Obama: Snowden is not a traitor...he is a whistleblower.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
I do not have a link yet...just heard it on the news.
Obama has urged the Justice Department (in his pocket) to NOT prosecute Eric Snowden.
He is a whistle blower instead.
Stay tuned.
If true, my respect for Obama will have increased a little, even though he is really just folding to public pressure. It's one of those cases of doing the right thing for the wrong reasons, but it's something.

A side note... love your avatar.
If true, my respect for Obama will have increased a little, even though he is really just folding to public pressure. It's one of those cases of doing the right thing for the wrong reasons, but it's something.

A side note... love your avatar.

He is unpopular as hell, so yes I would expect this is a political attempt to please his base.
However, there is more to it. Making him a whistle blower sets a precedent that it is ok for operatives to release sensitive data if they don't agree with it. Or release espionage methods if they don't like it.
Unfortunately - this is not cut and dry.
But I do not expect Obama to put this above his opportunity to score points with the swells.
Hmm...I am beginning to question what the news guy said on TV.
I have yet to find a single article to back up what he said (no it wasn't Fox news)
I can't imagine if this is true there would be no articles written about it by this time.
Hmm...I am beginning to question what the news guy said on TV.
I have yet to find a single article to back up what he said (no it wasn't Fox news)
I can't imagine if this is true there would be no articles written about it by this time.

I was hopeful, but... the government isn't always big on admitting they made a mistake. :doubt:
Hmm...I am beginning to question what the news guy said on TV.
I have yet to find a single article to back up what he said (no it wasn't Fox news)
I can't imagine if this is true there would be no articles written about it by this time.

America is very hard on it's government whistleblowers, even ones where there is clearly wrongdoing and practically anyone would consider it a service to the country. Snowden has done a remarkably courageous thing but I do not think he will ever be allowed to come home and face anything short of life in prison. Been looking for some kind of confirmation also.
I don't think he is a traitor for pointing out that the government is violating our rights

He could be considered a true patriot.
Had he stayed here and faced the music, he would be considered a whistleblower, and a credit to the nation. He ran off to China, then Russia, and no telling what information he has given them. I have no respect for that kind of action.
Had he stayed he'd be dead and he knew it. Had he stayed to face the music as it were, he would certainly not have been permitted to continue telling us how badly the obama regime is abusing us.
For political reason, I can believe he might say such a thing...to be followed later with corrections, throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks.
AGAIN - it is apparent that the story I heard on the news this morning IS NOT TRUE.

I have found no articles backing the story up...no way it can be true.
If Snowden had stayed in the U.S. to allegedly 'face the music'.

He would have been convicted and then disappeared into a 'super max' prison....... never to be seen or heard from again. ... :cool:
If Snowden had stayed in the U.S. to allegedly 'face the music'.

He would have been convicted and then disappeared into a 'super max' prison....... never to be seen or heard from again. ... :cool:

Yes, he would have died from accidental multiple shankings, like 80 of them. Or maybe got some accidently spoiled chili for lunch.
If true, my respect for Obama will have increased a little, even though he is really just folding to public pressure. It's one of those cases of doing the right thing for the wrong reasons, but it's something.

I havent seen any stories on this. If he did, would O stop his NSA spying?

Heh... well, that's why he's playing rope-a-dope. Obama's team finally realized it's better if everyone just forgets about it and goes about their business. THat is, being spied on by the NSA.

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