Obama So Embarrased On MSNBC,Will Never Take Candid Townhall Questions Again.

And what a bunch of Nazis at NBC. The one time someone on their Network tells the truth and they suspend them. BOO NBC!!!!!
Halperin gets high on Obama's butt-fumes,so this coming from him is especially hilarious. "Richard Obama?" Too funny. :)

Would you guys please stop the bum-sniffing metaphors?
I'm starting to feel a bit ill.

Sorry bout that but NBC does have its nose stuck straight up Obama's Butthole. That's why Halperon's insult is especially hilarious. Looks like it is Richard Obama from now on. lol! :)

Think of it as getting even with the left who made T-Shirts that read "Sarah Palin Is A C__NT". How does it feel to be on the same page now President O'Fraud? Obama is ruined ! He can never take questions from the press(unless it's staged) and now he has to do his townhalls on Twitter? Have you ever known of a Leader who was so scared of his own people to have to stoop so low as to take questions on line?
What next? Will conservatives start making "Obama Is A Dick" T-Shirts? and they can all wear them at upcoming Obama 2012 rally's. I wonder if MSNBC will cover this, and if they did,you know they will edit out the T-Shirts just like they did at a White Gun Toting Rally.

Taking questions from the American people is "stooping so low"? Now I've heard everything.

Halperin gets high on Obama's butt-fumes,so this coming from him is especially hilarious. "Richard Obama?" Too funny. :)

Would you guys please stop the bum-sniffing metaphors?
I'm starting to feel a bit ill.

Sorry bout that but NBC does have its nose stuck straight up Obama's Butthole. That's why Halperon's insult is especially hilarious. Looks like it is Richard Obama from now on. lol! :)

Strangely, your reply doesn't make me feel any better.
Halperin has always been anti-Obama, I'm often surprised at his comments on MSNBC. But so flucking what? Saying someone is 'posturing' is akin to saying nothing. Tell us something that is a solution to a congress of idiots, don't tell us your personal presentation of reality. One can view anyone's actions and unless they are being run over by a car and screaming bloody murder, they may be posturing. Definition please, not the big cry baby reply, ' this won't help.' Let's face it the republicans ain't helping. Should Obama kiss their arse? Bring back Harry and Franklin.

Give us a solution to a President with no spine. A so called man thats nothing more then an empty suite, who's only accomplishment in office other then getting elected on protest votes as the first black President is going to get repealed. No amount of ass kissing will hepl Bammer. He is on his way out.
and why is Ubama following Romney ? first IOWA,,,then Pennsylvania? why is Obama even bothering in Pennsylvania? aside from Philly,,,,the rest of the state Hates Him!!!!!!
Don't suppose it'll long before I see the first...

Dick Barry '12

...bumper sticker.
The press will soon get on his case about the next conference, I can't recall the last time Butthead held a news conference in the white house. What?,, is Obama too busy working on the economy and deficit problems?
NBC = Nazi Broadcasting Company. One person on their Network actually tells the truth and they fire em. Crazy stuff.

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