Obama to make recess apointments?

To quote a great Liberal..."Liberal activists are F*cking Retarded." This is especially true of Hopey Changey sheep. Yea recess appointments are now good. What a scam.
Due to the current obstructionist GOP....Recess appointments are a necessity

Go for it Mr President!
The purpose of the recess appointment clause was to allow the President to keep the operations of government running even when the Senate is not in session and thus is unable to confirm presidential appointees. It was not designed to circumvent the Senate. Using recess appointments is an end run around the checks and balances that the framers of the Constitution envisioned. I oppose the use of recess appointments for any reason other than their original intent.

Well put Zander... :clap2:
It sucks, but what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

Have at it Obama!

But...but....but....DIdnt Obama say he was going to change the way things are done in Wqashington?

So now with recess appontments ALSO thrown to the wind...exactly what has he changed in Washington?
hey old and tired, some of those appointment are in National Security, but god forbid something goes boom on americain soil, you motherfuckers would be the first one screaming about how Obama didn't protect us, right asswipe
Some in the GOP are holding up Obama's appointments to EXTORT MONEY from the Obama administration nothing more nothing less. They are THUGS they aren't doing this for some kind of rightous purpose they are doing it for MONEY!!!

You are confused...It was the La Senator that extorted money....the Nebraska Senator...and, of course, Florida.

And if you recall, they were democrats.
I bet it will be Obama's fault if their is a failure at one of the departments that have vacant positions right? We are talking about CRITICAL positions that NEED to be filled so if it takes recess appointments to keep these CRITICAL departments running then so be it.
hey old and tired, some of those appointment are in National Security, but god forbid something goes boom on americain soil, you motherfuckers would be the first one screaming about how Obama didn't protect us, right asswipe

thanks for calling me a mf'er....real mature.

He had a year to do it....why did he wait?

So he can have people like you blame the GOP?

Wake up. You are acting like a sheep.
I bet it will be Obama's fault if their is a failure at one of the departments that have vacant positions right? We are talking about CRITICAL positions that NEED to be filled so if it takes recess appointments to keep these CRITICAL departments running then so be it.

See how well he set things up?
He is a spinless fraud who found a way to capitalize on losing the super majority....and thus open the door to blaming everyoine but himself and his party.

ANd you and yours continue to stare and say....OBAMA...OBAMA....
Due to the current obstructionist GOP....Recess appointments are a necessity

Go for it Mr President!

either you dont get it and thus you are a moron or you dont want to get it and thus you are a partisan loser.
Either way, you make me laugh.
Nice guys who play by the rules always finish last.

Politics is not a nice geenteel gentlemans club.
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you stupid fuck, it only takes one Senator to put a hold on any nonination and he put out a blanket hold on all of them! His name would be Shelby, a fucking repuke who is more worried about a few ear marks over national security
It is wrong to use recess appointments as a way to circumvent the Senate regardless of which party is in power. I opposed it when Clinton did it. I opposed it when Bush did it. I oppose it now. I will always oppose it based upon PRINCIPLE.
you stupid fuck, it only takes one Senator to put a hold on any nonination and he put out a blanket hold on all of them! His name would be Shelby, a fucking repuke who is more worried about a few ear marks over national security

Gee....have a problem with the English language?
Your mommy know you speak that way?
You are a sad example of an American.
So if we are attacked again due to the TSA not having a leader it will be AT THE REPUBLICAN'S FEET!!!

It worked.

Obama, once again, has cleared himself of ANY future attacks.

Sad how you continually allow himself to give himself a pass.

And when REAL Americans speak out, he has you damning them as well.

You are a pathetic Amereican and not worthy of the title American.

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