Obama So Embarrased On MSNBC,Will Never Take Candid Townhall Questions Again.

What got me is the blonde lady.
She is hilarious...watch her...she is appalled.
You can see she honestly cannot believe that two lefty's are DARING to speak up and say Obama messed up...and you can tell she is not used to anyone in MSNBC's "in group" saying anything that doesn't tow the line.

Kudo's for the two guys saying the truth.
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I can't wait to watch Chrissy tonight, hmm, will he discuss the number 1 story tonight? OBAMA was called a DICK? or will he ignore it and continue claiming that Michelle Bachmann is a nothing but a dumb blonde.
Come on,this shit is hilarious. His own Butt-Sniffers at NBC calling him a Dick? Friggin priceless! lol! :)

Joe Scarsborough was a Republican.

However he's not a theocrat or a plutocrat..so he can't join today's republican party. Not even if he holds his breath and turns blue.

Think of it as getting even with the left who made T-Shirts that read "Sarah Palin Is A C__NT". How does it feel to be on the same page now President O'Fraud? Obama is ruined ! He can never take questions from the press(unless it's staged) and now he has to do his townhalls on Twitter? Have you ever known of a Leader who was so scared of his own people to have to stoop so low as to take questions on line?
What next? Will conservatives start making "Obama Is A Dick" T-Shirts? and they can all wear them at upcoming Obama 2012 rally's. I wonder if MSNBC will cover this, and if they did,you know they will edit out the T-Shirts just like they did at a White Gun Toting Rally.

citizens united, not timid.
I thought Obama came across weak, not a Dick. Just your run of the mill politician that adverted blame to everyone else while trying his absolute best to not answer anything like when he was asked where he stands on Gay marraige... a proud moment for liberals I'm sure.

If Obama had followed through on what his party wanted he would be much better off. If Obama ended the 2 wars (really, like for real ended them) and did not start 2 new wars he would be "popular" at this point. If Obama didn't bail certain companies or people out, avoided the stimulus and cracked down on people that employee illegal’s he would be soaring in the polls... btw there are all things his party mostly agrees with.

Fact is Obama passed bush tax cuts, has repealed 0 Bush ear policies and start 2 new wars while expanding 1. By the end of his first term Afghanistan will be the size it was before he took office, awesome lol. Obama's version of leading is to get everyone in a room and take whatever ideas are part of his ideas and use then, then say "we have found a compromise." Obama then gets what he wants, not a single filibuster (meaning not 1 policies Obama wanted un passed) in almost 3 years and he still tries to pawn blame on every single person but himself.

Some might see Obama as being kind of a dick, I saw him as nothing more than a weak politician who rolled the dice and lost but does not want to lose his capital, the capital was gambling with.
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What makes it also so humorous is that The Libs can't find any recent footage of a conservative saying something like "Debbie Wassernam" is a F---king K--nt",,,,in other words, the score is 198 Conservatives,,,,3 Liberals. They Are Finished!! I can't wait for Rick Perry 2012 !
What makes it also so humorous is that The Libs can't find any recent footage of a conservative saying something like "Debbie Wassernam" is a F---king K--nt",,,,in other words, the score is 198 Conservatives,,,,3 Liberals. They Are Finished!! I can't wait for Rick Perry 2012 !

ask roger stone.

or is 2008 not recent enough, when a dem woman was running for president?
What are you guys talking about... Do we get a link or anything?

An msn reporter - talking head, made verbally sure they were on tape delay before he gave his opinion of obama.

Then he said

Obama is a bit of a dick.

That's candy coated karma bus right there.

that isn't what he said. he said "he acted like a bit of a d**k yesterday".

i'm pretty sure everyone has those moments. but whatever makes the right feel better about itself.

i look forward to more threads whining about bachmann or the tweeting twit being victimized by the media

I'm sure you would feel the same way if it was conservatives that said the same thing??? Probly not!! Lol!
What makes it also so humorous is that The Libs can't find any recent footage of a conservative saying something like "Debbie Wassernam" is a F---king K--nt",,,,in other words, the score is 198 Conservatives,,,,3 Liberals. They Are Finished!! I can't wait for Rick Perry 2012 !

Ewe, Rick Perry... really?
and now Obama goes to Philly for fund raising ? isn't he embarrassed to be seen anywhere in public after being declared a DICK ?
How many times did Bush take questions?

man they only remember what they want to remember
What are you guys talking about... Do we get a link or anything?

An msn reporter - talking head, made verbally sure they were on tape delay before he gave his opinion of obama.

Then he said

Obama is a bit of a dick.

That's candy coated karma bus right there.

That's it?

You don't think he has been called worse?
are we always going to refer back to bush? enough already,,,,Obama was supposed to be the complete opposite of bush,,,,,only he is,,,,but much worse!!! he knows he's backed into a corner now, he has no answers why he can't create jobs after putting 3 trillion into the economy,,,,,thats enough for well over 50 MILLON JOBS !!!!!!
What are you guys talking about... Do we get a link or anything?

An msn reporter - talking head, made verbally sure they were on tape delay before he gave his opinion of obama.

Then he said

Obama is a bit of a dick.

That's candy coated karma bus right there.

that isn't what he said. he said "he acted like a bit of a d**k yesterday".
i'm pretty sure everyone has those moments. but whatever makes the right feel better about itself.

i look forward to more threads whining about bachmann or the tweeting twit being victimized by the media

You izzz absolutely 100% wrong. AGAIN.
Halperin gets high on Obama's butt-fumes,so this coming from him is especially hilarious. "Richard Obama?" Too funny. :)
Halperin has always been anti-Obama, I'm often surprised at his comments on MSNBC. But so flucking what? Saying someone is 'posturing' is akin to saying nothing. Tell us something that is a solution to a congress of idiots, don't tell us your personal presentation of reality. One can view anyone's actions and unless they are being run over by a car and screaming bloody murder, they may be posturing. Definition please, not the big cry baby reply, ' this won't help.' Let's face it the republicans ain't helping. Should Obama kiss their arse? Bring back Harry and Franklin.
Halperin gets high on Obama's butt-fumes,so this coming from him is especially hilarious. "Richard Obama?" Too funny. :)

Would you guys please stop the bum-sniffing metaphors?
I'm starting to feel a bit ill.

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