Obama Supporters Actually Hate Obama's Policies


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Have to feel sorry for ideologically driven people. So sad when they run into the wall of reality.

Obama Supporters Actually Hate Obama's Policies

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Skw-0jv9kts&feature=player_embedded#]Obama Supporters Actually Hate Obama's Policies - YouTube[/ame]!
You find some random guy on the street and say all Obama's supporters......

No wonder their leaders think they're stupid.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0n5oa55EsmI&playnext=1&list=PL5rDS2k-lnIO3Isz3Fb2_8S0YONPMUjyC&feature=results_main]Santorum: "We Will Never Have The Elite, Smart People On Our Side" - YouTube[/ame]
I have found that this attitude is not just some "random" people. It is shared by all the liberal democrats I know. How else can someone support Obama? They have to be deluding themselves. Or they don't care about his kill list and the other things mentioned in the video. That is the whole point, Obama has extended a reccession just like we said he would and the liberal democrats want to paint his failure as success. It is really a sad statement if Obama doesn't lose by a very large landslide.
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Mitt Romney wants to turn federal programs over to the states. Will the federal funding come with those programs or do the states go bankrupt?

Mitt Romney wants to spend an undisclosed ammount overseas in Muslim countries rebuilding their country so they have opportunity and won't hate us. Who's paying for that?
Sounds alot like Obama.

Mitt Romney wants to turn the US into a global arms dealer by supplying every global opposition force with what they need to carry out US foreign policy.

Mitt Romney wants to coddle Afgahnastan because they have nukes. So do China and the Soviets but we aren't coddling them(sorta).

All this he says in the last debate. May not like Obama, but I definately hate this.
Those on the far left are disappointed with some of his decisions and compromises. Most are pragmatic about it, however.

Kind of kills y'alls "Obama is far left" meme though.
One must remember that you can make some of the people happy some of the time, but you can't make all people happy all of the time.
Mitt Romney wants to turn federal programs over to the states. Will the federal funding come with those programs or do the states go bankrupt?

Mitt Romney wants to spend an undisclosed ammount overseas in Muslim countries rebuilding their country so they have opportunity and won't hate us. Who's paying for that?
Sounds alot like Obama.

Mitt Romney wants to turn the US into a global arms dealer by supplying every global opposition force with what they need to carry out US foreign policy.

Mitt Romney wants to coddle Afgahnastan because they have nukes. So do China and the Soviets but we aren't coddling them(sorta).

All this he says in the last debate. May not like Obama, but I definately hate this.

You hate this because you think the federal government is the be all of all things. Put power back with the states. If funding is required that can be arranged but let people decide for themselves not some idiot in Washington who could care less.

Supplying the rest of the world with arms? What in the hell do you think Obama has been doing? Seems to me on that score it is a tie between what you say what Romney will do with what Obama has done. That is what I mean about the left deluding themselves. If Bush had a kill list, as we know Obama does, the MSM would be all over it and the left would be peeing their pants. Yet Obama uses this list to kill an American citizen and his 16 year old son and the liberal left is silent as the lambs.

Afghanistan has nukes? Are you sure you don't mean the unstable country of Pakistan?
Those on the far left are disappointed with some of his decisions and compromises. Most are pragmatic about it, however.

Kind of kills y'alls "Obama is far left" meme though.

The meme is not that Obama is left, right or center, it is the delusion of the far left. The far left really can only be those still supporting Obama or those deluding themselves. I had dinner with two people who are smart and I thought were up on the facts and they knew absolutely nothing about what Obama has done. I am sure if I told them about his kill list they would have not believed me or said I was talking about Bush. It is easy that way, just vote for the democrat or the one who a person thinks will give them the most. No facts to get in the way. No use talking to them they are going to vote D regardess of whom is running.
Mitt Romney wants to turn federal programs over to the states. Will the federal funding come with those programs or do the states go bankrupt?

Mitt Romney wants to spend an undisclosed ammount overseas in Muslim countries rebuilding their country so they have opportunity and won't hate us. Who's paying for that?
Sounds alot like Obama.

Mitt Romney wants to turn the US into a global arms dealer by supplying every global opposition force with what they need to carry out US foreign policy.

Mitt Romney wants to coddle Afgahnastan because they have nukes. So do China and the Soviets but we aren't coddling them(sorta).

All this he says in the last debate. May not like Obama, but I definately hate this.

You hate this because you think the federal government is the be all of all things. Put power back with the states. If funding is required that can be arranged but let people decide for themselves not some idiot in Washington who could care less.

Supplying the rest of the world with arms? What in the hell do you think Obama has been doing? Seems to me on that score it is a tie between what you say what Romney will do with what Obama has done. That is what I mean about the left deluding themselves. If Bush had a kill list, as we know Obama does, the MSM would be all over it and the left would be peeing their pants. Yet Obama uses this list to kill an American citizen and his 16 year old son and the liberal left is silent as the lambs.

