Obama: The fall


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2009
Below is a snip-it from Karat hammer's op-ed. He nailed the entire "sequester" debacle in his analysis.

It began with the sequester. Obama never believed the Republicans would call his bluff and let it go into effect. They did.

Taken by surprise, Obama cried wolf, predicting the end of everything we hold dear if the sequester was not stopped. It wasn’t. Nothing happened.

Highly embarrassed, and determined to indeed make (bad) things happen, the White House refused Republican offers to give it more discretion in making cuts. Bureaucrats were instructed to inflict maximum pain from minimal cuts, as revealed by one memo from the Agriculture Department demanding agency cuts that the public would feel.

Obama: The fall - The Washington Post
Not always a fan of Krauthammer, but I think he nailed this one. Obama's performance regarding the sequester was that of a petulant child. He came off as petty, childish and sophomoric. He promised the end of life as we know it, based on cuts in the rate of growth of spending; only the painfully dumb bought it.
Not always a fan of Krauthammer, but I think he nailed this one. Obama's performance regarding the sequester was that of a petulant child. He came off as petty, childish and sophomoric. He promised the end of life as we know it, based on cuts in the rate of growth of spending; only the painfully dumb bought it.

unfortunately, around 40% of the country is painfully dumb, including 80% of the media and 100% of hollywood.
Below is a snip-it from Karat hammer's op-ed. He nailed the entire "sequester" debacle in his analysis.

It began with the sequester. Obama never believed the Republicans would call his bluff and let it go into effect. They did.

Taken by surprise, Obama cried wolf, predicting the end of everything we hold dear if the sequester was not stopped. It wasn’t. Nothing happened.

Highly embarrassed, and determined to indeed make (bad) things happen, the White House refused Republican offers to give it more discretion in making cuts. Bureaucrats were instructed to inflict maximum pain from minimal cuts, as revealed by one memo from the Agriculture Department demanding agency cuts that the public would feel.

Obama: The fall - The Washington Post

Krauthammer, of course, gets it wrong again.

The sequester is turning into the "death of a thousand cuts" for the Republicans.

They are the ones that are crying like little children when their constituency is affected.

And they are illustrating, for all to see, that the only people they care about at all..are the wealthy.

All of a sudden..low and behold, congressional gridlock has disappeared for Air Traffic Controller furloughs..and the "spending" continues!

Obama not only falling; rather, sinking:

Friday, May 03, 2013

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 45% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Obama's job performance. Fifty-three percent (53%) now disapprove.

This is the lowest level of approval for the president since August of last year.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports?
Below is a snip-it from Karat hammer's op-ed. He nailed the entire "sequester" debacle in his analysis.

It began with the sequester. Obama never believed the Republicans would call his bluff and let it go into effect. They did.

Taken by surprise, Obama cried wolf, predicting the end of everything we hold dear if the sequester was not stopped. It wasn’t. Nothing happened.

Highly embarrassed, and determined to indeed make (bad) things happen, the White House refused Republican offers to give it more discretion in making cuts. Bureaucrats were instructed to inflict maximum pain from minimal cuts, as revealed by one memo from the Agriculture Department demanding agency cuts that the public would feel.

Obama: The fall - The Washington Post

Krauthammer, of course, gets it wrong again.

The sequester is turning into the "death of a thousand cuts" for the Republicans.

They are the ones that are crying like little children when their constituency is affected.

And they are illustrating, for all to see, that the only people they care about at all..are the wealthy.

All of a sudden..low and behold, congressional gridlock has disappeared for Air Traffic Controller furloughs..and the "spending" continues!


Actually, Obama got his butt kicked. $83 billion in cuts? The US government spends roughly that much in a week. He made a mountain out of a molehill. A purely political stunt that backfired, hence his approval ratings.
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Below is a snip-it from Karat hammer's op-ed. He nailed the entire "sequester" debacle in his analysis.

It began with the sequester. Obama never believed the Republicans would call his bluff and let it go into effect. They did.

Taken by surprise, Obama cried wolf, predicting the end of everything we hold dear if the sequester was not stopped. It wasn’t. Nothing happened.

Highly embarrassed, and determined to indeed make (bad) things happen, the White House refused Republican offers to give it more discretion in making cuts. Bureaucrats were instructed to inflict maximum pain from minimal cuts, as revealed by one memo from the Agriculture Department demanding agency cuts that the public would feel.

Obama: The fall - The Washington Post

Krauthammer, of course, gets it wrong again.

The sequester is turning into the "death of a thousand cuts" for the Republicans.

They are the ones that are crying like little children when their constituency is affected.

And they are illustrating, for all to see, that the only people they care about at all..are the wealthy.

All of a sudden..low and behold, congressional gridlock has disappeared for Air Traffic Controller furloughs..and the "spending" continues!


So dems dont fly?
Most sane people realize that obama is dedicated to increasing the pain of a 2% cut in the growth of government. obama is like the abusive husband that breaks his wife's nose because she burned the toast then says "See what you made me do."
The great thing is you right wingers will have to watch this young president live a VERY VERY long time.

He will be an honored guest world round until you die.

You will NEVER be rid of Obama and the American people will hire presidents of all colors going forward in time.

it will be very painful for you racists.

some of you may even become better people because of it.
Below is a snip-it from Karat hammer's op-ed. He nailed the entire "sequester" debacle in his analysis.

