Obama supporters are scaring me

I'm not kidding, they don't have a brain between them, they have a hive mind and they mindlessly follow whatever Obama tells them no matter how wrong or stupid.

Your fall into utter insanity scares me. I'm not kidding.

Explain this comment to me, in your own words

"if you've got a business, you didn't build that."

Well Frank, that's a perfect of example of the stupidity you've embraced. Read the whole quote or continue along in your own stupidity. I'm not here to hold your hand and make you smarter. That's your wife's job.
If he declared himself king and cancelled the elections, you followers would cheer and throw a party. I'm not interested in trying to scare a zombie. That's like trying to get a sociopath to be compassionate.
I'm not kidding, they don't have a brain between them, they have a hive mind and they mindlessly follow whatever Obama tells them no matter how wrong or stupid.

I watch Zombies Movies, Walking Dead, etc. Obama supporters are the same way, all they know is support Obama, I'm not fucking kidding.

He told them Romney misrepresented him in the "You didn't build that" ad, and they follow mindlessly. All of them! Every one! There's not a one of them that questions the order

Obama's financial guru Jon Corzine, the architect of the Failed Stimulus is as big a criminal as Madoff and he gets a pass and a defense from the Obama Legions of Mindless Zombies.

If Obama told them they had to jump off a building to land on a Republican they'd race each other to the roof.

Absolutely fucking terrifying.

i am incline to agree with you. I don't understand any person supportive of obama, when Obama causing their very own livelyhoods to struggle and its going to get alot worse. Why would anyone support someone doing them harm???? Obviously these people just can't see it or reality. Unfortunately because they can't see it, they make it hard for all the rest of us. It is these people that are the concern and worry, because they could keep us in these bad situations by voting for this Muslim again.
Your fall into utter insanity scares me. I'm not kidding.

Explain this comment to me, in your own words

"if you've got a business, you didn't build that."

Well Frank, that's a perfect of example of the stupidity you've embraced. Read the whole quote or continue along in your own stupidity. I'm not here to hold your hand and make you smarter. That's your wife's job.

See? the "in your won words" request forced a system shutdown

It's OK 8537, you're a good minion
If he declared himself king and cancelled the elections, you followers would cheer and throw a party. I'm not interested in trying to scare a zombie. That's like trying to get a sociopath to be compassionate.

Go back to sleep.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUd9Sx5Pumg]The Beatles:Golden Slumbers - YouTube[/ame]
As a nonright winger, I can definitely see where frank is coming from. It's an obvious cult of personality that is, and has been, on display for almost four years. Every gaffe, stupid comment, ridiculous assertion or otherwise made by the Obama is met with incredible defense from the teeth gnashing Fourier Complex ridden following.

They adore without question every word from the man's mouth no matter how incredibly stupid, insulting or even attacking of the supporters own view.

It is a serious and dangerous cult of personality. One we haven't seen in America. One that in histories past has led the population down roads that no one should travel.

Bank atms are ruining the economy? Really?

They've taken jobs. As has most automation.

And along with automation, which by the way, was provisioned without taking into account the job losses..outsourcing..was implemented.

So..dude..with no jobs to replace the ones lost..what happens to the consumer driven economy..when consumers have no money?

A. Everything is hunky-dory because the magical hand of the free market will take care of it.

B. Unemployment rises because of the cyclical nature of the collapse in employment. Less people buying = less demand = more layoffs = less people buying.

Don't bother..I know your answer.

57 States!
First downgrade ever!
Record Poverty!

It all happens in a vacuum in your world, man.

The economy just started collapsing in 2009.

Before then..was the golden age..
As a nonright winger, I can definitely see where frank is coming from. It's an obvious cult of personality that is, and has been, on display for almost four years. Every gaffe, stupid comment, ridiculous assertion or otherwise made by the Obama is met with incredible defense from the teeth gnashing Fourier Complex ridden following.

They adore without question every word from the man's mouth no matter how incredibly stupid, insulting or even attacking of the supporters own view.

It is a serious and dangerous cult of personality. One we haven't seen in America. One that in histories past has led the population down roads that no one should travel.

Bank atms are ruining the economy? Really?

They've taken jobs. As has most automation.

And along with automation, which by the way, was provisioned without taking into account the job losses..outsourcing..was implemented.

So..dude..with no jobs to replace the ones lost..what happens to the consumer driven economy..when consumers have no money?

A. Everything is hunky-dory because the magical hand of the free market will take care of it.

B. Unemployment rises because of the cyclical nature of the collapse in employment. Less people buying = less demand = more layoffs = less people buying.

Don't bother..I know your answer.

57 States!
First downgrade ever!
Record Poverty!

It all happens in a vacuum in your world, man.

The economy just started collapsing in 2009.

Before then..was the golden age..

:lmao:You have a very twisted and misinformed understanding of the division of labor. Like seriously. Maybe a few too many sci-fi movies.
If he declared himself king and cancelled the elections, you followers would cheer and throw a party. I'm not interested in trying to scare a zombie. That's like trying to get a sociopath to be compassionate.

You post this..when most of you folks were just fine and dandy with Gore v. Bush.

That's about as close to usurping the Democratic will of the American people as well have ever come. And Dynastic rule.
Explain this comment to me, in your own words

"if you've got a business, you didn't build that."

Well Frank, that's a perfect of example of the stupidity you've embraced. Read the whole quote or continue along in your own stupidity. I'm not here to hold your hand and make you smarter. That's your wife's job.

See? the "in your won words" request forced a system shutdown

It's OK 8537, you're a good minion

He's just another 'chip on the shoulder' type interested in gubmint freeloading for himself and everyone else in his neighborhood.

