Obama, Stephanopoulos Spar Over Definition of 'Tax'

Yes. A parking ticket is a tax. The fact that one can legally avoid paying this tax by not parking illegally, is irrelevant.

One can also avoid paying income tax by not earning any income.
You can also avoid fuel taxes by riding a bicycle, which is perfectly legal.....The examples are numerous.
Those examples are really weak though. If you earn income, you pay a tax. If you purchase fuel, you pay a tax. Driving car does not result in a parking ticket unless you commit a violation.
Those examples are really weak though. If you earn income, you pay a tax. If you purchase fuel, you pay a tax. Driving car does not result in a parking ticket unless you commit a violation.

There is a reason why so many different taxes are prefaced with an adjective. It's because the word "tax" is pretty much a catch-all for any charge levied by the government for any reason.

For example, the lottery is a tax on the stupid.
Those examples are really weak though. If you earn income, you pay a tax. If you purchase fuel, you pay a tax. Driving car does not result in a parking ticket unless you commit a violation.
Right...And penalizing people for living without a forcibly purchased product is plain old extortion.
That's stretching the definition of the word "tax" so far as to make it meaningless.


I can only assume you don't pay any, otherwise it would have considerable meaning. :doubt:

Using the absurd standard put forward in this thread, everything is a tax. Drink a soda and buying it constitutes a "Beverage Consumption Tax". Buying a loaf of bread is a "Nutrient Tax".

Humor aside though, really think about it. A good starting question would be this. Is a parking ticket a tax?

No, it's a Punishment...


The whole "Requiring" citizens to have health insurance thing really is pretty disturbing to me. Obviously it's a Tax but that may not me the most disturbing aspect of this issue. What happens to citizens who refuse to pay these Fines? Will they have created a 'Health Care Gestapo' force with the authority to storm citizens' homes to arrest and imprison them for not paying these Fines? Just doesn't seem American to me. I cannot support any Legislation that "requires" citizens to have health insurance. I hope our politicians take the side of Freedom & Liberty and agree with me on this.
The whole "Requiring" citizens to have health insurance thing really is pretty disturbing to me. Obviously it's a Tax but that may not me the most disturbing aspect of this issue. What happens to citizens who refuse to pay these Fines? Will they have created a 'Health Care Gestapo' force with the authority to storm citizens' homes to arrest and imprison them for not paying these Fines? Just doesn't seem American to me. I cannot support any Legislation that "requires" citizens to have health insurance. I hope our politicians take the side of Freedom & Liberty and agree with me on this.

Why do you Hate Communism?...


The whole "Requiring" citizens to have health insurance thing really is pretty disturbing to me. Obviously it's a Tax but that may not me the most disturbing aspect of this issue. What happens to citizens who refuse to pay these Fines? Will they have created a 'Health Care Gestapo' force with the authority to storm citizens' homes to arrest and imprison them for not paying these Fines? Just doesn't seem American to me. I cannot support any Legislation that "requires" citizens to have health insurance. I hope our politicians take the side of Freedom & Liberty and agree with me on this.

So, then would you support legislation allowing healthcare providers to turn away people with no insurance? That is the only way to keep us taxpayers from footing the bill everytime an emergency room is FORCED to treat someone who cannot pay?
So, then would you support legislation allowing healthcare providers to turn away people with no insurance? That is the only way to keep us taxpayers from footing the bill everytime an emergency room is FORCED to treat someone who cannot pay?
I've been turned away from clinics because I had no insurance at all.

Is that any better?
So, then would you support legislation allowing healthcare providers to turn away people with no insurance? That is the only way to keep us taxpayers from footing the bill everytime an emergency room is FORCED to treat someone who cannot pay?
I've been turned away from clinics because I had no insurance at all.

Is that any better?

Clinics are not mandated as Hospitals are in the 1986 Reagan legislation.
The whole "Requiring" citizens to have health insurance thing really is pretty disturbing to me. .

It will be done in the name of "national security". So either pay up or Gitmo.

You will be receiving a brochure in the mail soon, it will tell you what to eat, fuck, inhale.....

I Loves the smell of tyranny in the morning

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It's NOT a tax. These morons are spinning again. In fact Obama is trying to help the rest of us out by forcing people WE CURRENTLY PAY FOR to get health insurance. What about this is a BAD thing?
Yes.....And we all know how helpful forcing completely peaceful people to do this or that is, don't we?

Sheesh. :rolleyes:

I see where you are going with that, but in all honesty, are you OK with paying for individuals' health care knowing that many simply CHOOSE not to pay for it?

Yes, because you aren't FORCED to pay individual's health care. You can choose not to purchase health insurance, you can choose to pursue low cost health care, you can choose not to get health care at all.

You can CHOOSE. That's the difference.
Yes.....And we all know how helpful forcing completely peaceful people to do this or that is, don't we?

Sheesh. :rolleyes:

I see where you are going with that, but in all honesty, are you OK with paying for individuals' health care knowing that many simply CHOOSE not to pay for it?

Yes, because you aren't FORCED to pay individual's health care. You can choose not to purchase health insurance, you can choose to pursue low cost health care, you can choose not to get health care at all.

You can CHOOSE. That's the difference.

So, just WHO do you suppose pays for all of the people who CHOOSE not to have heath insurance? The HMO Fairy???:eusa_whistle:
I see where you are going with that, but in all honesty, are you OK with paying for individuals' health care knowing that many simply CHOOSE not to pay for it?

Yes, because you aren't FORCED to pay individual's health care. You can choose not to purchase health insurance, you can choose to pursue low cost health care, you can choose not to get health care at all.

You can CHOOSE. That's the difference.

So, just WHO do you suppose pays for all of the people who CHOOSE not to have heath insurance? The HMO Fairy???:eusa_whistle:

You shouldn't ask those questions. it irritates them ....which is a violation of the "patriot" Act.

Yes, because you aren't FORCED to pay individual's health care. You can choose not to purchase health insurance, you can choose to pursue low cost health care, you can choose not to get health care at all.

You can CHOOSE. That's the difference.

So, just WHO do you suppose pays for all of the people who CHOOSE not to have heath insurance? The HMO Fairy???:eusa_whistle:

You shouldn't ask those questions. it irritates them ....which is a violation of the "patriot" Act.


But that is the part I don't understand? Conservatives are supposed to be about spending less government tax dollars. With Obama's proposal, we could actually FORCE responsibility back on those who CHOOSE not to purchase insurance and at the same time, provide it for only those who truly cannot afford it?
So, just WHO do you suppose pays for all of the people who CHOOSE not to have heath insurance? The HMO Fairy???:eusa_whistle:

You shouldn't ask those questions. it irritates them ....which is a violation of the "patriot" Act.


But that is the part I don't understand? Conservatives are supposed to be about spending less government tax dollars. With Obama's proposal, we could actually FORCE responsibility back on those who CHOOSE not to purchase insurance and at the same time, provide it for only those who truly cannot afford it?

The federal government has no authority to force me to get healthcare. NONE.

So, just WHO do you suppose pays for all of the people who CHOOSE not to have heath insurance? The HMO Fairy???:eusa_whistle:
Although this may of a bit of a challenge to consider, maybe they pay their own way?

Too broad of a brush, perhaps? Yes, I am certain SOME pay their own way. However, if that was the rule and not the exception, this conversation possibly wouldn't be taking place, now would it?
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