It began with the sequester. Obama never believed the Republicans would call his bluff and let it go into effect. They did.

Taken by surprise, Obama cried wolf, predicting the end of everything we hold dear if the sequester was not stopped. It wasn’t. Nothing happened.

Highly embarrassed, and determined to indeed make (bad) things happen, the White House refused Republican offers to give it more discretion in making cuts. Bureaucrats were instructed to inflict maximum pain from minimal cuts, as revealed by one memo from the Agriculture Department demanding agency cuts that the public would feel.

Obama: The fall - The Washington Post

Must have been a slow week at the WP op-ed desk. I'm surprised the WP would print such a poorly written piece of shit. "Obama cried wolf" ?? When did this happen?

"Nothing happened"??? How fucking clueless is this lame?
As is becoming more clear by the day, the only people left defending obama at this point are the truly ignorant, the racist, the uninformed and blind partisan hacks, and we have a few here. They don't have a leg to stand on in obama's defense, but have no shame and don't care about looking stupid trying to prop up a dead horse.
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Below is a snip-it from Karat hammer's op-ed. He nailed the entire "sequester" debacle in his analysis.

It began with the sequester. Obama never believed the Republicans would call his bluff and let it go into effect. They did.

Taken by surprise, Obama cried wolf, predicting the end of everything we hold dear if the sequester was not stopped. It wasn’t. Nothing happened.

Highly embarrassed, and determined to indeed make (bad) things happen, the White House refused Republican offers to give it more discretion in making cuts. Bureaucrats were instructed to inflict maximum pain from minimal cuts, as revealed by one memo from the Agriculture Department demanding agency cuts that the public would feel.

Obama: The fall - The Washington Post

Must have been a slow week at the WP op-ed desk. I'm surprised the WP would print such a poorly written piece of shit. "Obama cried wolf" ?? When did this happen?

"Nothing happened"??? How fucking clueless is this lame?

Yup... when some libtard freak such as yourself makes such an absolutely mind numbing stupid post such as the one above, it leaves us informed, logical, reasonable people just wondering if you're even smart enough to wipe your own ass.
LOL. Same people talking about Obama falling that talked about the landslide election of Romney was going to prove the American people did not like the President. Well, President Obama is still President, and the GOP is giving Romney the cold shoulder after creating a situation in which he could not possibly win the White House. And the 'Conservatives' are still talking of the President's imminent fall. LOL
You will NEVER be free of Obama you fools.

He will be honored the rest of your lives world wide.

He will out live the vast majority of you
Notice how it's the DUMBEST people on the board that are obama supporters?

All the most intelligent people are NOT.

Enough said.
The great thing is you right wingers will have to watch this young president live a VERY VERY long time.

He will be an honored guest world round until you die.

You will NEVER be rid of Obama and the American people will hire presidents of all colors going forward in time.

it will be very painful for you racists.

some of you may even become better people because of it.

thats not the issue, TM. I know that you wish it was, but its not.

We do not like obama's policies, not the man. I am sure I would enjoy a round of golf with him or shooting some hoops.

Unlike you libs, we do not engage in personal attacks and destruction. We will continue to attack his policies and his ideology because they are wrong for America.

I know that you want everything to be personal or racist-----but its not.

Grow up.
The great thing is you right wingers will have to watch this young president live a VERY VERY long time.

He will be an honored guest world round until you die.

You will NEVER be rid of Obama and the American people will hire presidents of all colors going forward in time.

it will be very painful for you racists.

some of you may even become better people because of it.

He's already not an honored guest anywhere and obama's secretary of state just got everyone tossed out of Bolivia! The obamas couldn't even get an invite to Chelsea Clinton's wedding. Not even Barney Frank wanted him. obama isn't even an honored guest in THIS country.

I just LOVE it when this asinine twerp gets sand kicked in his face. When is he going to get the first door actually slammed in his face? Soon. Soon.

He better stick with Letterman. He can demand what he wants there.
Notice how it's the DUMBEST people on the board that are obama supporters?

All the most intelligent people are NOT.

Enough said.

Obama is President and you are a flap-yap on a message board.

The only measure of intellect we have for those posting on this board is the quality of their posts, and the research they do on various subjects. OOServile, you don't really rank very high by either standard.
The great thing is you right wingers will have to watch this young president live a VERY VERY long time.

He will be an honored guest world round until you die.

You will NEVER be rid of Obama and the American people will hire presidents of all colors going forward in time.

it will be very painful for you racists.

some of you may even become better people because of it.

He's already not an honored guest anywhere and obama's secretary of state just got everyone tossed out of Bolivia! The obamas couldn't even get an invite to Chelsea Clinton's wedding. Not even Barney Frank wanted him. obama isn't even an honored guest in THIS country.

I just LOVE it when this asinine twerp gets sand kicked in his face. When is he going to get the first door actually slammed in his face? Soon. Soon.

He better stick with Letterman. He can demand what he wants there.

LOL. You said the same about Clinton. He is honored in every country in which he visists. Whereas Bush faces arrest warrants in some nations. And certainly doesn't visit abroad very much. In fact, he wasn't even at the GOP Convention. When the GOP doesn't want the company of their former leader, that says much about the GOP and that leader.

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