

..... you seem hell bent on continuing to expose your bias and ignorance.
Are you still here.jpg

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