Obama Still Campaigning During Crisis

He sure loves visiting college campuses.

I went to San Diego State University. That was a party school for sure.

Somebody got attacked for wearing an American Flag T-shirt there once.

Many college-aged people are still pretty idealistic, and pretty naive. I was like that when I was 18. I wanted to change the world. Then I left home, ventured out on my own. I sure changed my tune! Funny how many of today's cons were yesterday's 'progressives'. What a difference a regular paycheck makes?

Once you get a good job and start owning property and have to pay taxes on it you stop supporting Democrats if you're smart.

Many of them still support the left in New York even though they've made a mess of the state. California is the same thing. They'll never learn.

Yeah. That's always puzzled me.
To you, and other weak-minded, weak-willed sheeple, perhaps. To real patriots and Americans, yeah...no so much. YOUR so-called president can kiss my true-blue American ass.

Tell him that to his face and can you please film it?

I'd be glad to if the coward would allow open access when he planted his traitorous ass in Alaska. But, they close the post down tighter then a virgin's cunny whenever his bird transits our venue. Oh, what I wouldn't give to go one-on-one with your messiah. Alas, he's not man enough to step down to my everyman's level, is he? You sure won't see him campaigning here...we don't count because we aren't a "swing state". Your messiah only sucks voter ass in states that have a potential of delivering significant EC votes. The rest of us don't count. Really, you don't count but you're too blinded by the white to realize it.

You aren't allowed to leave the state? I'm sure there are flights from Alaska to Washington, DC.
That's why Obama is up 7% in Ohio and 5% in Florida and Virginia-he keeps campaigning.

He's not really up.....his paid pollsters just claim he's up. He's holding a law-suit over the heads of the directors of Gallup. They're just giving him the numbers he's asking for.

He's really even with Romney and a new poll will most likely show that his numbers are crashing after the mishandling of these embassy attacks.

Wrong. Note the date and time of the story:

By MAGGIE HABERMAN | 9/13/12 6:42 PM EDT
The latest NBC/WSJ/Marist swing state surveys of Ohio, Florida and Virginia do not hold good news for Mitt Romney folowing the two weeks of party conventions.

President Obama leads Ohio, a crucial battleground, by seven points, according to the surveys. He leads by five points in the other two. And the undecideds are few.

The polls were taken from Sept. 9 through Sept. 11, during a window when national surveys have indicated a convention bump for the president. Romney's campaign has warned the media against reading too much into the post-campaign "sugar high."

NBC/WSJ poll: Obama leads in Florida, Virginia, Ohio - POLITICO.com

What's your next excuse?

There needs no excuse. The polls are all bullshit lies and I dont care which poll you choose or which way you swing. It is all a lie
Many college-aged people are still pretty idealistic, and pretty naive. I was like that when I was 18. I wanted to change the world. Then I left home, ventured out on my own. I sure changed my tune! Funny how many of today's cons were yesterday's 'progressives'. What a difference a regular paycheck makes?

Once you get a good job and start owning property and have to pay taxes on it you stop supporting Democrats if you're smart.

Many of them still support the left in New York even though they've made a mess of the state. California is the same thing. They'll never learn.

Yeah. That's always puzzled me.

What about Arizona?
He's not really up.....his paid pollsters just claim he's up. He's holding a law-suit over the heads of the directors of Gallup. They're just giving him the numbers he's asking for.

He's really even with Romney and a new poll will most likely show that his numbers are crashing after the mishandling of these embassy attacks.

Wrong. Note the date and time of the story:

By MAGGIE HABERMAN | 9/13/12 6:42 PM EDT
The latest NBC/WSJ/Marist swing state surveys of Ohio, Florida and Virginia do not hold good news for Mitt Romney folowing the two weeks of party conventions.

President Obama leads Ohio, a crucial battleground, by seven points, according to the surveys. He leads by five points in the other two. And the undecideds are few.

The polls were taken from Sept. 9 through Sept. 11, during a window when national surveys have indicated a convention bump for the president. Romney's campaign has warned the media against reading too much into the post-campaign "sugar high."

