Obama To Announce 5 ‘Promise Zones’ In Effort To Focus On Income Inequality

In today's contentious presidential elections even 7 electoral votes can make the difference between winning and losing.

Plus, Oklahoma is considered the reddest of the red states.

Sure, throwing some free tax payer money at the state to try and change it to Blue is a long shot.

But what the heck.....it might work.

And it's not costing the Democrats anything. ... :cool:

Be serious. You really think the Dems give a shit about Oklahoma?
If they want to steal electoral votes they would put the money in swing states Florida, Ohio and Virginia

Then why even give money to the Choctaw nation? As I've said, they are not hurting! Hell, why not the Kiowa, Caddo, Potawatomi, Ponca, or Ottawa Nations?

I have no idea...I know jack shit about the Choctaws

It is a pilot program...he probably wants to see the effects on the Native American nations
Be serious. You really think the Dems give a shit about Oklahoma?
If they want to steal electoral votes they would put the money in swing states Florida, Ohio and Virginia

Then why even give money to the Choctaw nation? As I've said, they are not hurting! Hell, why not the Kiowa, Caddo, Potawatomi, Ponca, or Ottawa Nations?

I have no idea...I know jack shit about the Choctaws

It is a pilot program...he probably wants to see the effects on the Native American nations

His handlers(those who came up with this program) probably know as much as you do then... If it's enough the Choctaw Nation can open a couple more casinos, maybe 8 isn't enough.
There's a lot of people getting pissed off over income inequality and it's mainly the working class. There is growing discontent within the working class after decades of flat wage growth. A worker in a non-supervisory position makes less that their counterpoints did in the late 1970's in Real Dollars. That's a fact.
What Have Wages Really Been Doing Over the Last 50 Years? | Corrente
Prove me wrong.
The same people who bitch about people complaining about income inequality are the same people who are bitching about the recession's slow recovery. Guess what, flat wages and income inequality are slowing economic growth.
Economists say income inequality hurts U.S. economy
Economists say income inequality hurts U.S. economy | The Salt Lake Tribune
Tax free zones aimed at attracting businesses to blighted areas is not a new idea.
They can work as long as local law enforcement is sufficient to control street crime.
really, after what we witnessed during the La riots why would anyone want to open a business in those areas?

Obama and his PROMISES promise promise..it's just never ending with the man...and then he expects us taxpayers to foot the bills for all his promises...I can barely get by now with this man as President
Just what we need another slush fund of handouts for the Truthmatters types.

How many trillions of dollars have we spent on the war on poverty since LBJs days? And we still have poverty so I guess we just haven't shoveled enough money down that rat hole yet.

Money for nothin' and the chicks are free....
I don't care what this fool does--he is smart enough to know prosperity is needed and government can not make prosperity happen. Also Just dumb enough to continue pissing off the wrong people.
Tax free zones aimed at attracting businesses to blighted areas is not a new idea.
They can work as long as local law enforcement is sufficient to control street crime.
"Hello Jack. I'm wondering if we should think about opening some of our Whole Food' outlets in some of the more run down violent street crime parts of the inner cities? 'Bobo promises.....yes Jack we all know about Bobo and his 'promises'. He 'promises to basically give us 100% business tax deductions into the foreseeable future if we do open the stores. Yes Jack there are basically zero cops and yes those who do work in the rat holes are corrupt. What? Of course we won't have any fresh foods. Who would buy it? Just the fat sugar and salt Jack. What? Don't get excited Jack. It was just a thought. Yes she's fine". Click.
If having 'businesses' locate in the inner cities is such a great idea why doesn't Bobo and Reggie love open a gay-porn shop in Engelwood?
Very true

Why isn't it a Republican initiative to bring in jobs to poor areas? They bitch about "free stuff" ...why are they bitching about bringing in jobs?

Do the Republicans plan on never having poor and minority Americans vote for them?

You nimrod !! There's no money to be made in the ghetto and if you did open a business there it will be robbed repeatedly until it closes.
The problem is the people who live there.
Very interesting

And what is the Republican solution? You have 47% of the vote you need to recapture, what is your plan?

Continue calling them bums and thieves?

A spade a spade and all that......
You cannot make someone change. That has to come from within.
Giving them free shit obviously isn't the answer. How about you stop giving them free shit and see what happens? I predict they'll rob and steal even more rather then get a job and move out of the ghetto.
It's a way of life for some of them,and you cant change that unless they want to.
Think about how much it sucks going back to work after a two week vacation. Now think about going to work after being on the dole for years. Ain't gonna happen unless they totally change their lifestyle and dedicate themselves to that change.
Very true

Why isn't it a Republican initiative to bring in jobs to poor areas? They bitch about "free stuff" ...why are they bitching about bringing in jobs?

Do the Republicans plan on never having poor and minority Americans vote for them?

You nimrod !! There's no money to be made in the ghetto and if you did open a business there it will be robbed repeatedly until it closes.
The problem is the people who live there.
Very interesting

And what is the Republican solution? You have 47% of the vote you need to recapture, what is your plan?

Continue calling them bums and thieves?
This is a prime example of a stuuuuupid LIB: Hey Einstein! The REP do not need to "recapture" 47% of the vote. The Reps only need to get enough votes to kick the LIBs out in 16. That would be about 2% more than they got last time. Wake up pal.
You nimrod !! There's no money to be made in the ghetto and if you did open a business there it will be robbed repeatedly until it closes.
The problem is the people who live there.
Very interesting

And what is the Republican solution? You have 47% of the vote you need to recapture, what is your plan?