These folks are quite common in this forum.
Bank atms are ruining the economy? Really?

They've taken jobs. As has most automation.

And along with automation, which by the way, was provisioned without taking into account the job losses..outsourcing..was implemented.

So..dude..with no jobs to replace the ones lost..what happens to the consumer driven economy..when consumers have no money?

A. Everything is hunky-dory because the magical hand of the free market will take care of it.

B. Unemployment rises because of the cyclical nature of the collapse in employment. Less people buying = less demand = more layoffs = less people buying.

Don't bother..I know your answer.

57 States!
First downgrade ever!
Record Poverty!

It all happens in a vacuum in your world, man.

The economy just started collapsing in 2009.

Before then..was the golden age..

:lmao:You have a very twisted and misinformed understanding of the division of labor. Like seriously. Maybe a few too many sci-fi movies.


I work in the real world.

When NAFTA was implemented..Clinton provisioned funding for job training to people displaced by the legislation.

Of course..you wouldn't know anything about that.

But it was wildly successful. After intial job losses..the job market roared back. And Clinton's administration saw huge job GROWTH.
I predict that between now and the election, eventually, all the rightwinger threads on this board will be this stupid.

These people are losing whatever grip they had on whatever sanity they had.

In a way, it's awesome.

that's funny because I see it the other way around...insert you liberals..
but I agree with the OP, Obamabots are like cult members..it's creepy

Are you applying to be Mitts 7th wife? lol stop being a forum whore and stick to one topic,seriously you are on like every topic:)
WTF are you now babbling about? You just got through saying technology and automation are creating a wedge in employment. Do you not understand the division of labor at all?

Automation and technology only change the lines of the division, they do not remove the labor from need. Stop watching the terminator, dude. Seriously. :lmao:
As a nonright winger, I can definitely see where frank is coming from. It's an obvious cult of personality that is, and has been, on display for almost four years. Every gaffe, stupid comment, ridiculous assertion or otherwise made by the Obama is met with incredible defense from the teeth gnashing Fourier Complex ridden following.

They adore without question every word from the man's mouth no matter how incredibly stupid, insulting or even attacking of the supporters own view.

It is a serious and dangerous cult of personality. One we haven't seen in America. One that in histories past has led the population down roads that no one should travel.

Bank atms are ruining the economy? Really?

They've taken jobs. As has most automation.

And along with automation, which by the way, was provisioned without taking into account the job losses..outsourcing..was implemented.

So..dude..with no jobs to replace the ones lost..what happens to the consumer driven economy..when consumers have no money?

A. Everything is hunky-dory because the magical hand of the free market will take care of it.

B. Unemployment rises because of the cyclical nature of the collapse in employment. Less people buying = less demand = more layoffs = less people buying.

Don't bother..I know your answer.

57 States!
First downgrade ever!
Record Poverty!

It all happens in a vacuum in your world, man.

The economy just started collapsing in 2009.

Before then..was the golden age..

So you must be totally against computer too, right?

They put all those abacus workers out of business!
Conservatives have a way of making everyone that doesn't agree with their world view into evil enemies. That is what comes with their binary world view.

Limbaugh use to compare Clinton to a terrorist holding America hostage. It was despicable then. It's despicable now.

I find that interesting that you would say that. Many on the right are hated and are framed as enemies of the left for not agreeing with their point of view. For example, if you are not completely for gay marriage then you hate gays. If you disagree with the state paying for contraception you hate women and the list goes on.

I think you may have hit on a point that many on both sides seem to buy into.
Pretty much I mean a slight exaggeration at the end but put well. They just overlook all criminal acts even capital crime (fast n furious) by Obama its appalling
Last edited:
Bank atms are ruining the economy? Really?

They've taken jobs. As has most automation.

And along with automation, which by the way, was provisioned without taking into account the job losses..outsourcing..was implemented.

So..dude..with no jobs to replace the ones lost..what happens to the consumer driven economy..when consumers have no money?

A. Everything is hunky-dory because the magical hand of the free market will take care of it.

B. Unemployment rises because of the cyclical nature of the collapse in employment. Less people buying = less demand = more layoffs = less people buying.

Don't bother..I know your answer.

57 States!
First downgrade ever!
Record Poverty!

It all happens in a vacuum in your world, man.

The economy just started collapsing in 2009.

Before then..was the golden age..

So you must be totally against computer too, right?

They put all those abacus workers out of business!

Oh, the irony.. the "science & technology" crowd is now whining about science & technology.


Seriously, these people are positively mental.
lol you know they funny part out of all this? I joined this site cause I wanted to hear real arguments couples with facts coming from both sides, sadly the right wing side NEVER gives stats and always reverts back to NON FACTUAL STAT DRIVIN arguments.........yeah I like farting in the wind too.......
They've taken jobs. As has most automation.

And along with automation, which by the way, was provisioned without taking into account the job losses..outsourcing..was implemented.

So..dude..with no jobs to replace the ones lost..what happens to the consumer driven economy..when consumers have no money?

A. Everything is hunky-dory because the magical hand of the free market will take care of it.

B. Unemployment rises because of the cyclical nature of the collapse in employment. Less people buying = less demand = more layoffs = less people buying.

Don't bother..I know your answer.

57 States!
First downgrade ever!
Record Poverty!

It all happens in a vacuum in your world, man.

The economy just started collapsing in 2009.

Before then..was the golden age..

So you must be totally against computer too, right?

They put all those abacus workers out of business!

Oh, the irony.. the "science & technology" crowd is now whining about science & technology.


Seriously, these people are positively mental.

Swallow is anti-science?

Where is rdean?


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