NBC/WSJ poll: Obama leads in Florida, Virginia, Ohio - POLITICO.com

What's your next excuse?

There needs no excuse. The polls are all bullshit lies and I dont care which poll you choose or which way you swing. It is all a lie

Didn't you say that in 2008?
Tell him that to his face and can you please film it?

I'd be glad to if the coward would allow open access when he planted his traitorous ass in Alaska. But, they close the post down tighter then a virgin's cunny whenever his bird transits our venue. Oh, what I wouldn't give to go one-on-one with your messiah. Alas, he's not man enough to step down to my everyman's level, is he? You sure won't see him campaigning here...we don't count because we aren't a "swing state". Your messiah only sucks voter ass in states that have a potential of delivering significant EC votes. The rest of us don't count. Really, you don't count but you're too blinded by the white to realize it.

You aren't allowed to leave the state? I'm sure there are flights from Alaska to Washington, DC.

You must be fucking high if you think I'd leave Alaska for your haven of liberal racism. But thanks for the invite...boy.
It is, however, evident that your like-skinned messiah is abundantly fearful of Alaskans.
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I'd be glad to if the coward would allow open access when he planted his traitorous ass in Alaska. But, they close the post down tighter then a virgin's cunny whenever his bird transits our venue. Oh, what I wouldn't give to go one-on-one with your messiah. Alas, he's not man enough to step down to my everyman's level, is he? You sure won't see him campaigning here...we don't count because we aren't a "swing state". Your messiah only sucks voter ass in states that have a potential of delivering significant EC votes. The rest of us don't count. Really, you don't count but you're too blinded by the white to realize it.

You aren't allowed to leave the state? I'm sure there are flights from Alaska to Washington, DC.

You must be fucking high if you think I'd leave Alaska for your haven of liberal racism. But thanks for the invite...boy.
It is, however, evident that your like-skinned messiah is abundantly fearful of Alaskans.

"You must be fucking high if you think I'd leave Alaska for your haven of liberal racism. But thanks for the invite...boy."

Irony is lost on the ironic.

Scared of Washington, DC are ya? Seems you don't have the courage of your convictions. Typical of your ilk.
What should he do? Invade Estonia as baby Bush would? Perhaps he isn't ANNOUNCING planned US military actions as Bush did. Bush made sure he got lots of media attention, at the cost of additional US deaths. The president should NOT show his hand at a time like this. The media addicts need to THINK once in a while, playing dress up & pretending to be a soldier just kills more actual fighting men and women.*

*PS: I doubt Romney would choose to be POSER IN CHIEF either.
I'd be glad to if the coward would allow open access when he planted his traitorous ass in Alaska. But, they close the post down tighter then a virgin's cunny whenever his bird transits our venue. Oh, what I wouldn't give to go one-on-one with your messiah. Alas, he's not man enough to step down to my everyman's level, is he?

Alert! Alert! Internet tough guy on station!

Ooh, the cowardly president won't talk to him personally! WAAAAAAAAAAA!

(More disturbing, however, is how some of the conservative men here are so obsessed with stories of men getting raped.)
Wrong. Note the date and time of the story:

By MAGGIE HABERMAN | 9/13/12 6:42 PM EDT
The latest NBC/WSJ/Marist swing state surveys of Ohio, Florida and Virginia do not hold good news for Mitt Romney folowing the two weeks of party conventions.

President Obama leads Ohio, a crucial battleground, by seven points, according to the surveys. He leads by five points in the other two. And the undecideds are few.

The polls were taken from Sept. 9 through Sept. 11, during a window when national surveys have indicated a convention bump for the president. Romney's campaign has warned the media against reading too much into the post-campaign "sugar high."

NBC/WSJ poll: Obama leads in Florida, Virginia, Ohio - POLITICO.com

What's your next excuse?

There needs no excuse. The polls are all bullshit lies and I dont care which poll you choose or which way you swing. It is all a lie

Didn't you say that in 2008?

Yes I did. Polls are manipulated to whichever ways the pollsters are paid for. I wait till the day after the election to see which way the wind blows.
You aren't allowed to leave the state? I'm sure there are flights from Alaska to Washington, DC.