Continue calling them bums and thieves?
If the shoe fits...

Actually, that shoe does fit in with current GOP rhetoric

If they want to remain a viable party, they will need to try on new shoes
You nimrod !! There's no money to be made in the ghetto and if you did open a business there it will be robbed repeatedly until it closes.
The problem is the people who live there.
Very interesting

And what is the Republican solution? You have 47% of the vote you need to recapture, what is your plan?

Continue calling them bums and thieves?
This is a prime example of a stuuuuupid LIB: Hey Einstein! The REP do not need to "recapture" 47% of the vote. The Reps only need to get enough votes to kick the LIBs out in 16. That would be about 2% more than they got last time. Wake up pal.

Well Poindexter,

In that case it seems you have a problem. We elect President by electoral vote not popular vote. Republicans are currently behind by one hundred electoral votes before the race even starts. Unless they can win 75% of the votes in swing states...they lose

That 2% kills you in swing states and will ensure you won't win the White House for a generation
You nimrod !! There's no money to be made in the ghetto and if you did open a business there it will be robbed repeatedly until it closes.
The problem is the people who live there.
Very interesting

And what is the Republican solution? You have 47% of the vote you need to recapture, what is your plan?

Continue calling them bums and thieves?

A spade a spade and all that......
You cannot make someone change. That has to come from within.
Giving them free shit obviously isn't the answer. How about you stop giving them free shit and see what happens? I predict they'll rob and steal even more rather then get a job and move out of the ghetto. It's a way of life for some of them,and you cant change that unless they want to.
Think about how much it sucks going back to work after a two week vacation. Now think about going to work after being on the dole for years. Ain't gonna happen unless they totally change their lifestyle and dedicate themselves to that change.

As Reagan said..

Very interesting

And what is the Republican solution? You have 47% of the vote you need to recapture, what is your plan?

Continue calling them bums and thieves?
If the shoe fits...

Actually, that shoe does fit in with current GOP rhetoric

If they want to remain a viable party, they will need to try on new shoes

Let's see....Republicans control the House....control almost 2/3 of all State legislatures and Governorships....but are not viable. Yeah...right.

Can't wait until the Obamacare mid-term elections in a few months. And 2016 with Mee-Maw geriatric Hillary? Wonder who's gonna be struggling with viability then? There is only so much Government cheese to hand out.
Very interesting

And what is the Republican solution? You have 47% of the vote you need to recapture, what is your plan?

Continue calling them bums and thieves?
If the shoe fits...

Actually, that shoe does fit in with current GOP rhetoric

If they want to remain a viable party, they will need to try on new shoes

Nice try, but it was you who said it and only the left that repeats what the left started.

I don't disagree about reminding viable. But how the takers in society want to be perceived is not the issue.
Here we go again, these people vote Democrats and their lives become Unequal, whatever the hell that means..then these same Democrats act like their saviors by demanding MORE MONEY from taxpayers to GIVE TO THEM

you feel as if you are getting screwed with no vaseline?

so the thing to do next election...go vote Democrat so you can screw yourselves all over again, especially if OScamCare wasn't enough for you
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If the shoe fits...

Actually, that shoe does fit in with current GOP rhetoric

If they want to remain a viable party, they will need to try on new shoes

Let's see....Republicans control the House....control almost 2/3 of all State legislatures and Governorships....but are not viable. Yeah...right.

Can't wait until the Obamacare mid-term elections in a few months. And 2016 with Mee-Maw geriatric Hillary? Wonder who's gonna be struggling with viability then? There is only so much Government cheese to hand out.

The Republicans have gerrymandered themselves into smaller and smaller districts. They have bet the ranch on the old, white, christian voter who is getting older and has less power. They have alienated blacks, hispanics, gays, young women and labor to the point they have lost a generation of voters

Let the Republicans run on taking peoples health insurance away in 2014...it should be interesting
Here we go again, these people vote Democrats and their lives become Unequal, whatever the hell that means..then these same Democrats act like their saviors by demanding MORE MONEY from taxpayers to GIVE TO THEM

you feel as if you are getting screwed with no vaseline?

so the thing to do next election...go vote Democrat so you can screw yourselves all over again, especially if OScamCare wasn't enough for you

How much have your taxes gone up under Obama?
Here we go again, these people vote Democrats and their lives become Unequal, whatever the hell that means..then these same Democrats act like their saviors by demanding MORE MONEY from taxpayers to GIVE TO THEM

you feel as if you are getting screwed with no vaseline?

so the thing to do next election...go vote Democrat so you can screw yourselves all over again, especially if OScamCare wasn't enough for you

How much have your taxes gone up under Obama?

Are you really trying to say they wont go up?

This should get you started......
the federal government provides tax incentives and grants to help communities tackle poverty

Good start........the Republicans should have thought of it

We did. As we flushed the toilet.

The Choctaw Nation is a "promise zone"? :lol:

It doesn't get any weirder than this crap.

In the 2012 election, Republicans openly accepted that the 47% would never vote for them

After the election, they whined about "free-stuff" and entitlements buying votes. They also vowed that they needed to compete for minority and low income votes

So why didn't Republicans come up with this plan?

Tax incentives and grants to help poor communities bring in JOBS. Not free-stuff but JOBS. Identify impoverished areas and encourage the private sector to move in there and provide JOBS

Why isn't this a Republican plan?

Republicans came up with a similar plan decades ago called "Enterprise Zones."

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