Afghanistan has nukes? Are you sure you don't mean the unstable country of Pakistan?

I acctually want power back with the states, but it is the way it will be done that he hasn't explained. That is the problem, Mitt did this for a living with Bain Capital, it has the potential to get ugly very quickly.

Never said I liked Obama selling arms either, but the right seems to think Obama isn't doing enough arms deals. Is this why they keep complaining about all the foreign hot spots and the fact we "aren't helping"? I'm all for the hit lists, one and done drone attacks. Do not validify the opposition, you can't reason with them, so don't.

Thanks for the correction I did mean Pakistan.
But they still support Obama.

Go figure.

It's because he's um................................................................................. A black guy.

I really don't think so, I think it is ideologically driven. Ideology which has little to do with reality. Of course there are still some white folks out their, democrats, that seem to think they need to pay back for being the party of slavery but I think there are fewer this time around.
Mitt Romney wants to turn federal programs over to the states. Will the federal funding come with those programs or do the states go bankrupt?

"We take some programs that we are going to keep, like Medicaid, which is a program for the poor; we'll take that healthcare program for the poor and we give it to the states to run because states run these programs more efficiently.

As a governor, I thought please, give me this program. I can run this more efficiently than the federal government and states, by the way, are proving it. States like Arizona, Rhode Island have taken these - these Medicaid dollars; have shown they can run these programs more cost-effectively"
- Mitt Romeny
Mitt Romney wants to turn federal programs over to the states. Will the federal funding come with those programs or do the states go bankrupt?

Mitt Romney wants to spend an undisclosed ammount overseas in Muslim countries rebuilding their country so they have opportunity and won't hate us. Who's paying for that?
Sounds alot like Obama.

Mitt Romney wants to turn the US into a global arms dealer by supplying every global opposition force with what they need to carry out US foreign policy.

Mitt Romney wants to coddle Afgahnastan because they have nukes. So do China and the Soviets but we aren't coddling them(sorta).

All this he says in the last debate. May not like Obama, but I definitely hate this.

You hate this because you think the federal government is the be all of all things. Put power back with the states. If funding is required that can be arranged but let people decide for themselves not some idiot in Washington who could care less.

Supplying the rest of the world with arms? What in the hell do you think Obama has been doing? Seems to me on that score it is a tie between what you say what Romney will do with what Obama has done. That is what I mean about the left deluding themselves. If Bush had a kill list, as we know Obama does, the MSM would be all over it and the left would be peeing their pants. Yet Obama uses this list to kill an American citizen and his 16 year old son and the liberal left is silent as the lambs.

Afghanistan has nukes? Are you sure you don't mean the unstable country of Pakistan?

I actually want power back with the states, but it is the way it will be done that he hasn't explained. That is the problem, Mitt did this for a living with Bain Capital, it has the potential to get ugly very quickly.

Never said I liked Obama selling arms either, but the right seems to think Obama isn't doing enough arms deals. Is this why they keep complaining about all the foreign hot spots and the fact we "aren't helping"? I'm all for the hit lists, one and done drone attacks. Do not validify the opposition, you can't reason with them, so don't.

Thanks for the correction I did mean Pakistan.

You probably wanted health care reform, as did I, and voted for Obama without knowing how that would be accomplished. Now that I see the how, I think we could not have done it much worse. Romney and Obama can say a lot of things like wishing to give states back the power taken from them. But Romney and Obama do not have that power all by themselves, so the how can only be debated with Congress. It is an idea that I support and you support. One that I don't hear Obama even mention, quite the opposite. So if you are sincere in what you say I am not sure how you can support Obama.

I am a conservative, I have been a Republican for my entire voting life, I do not support selling arms to every opposition country. I am not sure where you get such ideas. Certainly we need to help the opposition in countries that are totalitarian, that is the right thing to do. But it should be done with at least with Congress being informed, unlike what Obama has been doing. I can't say if Romney will do much better but in my opinion we can't reward Obama for what he has done. A kill list? As I said, if Bush had such, and used it, the left would be rightfully calling for impeachment.

Think about your vote. Do you really feel good about being American? Do you really feel good in the direction of America? I would have to say no to both. We can not reward Obama for what he has done on the wish that the next four years will be different. I want a business man in the WH not an inexperienced rookie that never created a job in his life.
I have found that this attitude is not just some "random" people. It is shared by all the liberal democrats I know. How else can someone support Obama? They have to be deluding themselves. Or they don't care about his kill list and the other things mentioned in the video. That is the whole point, Obama has extended a reccession just like we said he would and the liberal democrats want to paint his failure as success. It is really a sad statement if Obama doesn't lose by a very large landslide.

All the "liberal democrats" you know? Both of them?

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