You must be fucking high if you think I'd leave Alaska for your haven of liberal racism. But thanks for the invite...boy.
It is, however, evident that your like-skinned messiah is abundantly fearful of Alaskans.

"You must be fucking high if you think I'd leave Alaska for your haven of liberal racism. But thanks for the invite...boy."

Irony is lost on the ironic.

Scared of Washington, DC are ya? Seems you don't have the courage of your convictions. Typical of your ilk.

Scared? Why would I be? I lived there for some time. I really don't see why I should have to come to your hole. I much prefer my honest way of life here. Been there, seen that. Can you say the same?

PS, "Porgy and Bess" is not opera.
And Obama Campaigns:mad:

U.S. Ambassador was raped before he was murdered


The Arabic language website known as Lebanon News (Tayar.org) has just reported the horrific claim that the heavily armed mob responsible for the murder of U.S. Ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, 52, actually raped him before he was killed.

The Google Translation of the report follows:

-"The U.S. ambassador to Libya was raped sexually before killing by gunmen who stormed the embassy building in Benghazi last night to protest against the film is offensive to the Prophet Muhammad"

-"The sources told AFP said that 'Ambassador was killed and representation of his body in a manner similar to what happened with Gaddafi, such as murder.'"
Report: U.S. Ambassador was raped before he was murdered - Norfolk Crime | Examiner.com
And Barack Obama apologized for that? What a creepsickle.
And Obama Campaigns:mad:

U.S. Ambassador was raped before he was murdered


The Arabic language website known as Lebanon News (Tayar.org) has just reported the horrific claim that the heavily armed mob responsible for the murder of U.S. Ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, 52, actually raped him before he was killed.

The Google Translation of the report follows:

-"The U.S. ambassador to Libya was raped sexually before killing by gunmen who stormed the embassy building in Benghazi last night to protest against the film is offensive to the Prophet Muhammad"

-"The sources told AFP said that 'Ambassador was killed and representation of his body in a manner similar to what happened with Gaddafi, such as murder.'"
Report: U.S. Ambassador was raped before he was murdered - Norfolk Crime | Examiner.com
And Barack Obama apologized for that? What a creepsickle.

It's starting to look like all of the protests are because of Obama's Drone policies.

I started a thread about it.

It's starting to look like all of the protests are because of Obama's Drone policies.

I started a thread about it.
That kind of obfuscation qualifies a Democrat to be headless nutcase of state ... and the worse the Democrat president is, the less attention gets called to the congres, ergo the more attention gets called to him, the more the Demmie congresscritters can steal from the national purse for redistribution of taxpayers' wealth to their family's wealth with pittances left over for their welfare queen, out-of-work union drones who priced themselves out of the world market and have time on their hands to work a woe to those trying to make things right for taxpayers who are fooled when Hollyweird pitches in with its suggestions on how to reduce "the enemy" to powder with suggested calumnies which the press proliferates onto the American public, who thinks nobody would lie to them, especially with picture associations with lies of Republicans ...

It's all a scam to destroy the U. S. Treasury. The outcome will be we'll be no better off than the poorest 3rd world countries where *guess what* Islam brings genocide into the picture.

We need to clean house of every trace of liberalism and make Hollyweird pay a price for its role in the calumny proffered by the left. A big price, too. Hollywood has worked a woe on this nation with malevolent lies put in the wrong hands.
Not only is obama campaigning, but he's campaigning as Cedric the Entertainer. The brutal murders of four Americans means only that he had a tough day.
Not only is obama campaigning, but he's campaigning as Cedric the Entertainer. The brutal murders of four Americans means only that he had a tough day.
Oh, yes, that reminds me. America is all about him now, too, while someone else gets killed. :rolleyes:
As the Commander in Chief goes on with his daily run of campaign stops, attacks on our embassies continue in Cairo, Sudan, Tunisia, Yemen, Libya, Lebanon, the University of Texas is evacuated as a would be bomber from Al Qeada calls in a bomb threat.

He doesn't have time for full intelligence briefings from his Security Council or time to meet with his cabinet.

Would it be too much to ask that he return to deal with this crisis? After all, he's the only leader we have at the moment.

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